Invited speakerMarco Cammarata - CNRS / University of Rennes 1
Picosecond dynamics of photoexcited materials
Invited speakerMajed Chergui - Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Perspectives for time-resolved studies at Synchrotrons
Invited speakerSimone Di Mitri - Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste
Overview on Time-Resolved Schemes for Synchrotrons
Invited speakerAlexander Föhlisch - HZB, U Potsdam
Picosecond soft X-ray science and the variable pulse length storage ring BESSY-VSR
Invited speakerGiacomo Ghiringhelli - Politecnico di Milano
Resonant soft x-ray spectroscopy with ps time resolution: scientific opportunities and technical constraints
Invited speakerMathias Kläui - Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz
Topological Spin Dynamics
Invited speakerChristopher Milne - Paul Scherrer Institut
Time-resolved X-ray Spectroscopy at High Repetition Rates: Applications to Chemistry and Biology
Invited speakerLaurent Nahon - Synchrotron SOLEIL
Opportunities for exploring ps-dynamics in the VUV - XUV range on gas phase molecules including chiral systems
Invited speakerKatharine Reid - University of Nottingham
Extracting dynamical information from picosecond time-resolved photoelectron images
Invited speakerFausto Sirotti - CNRS
Challenges and opportunities for pump-probe spectroscopy at synchrotron radiation sourcesChallenges and opportunities for pump-probe spectroscopy at synchrotron radiation sources
Invited speakerPhilippe Wernet - Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin
Closing information gaps in photochemical reaction dynamics with ps x-ray spectroscopy
Invited speakerXiaoyang Zhu - Columbia University
Solvation in the Solid State: Design Principle for “Perfect” Semiconductors
Adriana Alvidrez - Lechuga - CIMAV
Effect of carbon doping on Ge(001)/Mn5Ge3 thin films grown by magnetron sputtering technique
Marco Caputo - Paul Scherrer Institut
Manipulating the ground state in nickelates using proximity with magnetic layers
Eugenio Cinquanta - CNR-IFN
Large Polaron evidence in the Ultrafast THz response of Lead-Halide Perovskites
Cesare Grazioli - CNR-IOM
Ultrafast excited state dynamics of ortho-nitrophenol by photoemission spectroscopy
Guillermo Herrera - Perez - CONACyT-CIMAV
Structure, electronic structure, dielectric and ferroelectric properties of lead free perovskite Ba1-xCaxTi0.9Zr0.1O3
Mathias Sander - ESRF
Resolving 20ps coherent acoustic lattice vibrations with shortened synchrotron pulses