Abstracts submission
The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to March 31, 2009. Abstracts should be submitted to radsynch09@elettra.trieste.it. Please write in the subject the word "radsynch_abstract" plus "Your name" (e.g. radsynch_abstract_Rossi), and make sure that the attached document does not exceed 2.5Mb, otherwise it will be refused by our mailer system. Accepted format are .doc, .rtf or .pdf; a compressed (.zip) version of the abstract is also accepted. To have a common layout, please download the
abstract template.
Submitted abstracts
- Accuracy of Dose Measurements at BESSYII and MLS, H. Glass, M. Martin, K. Ott, and D. Schüler
- Activation Analysis of Soil, Air and Water near the NSLS II Accelerator Enclosures, P. K. Job and W. R. Casey
- ALARA Analysis of NSLS-II Shield Designs, W. R. Casey and P. K. Job
- Bulk shielding design for the MAX IV facility, M. Lundin and B. Schröder
- Commissioning of CLS Phase II beamlines, M. Benmerrouche, L. Cowles, G. Cubbon and A. Hodges
- Development and Experimental Performance Evaluation of a Dose-Rate meter for Pulsed Beam, A. Vascotto, M. Ballerini, G. Merlino, K. Casarin, S. Sbarra
- Direct gas-bremsstrahlung measurements on an in vacuum ID beam line at SOLEIL, P. Berkvens, F. Justine, C. Mage, J-B. Pruvost
- Dose rate considerations for the BMIT POE3, J. Asai, T. W. Wysokinski, D. Chapman and C. Mullin
- Experiences From First Top-Off Injection At The Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource, J. M. Bauer, J. C. Liu, A. A. Prinz and S. H. Rokni
- LNLS radiological safety improvements, R. Madacki
- Measurements of gamma spectra and dose rates depending on the gap size of a super conducting in-vacuum undulator, I. Birkel
- On the unfolding problem in neutron spectrometry around high-energy electron facilities, A. Esposito, R. Bedogni
- Radiation Protection at the PETRA III Photon Beam Lines, J. Knabe, S. Lessmann-Bassen, A. Wefer, T. Wroblewski
- Radiation Protection Concept and Commissioning of the PETRA III Storage Ring, A. Leuschner
- Radiation Safety Considerations for the TPS Accelerators, R. J. Sheu, J. Liu and J. P. Wang
- Radiation Safety issues for the PF-AR in KEK, H. Nakamura, Y. Namito, K. Iijima and S. Ban
- Radiation Safety System of Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility, X. Xia, X. Xu, J. Xu, J. Cai, J. Wang and X. Liu
- Radiological studies during the ALBA Linac commissioning, F.Fernández and X. Queralt
- Radiological studies during the conditioning of the RF cavity for the ALBA Storage Ring, F. Fernández, J. Sentkerestiova and X. Queralt
- Safety issues related to the SSRT project at the ESRF, J. F. Adam, P. Berkvens, A. Bravin, F. Esteve, C. Nemoz, Y. Prezado, M. Renier & H. Requardt
- Shielding Design for the Imaging and Medical Therapy Beamline at the Australian Synchrotron, P. Berkvens and D. Häusermann
- Shielding Design of the SPring-8 XFEL Facility, Y. Asano and T. Itoga
- Simulation of Gas Bremsstrahlung Radiation from APS Undulator Straight Sections using MARS, J. Dooling and L. Emery
- Study the Effectiveness of Thin Low-Z Scrapers in the Electron Storage Rings, P. K. Job, S. Kramer and W. R. Casey
- The FERMI project @ Elettra: radiation protection and safety issues, G. Tromba, K. Casarin, F. Longo, E. Quai and A. Vascotto
- The Radiation Monitor PANDORA (LB 6419) at PETRA III, A. Leuschner, W. Clement, T. Häupke, M. Kirsch, A. Klett, K.P. Klimek, M. Lomperski, M. Morgenstern, M. Sachwitz, N. Tesch
- The SYRMA project for clinical mammography @ Elettra: Safety, Control and Supervision systems, A. Abrami, V. Chenda, K. Casarin, D. Dreossi, E. Quai, G. Tromba, A. Vascotto
- Top-Up Operation at Diamond Light Source, P. Bonner and F. Burge
- Upgrade Challenges at a 2nd Generation Ring, M. L. Marceau-Day