Past News
Pagina 4 di 11
Francesco was awared the PhD in Nanotechnology.
It is a great pleasure to announce that Francesco Presel graduated in Nanotechnology at the University of Trieste by discussing his research results and the thesis entitled "Adsorption and interaction of atoms, molecues and nanoclusters on epitaxial graphene”.
Franscesco has been an excellent student, fully devoted to the research work, capable to always help all the members of the lab with outstanding generosity. We are convinced that he will have a brilliant future and we whish him all the best for the new posdoctoral activity at the Physics Department of the Technical University of Denmark.
Grazie Franz !!!
New "PhD in Physics" from our Lab.
Harsh Vardhan Bana graduated in Physics at the University of Trieste defending a PhD thesis by the title "Growth of two-dimensional materials and investigation of their structural and electronic properties”. In his dissertation, Harsh presented the main results achieved in the three years of research activity at the SuperESCA bemline. The experiments he carried out were primarily aimed at the structural determination of transition metals dicalchogenides grown on different metal substrates. X-ray Photoelectron Diffraction was the techniques of choice in most of the experiments
Congratulations to Dr. Bana !!!
On January 25th, at the end of the 3 days Annual Conference of the PhD Program in Nanotechnology, Francesco Presel received the Award for the best PhD student career.
The Conference is meant to provide PhD students the opportunity to present and discuss the main results achieved during their last year of scientific activity in their respective fields. The Student Award is assigned on the basis of the achievements during all three years of PhD, including publications, presentations at conferences and periods abroad.
Ultima modifica il Mercoledì, 09 Ottobre 2024 15:55