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Students Training
The Nanoscale Materials Laboratory is actively involved in the training activity of both undergraduate students in Physics and PhD students from the Doctoral Schools of Physics and Nanotechnology of the University of Trieste. Besides the students who are working on their Master’s and PhD theses, since 2001 the Laboratory has been hosting the experimental activity of the Condensed Matter Laboratory course, which is held in the second term of the academic year. This activity is also meant to strengthen the long standing relationship between the Master’s Degree Course in Physics of the University of Trieste and the scientific world of the Elettra Laboratory.
Typical topics explored during the course are related to the experimental investigation of the electronic structure of solid surfaces, with the aim of highlighting the links between these properties and the morphological and chemical properties of the systems in analysis.
The experimental techniques which are most widely employed for the characterization of the surfaces are Low Energy Electron Diffraction and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy. After a preliminary training period in the Laboratory, the undergraduates are involved in a series of experimental activities at the SuperESCA beamline of Elettra, where the systems under study are investigated by synchrotron radiation-based techniques. In this stage students are offered the opportunity to deal with the researchers and beam line scientists working at the Elettra synchrotron facility.
The published results of the STUDENTS
In recent years, some students have achieved remarkable goals. The results of the Laboratory activity have been published on International journals subject to peer review. We would like to mention, in particular, the results obtained from the investigation of the Oxygen interaction with Ir(111), published on New Journal of Physics in 2009 (M. Bianchi et al., New J. Phys. 11, 063052 (2009)), and from the determination of the Layer-dependent Debye temperature of Ru(0001), published on Physical Review B in 2010 (E. Ferrari et al., Phys. Rev. B 82, 195420 (2010)).
In 2014 the results of the students have been published on The Journal of Physical Chemistry C in a paper entitled The thinnest carpet on the smallest staircase: the growth of graphene on Rh(533) (B. Casarin et al., 118, 6242 (2014)) and have been SELECTED FOR THE COVER OF VOL. 118, ISS 12.
The educational purposes of the course are the following:
● a solid background knowledge in the field of experimental surface science;
● a great familiarity with state-of-the-art scientific instrumentation;
● a good acquaintance with some of the synchrotron radiation based techniques;
● an improved expertise in handling and processing experimental data;
● ability to analyse, interpret and report on the experimental results;
● teamwork skills.
Are you interested in graphene ?
Join us to exploit the structural and electronic properties
of the thinnest materials
using the synchrotron radiation
produced by Elettra !
Students interested in the research program of our Laboratory are encouraged to get in touch with Alessandro Baraldi to discuss all issues regarding the experiments, possible collaborations and the opportunities for Bachler's , Master's or PhD thesis projects.
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The exciting world of 2D materials ?
2D Materials are attracting considerable attention for their superlative physical and chemical properties. They consist of ultra-thin sheets exhibiting covalent in-plane bonds. Following the discovery of graphene, with its unique properties, entirely new synthetic 2D materials provide access to a great range of properties through the choice of the constituents elements and substrates.
Since 2008 our team in collaboration with the SuperESCA group is strongly involved in the study of a wide range of properties of these amazing materials.
Ultima modifica il Sabato, 19 Ottobre 2024 21:44