Past News



18 September

Davide Mondin: bravissimo !

Congratulations to Davide for graduating in Physics with the maximum  + LAUDE. It's a significant achievement, and we are sure it's a moment of pride for both Davide and his family.
Best wishes Davide for a bright future !

Let's seize another opportunity to celebrate!



3-7 September

"Advanced Photoemission Studies of 2D and Quantum Materials"

Luca has organised jointly with Antonija Grubisic-Cabo (University of Groningen, NL) and Davide Curcio (University of Aarhus, DK) the mini-colloqiuum "Advanced Photoemission Studies of 2D and Quantum Materials", which was part of the program of the 30th conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society and which was held jointly with the FisMat2023 conference in Milan. The program of the colloqiuum featured 6 invited and 10 contributed talks, bringing together many experts in the field of photoemission.


2 September

Spectroscopy Summer School in LUND

Deborah is back in the lab after partecipating in the Spectroscopy Summer School 2023 organized by Max IV and LINXS and dedicated to PhD students and young researchers who want to understand and apply techniques to a variety of scientific and technological research topics.


25 July

Again proud of our students: Cecilia Botta !

Congratulations to our outstanding Cecilia Botta on achieving the highest evaluations for her bachelor's degree (110 cum laude)! Your capabilities, hard work and dedication have truly paid off.

We know that there is a piece of your thesis flyhing somewhere......

Let's hope for the best Cecilia !


29 June

Double Prize for Deborah Perco.

Deborah is back from the Cluster Meeting 2023 organized by the J. Heyrovsky Institute and held in Prag (June 18-23) where she received a double award: Best HOT TOPIC talk and BEST POSTER of the Meeting.

Never settle for little: congratulations Deborah  !

Deborah1  Deborah2

23 May

A well deserved PhD

When your research group includes such exceptionally talented students, it's evident that the quality of our results reaches its pinnacle.
Thank you Fede.

Today Federico Loi concluded his Phd  journey with us (and more). It will be not easy without him in the Lab.

Buona fortuna Fede !!!


23 Febraury

Federico Loi was awared the BEST PHD CAREER

Once more we are very proud of our PhD students.
Federico Loi, enrolled in the last year of the Phd In Nanotechnology, was awarded the Best PhD Career during the CrossNano 2023 congress which was held at the University of Trieste between 21 and 23 February 2023.
A relly well-deserved prize.

Bravo Fede !!!






1 November

Deborah and Andrea new PhD students in our Lab

Congratulations to Deborah and Andrea on joining our research group for their PhDs. It's always great to welcome new members to a research team, especially thos who have great qualities. I'm sure they will contribute valuable insights and ideas to nmL group's work.

Best of luck to you in your research endeavors!



21 October

We succeded twice in a single day !

A special and unforgettable day for the Lab

Today we celebrate Deborah Perco and Andrea Berti who managed to defend their Master thesis in Physics in the final public examination.
Deborah discussed her work entitled "Generation of sub-nanometer size-selected iron clusters and study of their oxidation process by means of X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy". Andrea presented the results of his research entitled "Growth and characterization of a novel two dimensional material: platimum dioxide"
It is the first time that the lab obtain a final overall grade of

220/220 cum double laude !!!! 

Deborah ThesisAndrea Thesis


14 October

The first "Master in Chemistry" from the Lab

It is with great joy that we announce that Nicolas Fonda, student of the Master of Science in Chemistry program of the University of Trieste,  has completed his master's degree by discussing the experimental results he obtained with us: "An x-ray absorption study of size-selected clusters: a combined experimental and theoretical approach"

We are really glad to continue this collaboration with the new PhD research program he is going to follow at the University of Udine.

Thanks Nicolas !!! 



20 September

Luca was awared the PhD in Physics.

We are really glad to inform you that Luca Sbuelz graduated in Physics at the University of Trieste by discussing his research results centered on the development and on the first experiments using ENAC, the new size-selected cluster source of the lab. The thesis is entitled  "Study of physical properties of mass selected atomic nanoclusters deposited on solid surfaces”.
Luca has been the driving force to have ENAC working amazingly well at the SuperESCA beamline of Elettra to start our new adventure on the third-dimension of the periodic table.
Best wished to Luca for its new job !

Tante grazie Luca !!!




We are delighted to announce that on October 18th, Federico Loi received  his Master Degree in Physics at the University of Trieste by discussing his experimental results and the thesis entitled  "Studio della crescita di un’interfaccia Grafene/MoS2 tramite spettroscopia di fotoemissione ad alta risoluzione”. The experiments have been performed at the SuperESCA beamline of Elettra. Congratulations Federico for the great achievement: 110/110 cum laude !!!

We are all very happy to announce that, on Friday, February 15th, Dario De Angelis graduated in Physics at the University of Trieste by discussing his research results and the thesis entitled  "Graphene-based interfaces as tuneable support for metal oxide nanoparticles”.
Dario has been a very good student, who allowed us to make fundamental progress with the construction and commissioning of ENAC (Exact Number of Atoms in each Cluster), the newly developed size-selected cluster source. All the best to Dario for the new postdoctoral adventure !!!

Grazie Dario !!
dario aula a



franz phd

Francesco was awared the PhD in Nanotechnology.

It is a great pleasure to announce that Francesco Presel graduated in Nanotechnology at the University of Trieste by discussing his research results and the thesis entitled  "Adsorption and interaction of atoms, molecues and nanoclusters on epitaxial graphene”.
Franscesco has been an excellent student, fully devoted to the research work, capable to always help all the members of the lab with outstanding generosity. We are convinced that he will have a brilliant future and we whish him all the best for the new posdoctoral activity at the Physics Department of the Technical University of Denmark. 

Grazie Franz !!!

fran phd


6 feb

New "PhD in Physics" from our Lab.

Harsh Vardhan Bana graduated in Physics at the University of Trieste defending a PhD thesis by the title "Growth of two-dimensional materials and investigation of their structural and electronic properties”. In his dissertation, Harsh presented the main results achieved in the three years of research activity at the SuperESCA bemline. The experiments he carried out were primarily aimed at the structural determination of transition metals dicalchogenides grown on different metal substrates. X-ray Photoelectron Diffraction was the techniques of choice in most of the experiments

Congratulations to Dr. Bana !!!

harsh phd

26 Jan


On January 25th, at the end of the 3 days Annual Conference of the PhD Program in Nanotechnology, Francesco Presel received the Award for the best PhD student career.

The Conference is meant to provide PhD students the opportunity to present and discuss the main results achieved during their last year of scientific activity in their respective fields. The Student Award is assigned on the basis of the achievements during all three years of PhD, including publications, presentations at conferences and periods abroad.

best career



15 sept


Master Degree Graduation Day! Gian Luca Montanari concluded his thesis activity with the discussion of the experimental results obtained in our Lab and at the SuperESCA beamline of Elettra.
110/110 : congratulations ! 


6 sept1


Francesco is back from the 1st European Conference on Chemistry of Two-Dimensional Materials (Chem2Dmat) in Strasbourg, where he presented a poster on "Factors governing single- and multi-layer graphene growth on
Ir(111) from a solid state carbon source

franz poster


davide phd

Congratulations to Davide for his "PhD in Physics".

We are really very happy to announce that Davide Curcio has gained is PhD degree in Physics after three great years in our lab. Davide discussed a thesis entitled "Growth and properties of graphene-based materials".

Thank you for your amazing contribution! 
 Another great friend is leaving for a new exciting international research experience !
All the best from all of us.

28 marc

Naila received the "PhD in Nanotechnology".

Naila Jabeen has gained is PhD degree in Physics after discussion of a thesis entitled "Investigation of nanoscale properties of graphene-based interfaces for possible application in catalysis ".

Best wishes for a great future at the National Centre for Physics, Islambad !

naila phd

5 apr

Cristian graduated PhD in Nanotechnology.

Cristian Tache has got the PhD in Nanotechnology after discussing a thesis entitled "Different approaches for the growth of graphene monolayers".

He is finally back in Romania at the National Institute of Materials Physics.



Surface Science Lab Group (March 2016)

From left to right: Davide Curcio, Alessandro Baraldi,  Francesco Presel, Harsh Bana, Dario De Angelis, Cristian Tache, Luca Omiciuolo, Naila Jabeen.


Francesco at the Technische Universität of München.

Francesco has spent three months in the new Catalysis Research Centre at the Technical University of München for an Erasmus Traineeship project. During these months he has learnt how to use and optimize a mass-selected nanocluster source, and the knowledge he has acquired there will be used to complete the construction of such an instrument in our laboratory.

Davide is back from TUM

Davide just returned from Munich where he spent a three-month period performing high temperature STM experiments at the Department of Physical Chemistry of the Technisce Universitat München (TUM), under the supervisione of Prof. Sebastian Günther. The main goal of his activity was to study the sophisticated behavior of graphene structures on anisotropic surfaces. 


Davide @ APS
Davide participated at the 2016 APS March Meeting, held in Baltimore, Maryland, where he gave a talk titled “Molecular lifting, twisting, and curling during metal-assisted polycyclic hydrocarbon dehydrogenation”. In the talk, results of the paper published on JACS 2016, 138 (2016) have been reported.


New "PhD in Nanotechnology" from our lab.

It is our great pleasure to announce that Luca Omiciuolo has gained is PhD degree in Nanotechnology after three years of hard works in our lab. Luca discussed a thesis entitled  "Graphene-based low dimensional systems: growth processes and characterization". Congrats !

Thank you for the time spent together, for the achievements, for your full 
dedication and perseverance, for the friendship !



Another "Master of Physics" from the Surface Science Lab: well done Dario!

We are very happy to present a new "Master of Physics" from our lab: Dario successfully passed the final exam by presenting his thesis work on quasicrystal surfaces !  Ottimo Dario !!!


Francesco is back from Barcelona where he partecipated to the European Conference on Surface Science - ECOSS 31, between August 31 and September 4th. He received the IUVSTA-Elsevier Student Awards to partecipate to the meeting where he gave and oral talk entitled "Unravelling the roles of surface chemical composition and geometry for the graphene-metal interaction through C1s core-level spectroscopy", based on the work published on Carbon 93, 187 (2015).

Luca participated at 2015 Materials Research Society Spring Meeting , which this year was held in San Francisco, California. He gave a talk at the Symposium T—Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes entitled "Bottom-Up Approach for the Low-Cost Synthesis of Graphene-Alumina Nanosheet Interfaces Using Bimetallic Alloys". He presented the results of the paper published on Nat. Commun. 5, 5062 (2014)



Surface Science Lab Group (November 2014)

From left to right: Naila Jabeen, Luca Omiciuolo, Francesco Presel, Alessandro Baraldi, Davide Curcio, Cristian Tache


Very good Andrea, new "Master of Physics" from our lab.

We are glad to present a new "Master of Physics" from our lab: Andrea successfully passed his final exam by presenting the results of his thesis work on epitaxial graphene grown on highly anisotropic surfaces; 110/110 !  Bravo Andrea !!!

Congrats Luca!!!

We are glad to announce that Luca Omiciuolo won the prize for the Best Oral Communcation at the "Internationl School of Solid State Physics" .

The school, which was held in Erice, Sicily between July 26th and August 1st, was organized by the Galileo Galilei and Ettore Majorana Foundations,  and has brought together researchers from universities and research institutes working in the fields of surface science, epitaxial growth, materials deposition and optical diagnostics. On the right, Luca together with the organizers of the School, Prof. Giorgio Benedek, Dr. Antonio Cricenti and Prof. Dario Narducci, during the award celebration.


Well done Francesco, new "Master of Physics" from our lab.

Francesco Presel passed his final exam successfully by presenting a thesis entitled  "The growth of carbon-based nanostructured materials and the modulation of graphene-substrate coupling". Evaluation: 110/110 cum laude. That's great !!!

Surface Science Lab Group (March 2014)

Top/from left: Francesco Presel, Andrea Caratti, Luca Omiciuolo, Alessandro Baraldi, Carlo Giacometti, Naila Jabeen; bottom/from left: Fabrizio Orlando, Davide Curcio, Elisa Miniussi

Another great achievement from our lab. Congratulations to Elisa which is "Philosophy Doctor in Nanotechnology". Today she discussed a thesis entitled: " Nanoscale properties of graphene-based interfaces"
Brava Elisa !!!


We are really very happy to announce a new "PhD in Physics" from our lab: Fabrizio passed his defense presenting the results of his reasearch activity:
"Physical properties and functionalization of low-dimensional materials"
Bravo Fabri !!!


We proudly present a new "Master of Physics" from our lab: Carlo passed his final exam successfully and presented his thesis on epitaxial graphene supported on oxide surfaces; 110/110 cum laude!
 Bravo Carlo !!!


This year, the Annual National Congress of the Italian Physical Society (SIF) was held in Trieste from September  23th and 27th. The aim of the Congress, which brings together about 600 Italian researchers, is to promote the advancement of knowledge in all areas of physics. The SSL team was deeply involved in the organizational tasks of this meeting, composed by plenary and 8 parallel sessions. Alessandro, secretary of the local organizing committee, and the PhD students of the group Elisa, Fabrizio, Luca and Davide, strongly contributed to the success of the Congress.

From September, 4 to 6, Luca attended the 3rd Joint PhD Summer School on Nanotechnology organized by SISSA. This year, the school aimed at highlighting the potential applications and the economic impact of Nanotechnology in the society, with a special focus on the importance of a multi-disciplinary approach to Nanosciences. During the school, Luca presented a poster about our latest result in the production of high-quality graphene-oxide interfaces.  

From July, 15 to 19, Fabrizio and Elisa attended the 2013 Lectures in Physics and Chemistry organised by the Onassis Foundation for Science. This year the focus of the lectures was on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, with a special attention devoted to graphene and novel carbon-based materials and technologies. This international event, which featured the participation of about 70 graduate students and young researchers from Europe and overseas, was held at the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH) in Heraklion (Crete). The lectures were given by top-tier international scientists, including Prof. Phaedon Avouris and the Nobel laureate Prof. Konstantin Novoselov , and gave attendees a unique opportunity to exchange ideas with the lecturers and other young scientists from all ver the world.


Elisa and Fabrizio have been selected to participate in the “2013 Lectures in Physics and Chemistry” devoted to “Nanoscience and Nanotechnology”, held from 15 to 19 July 2013 in Heraklion, Crete (Greece). This prestigious series of advanced seminar lectures is organized annually by the Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation in cooperation with the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH). The lectures are given by leading international scientists and this year the keynote speaker is Prof. Konstantin Novoselov (University of Manchester, Nobel Prize 2010 in Physics). The lectures attendance is limited up to 35 Greek and 15 international students, selected on their academic performanceand fully financially supported by the Onassis Foundation.

From April, 23 to April, 26 Fabrizio and Elisa participated in the International conference “Graphene 2013”, which was held at the Bilbao Conference Centre in Bilbao, Spain. This conference, which featured over 600 participants and more than 100 speakers from all over the world is among the largest International events dedicated to graphene, with a special focus on the latest scientific developments and on the industrial and technological applications of this groundbreaking material.

On May, 4-5 Elisa attended the Gordon Research Seminar “Self-assembly: Fundamentals and Applications” in Les Diablerets, Switzerland. The focus of the meeting was on the highly interdisciplinary field of self-assembly, including both theory and applications. Elisa was selected as the discussion leader for the opening session.

Between January 27th and 31st, Fabrizio and Alessandro, together with Silvano from SuperESCA beamline, have participated  at the European Workshop on Epitaxial Graphene (EWEG'2013) held in Aussois in the French Alps. The aim of the workshop on was to intensify the discussion on the topic of graphene on metals, to explore new links between the different subfields involved and to pinpoint controversial issues. The workshop has brought together researchers involved in the studies of the physical and chemical properties of graphene and in its production.



Welcome to the Surface Science Lab

The SURFACE SCIENCE LABORATORY, jointly established on the basis of an official agreement by the Department of Physics of the University of Trieste and the Sincrotrone Trieste, hosts researchers and students carrying out experimental activities in the field of Surface Physics, in close collaboration with scientists from the Elettra Laboratory and the Surface Structure and Reactivity group of the IOM-CNR. Since 2000 more than 30 students have carried out experimental work at the Surface Science Laboratory in preparation of their Master's degree thesis in Physics, as well as in the framework of the PhD educational program of the Graduate School of Physics and the Graduate School of Nanotechology of the University of Trieste. In addition the Laboratory hosts the Training Activity of the course Laboratorio di Fisica della Materia for the undergraduate students in Physics at the University of Trieste.


Research Highlights | Publications



Welcome to Luca who will join our research group for the PhD in Nanotechnology !



Welcome to the Surface Science Lab

The SURFACE SCIENCE LABORATORY, jointly established on the basis of an official agreement by the Department of Physics of the University of Trieste and the Sincrotrone Trieste, hosts researchers and students carrying out experimental activities in the field of Surface Physics, in close collaboration with scientists from the Elettra Laboratory and the Surface Structure and Reactivity group of the IOM-CNR. Since 2000 more than 30 students have carried out experimental work at the Surface Science Laboratory in preparation of their Master's degree thesis in Physics, as well as in the framework of the PhD educational program of the Graduate School of Physics and the Graduate School of Nanotechology of the University of Trieste. In addition the Laboratory hosts the Training Activity of the course Laboratorio di Fisica della Materia for the undergraduate students in Physics at the University of Trieste.


Research Highlights | Publications



Luca graduated with full marks and honours (110/110 cum laude) in Physics at the University of Trieste, with a thesis on the interaction between epitaxial graphene and transition metal surfaces.

Our congratulations to Luca!

Break a leg!


Welcome to the Surface Science Lab

The SURFACE SCIENCE LABORATORY, jointly established on the basis of an official agreement by the Department of Physics of the University of Trieste and the Sincrotrone Trieste, hosts researchers and students carrying out experimental activities in the field of Surface Physics, in close collaboration with scientists from the Elettra Laboratory and the Surface Structure and Reactivity group of the IOM-CNR. Since 2000 more than 30 students have carried out experimental work at the Surface Science Laboratory in preparation of their Master's degree thesis in Physics, as well as in the framework of the PhD educational program of the Graduate School of Physics and the Graduate School of Nanotechology of the University of Trieste. In addition the Laboratory hosts the Training Activity of the course Laboratorio di Fisica della Materia for the undergraduate students in Physics at the University of Trieste.


Research Highlights | Publications



At the opening ceremony of Trieste Next, Alessandro, among the 10 Italian researchers selected to present their ideas on innovation and future on the stage of the opera theatre “Giuseppe Verdi” of Trieste, gave a 7-minute talk about  the latest recent results achieved in the field of graphene and the new projects. The event was broadcast live on 

Watch ITALIAX10: Future Science !


Welcome to the Surface Science Lab

The SURFACE SCIENCE LABORATORY, jointly established on the basis of an official agreement by the Department of Physics of the University of Trieste and the Sincrotrone Trieste, hosts researchers and students carrying out experimental activities in the field of Surface Physics, in close collaboration with scientists from the Elettra Laboratory and the Surface Structure and Reactivity group of the IOM-CNR. Since 2000 more than 30 students have carried out experimental work at the Surface Science Laboratory in preparation of their Master's degree thesis in Physics, as well as in the framework of the PhD educational program of the Graduate School of Physics and the Graduate School of Nanotechology of the University of Trieste. In addition the Laboratory hosts the Training Activity of the course Laboratorio di Fisica della Materia for the undergraduate students in Physics at the University of Trieste.


Research Highlights | Publications




Welcome to the Surface Science Lab

The SURFACE SCIENCE LABORATORY, jointly established on the basis of an official agreement by the Department of Physics of the University of Trieste and the Sincrotrone Trieste, hosts researchers and students carrying out experimental activities in the field of Surface Physics, in close collaboration with scientists from the Elettra Laboratory and the Surface Structure and Reactivity group of the IOM-CNR. Since 2000 more than 30 students have carried out experimental work at the Surface Science Laboratory in preparation of their Master's degree thesis in Physics, as well as in the framework of the PhD educational program of the Graduate School of Physics and the Graduate School of Nanotechology of the University of Trieste. In addition the Laboratory hosts the Training Activity of the course Laboratorio di Fisica della Materia for the undergraduate students in Physics at the University of Trieste.


Research Highlights | Publications





Welcome to the Surface Science Lab

The SURFACE SCIENCE LABORATORY, jointly established on the basis of an official agreement by the Department of Physics of the University of Trieste and the Sincrotrone Trieste, hosts researchers and students carrying out experimental activities in the field of Surface Physics, in close collaboration with scientists from the Elettra Laboratory and the Surface Structure and Reactivity group of the IOM-CNR. Since 2000 more than 30 students have carried out experimental work at the Surface Science Laboratory in preparation of their Master's degree thesis in Physics, as well as in the framework of the PhD educational program of the Graduate School of Physics and the Graduate School of Nanotechology of the University of Trieste. In addition the Laboratory hosts the Training Activity of the course Laboratorio di Fisica della Materia for the undergraduate students in Physics at the University of Trieste.


Research Highlights | Publications


Welcome to the Surface Science Lab

The SURFACE SCIENCE LABORATORY, jointly established on the basis of an official agreement by the Department of Physics of the University of Trieste and the Sincrotrone Trieste, hosts researchers and students carrying out experimental activities in the field of Surface Physics, in close collaboration with scientists from the Elettra Laboratory and the Surface Structure and Reactivity group of the IOM-CNR. Since 2000 more than 30 students have carried out experimental work at the Surface Science Laboratory in preparation of their Master's degree thesis in Physics, as well as in the framework of the PhD educational program of the Graduate School of Physics and the Graduate School of Nanotechology of the University of Trieste. In addition the Laboratory hosts the Training Activity of the course Laboratorio di Fisica della Materia for the undergraduate students in Physics at the University of Trieste.


Research Highlights | Publications

window.addEvent(">The beamtime at the SGM-3 beamline of ASTRID has ended on July 23. Luca and Alessandro have performed angle-resolved photoemission measurements on epitaxial graphene grown on transition metal surfaces in collaboration with the research group headed by Philip Hofmann, University of Århus and Institute for Storage Ring facility {multicols}

Welcome to the Surface Science Lab

The SURFACE SCIENCE LABORATORY, jointly established on the basis of an official agreement by the Department of Physics of the University of Trieste and the Sincrotrone Trieste, hosts researchers and students carrying out experimental activities in the field of Surface Physics, in close collaboration with scientists from the Elettra Laboratory and the Surface Structure and Reactivity group of the IOM-CNR. Since 2000 more than 30 students have carried out experimental work at the Surface Science Laboratory in preparation of their Master's degree thesis in Physics, as well as in the framework of the PhD educational program of the Graduate School of Physics and the Graduate School of Nanotechology of the University of Trieste. In addition the Laboratory hosts the Training Activity of the course Laboratorio di Fisica della Materia for the undergraduate students in Physics at the University of Trieste.


Research Highlights | Publications

window.addEvent(">Å {multicols}

Welcome to the Surface Science Lab

The SURFACE SCIENCE LABORATORY, jointly established on the basis of an official agreement by the Department of Physics of the University of Trieste and the Sincrotrone Trieste, hosts researchers and students carrying out experimental activities in the field of Surface Physics, in close collaboration with scientists from the Elettra Laboratory and the Surface Structure and Reactivity group of the IOM-CNR. Since 2000 more than 30 students have carried out experimental work at the Surface Science Laboratory in preparation of their Master's degree thesis in Physics, as well as in the framework of the PhD educational program of the Graduate School of Physics and the Graduate School of Nanotechology of the University of Trieste. In addition the Laboratory hosts the Training Activity of the course Laboratorio di Fisica della Materia for the undergraduate students in Physics at the University of Trieste.


Research Highlights | Publications

window.addEvent(">arhus in Denmark. The electronic structure data will complement the high-resolution core level photoelectron spectroscopy and low energy electron diffraction data obtained at the SuperESCA beamline of Elettra and in our Lab.


Welcome to the Surface Science Lab

The SURFACE SCIENCE LABORATORY, jointly established on the basis of an official agreement by the Department of Physics of the University of Trieste and the Sincrotrone Trieste, hosts researchers and students carrying out experimental activities in the field of Surface Physics, in close collaboration with scientists from the Elettra Laboratory and the Surface Structure and Reactivity group of the IOM-CNR. Since 2000 more than 30 students have carried out experimental work at the Surface Science Laboratory in preparation of their Master's degree thesis in Physics, as well as in the framework of the PhD educational program of the Graduate School of Physics and the Graduate School of Nanotechology of the University of Trieste. In addition the Laboratory hosts the Training Activity of the course Laboratorio di Fisica della Materia for the undergraduate students in Physics at the University of Trieste.


Research Highlights | Publications

window.addEvent(">Thank you to Marco Bianchi and SØ {multicols}

Welcome to the Surface Science Lab

The SURFACE SCIENCE LABORATORY, jointly established on the basis of an official agreement by the Department of Physics of the University of Trieste and the Sincrotrone Trieste, hosts researchers and students carrying out experimental activities in the field of Surface Physics, in close collaboration with scientists from the Elettra Laboratory and the Surface Structure and Reactivity group of the IOM-CNR. Since 2000 more than 30 students have carried out experimental work at the Surface Science Laboratory in preparation of their Master's degree thesis in Physics, as well as in the framework of the PhD educational program of the Graduate School of Physics and the Graduate School of Nanotechology of the University of Trieste. In addition the Laboratory hosts the Training Activity of the course Laboratorio di Fisica della Materia for the undergraduate students in Physics at the University of Trieste.


Research Highlights | Publications

window.addEvent(">ren Ulstrup who actively helped us during this very successful week !



Welcome to the Surface Science Lab

The SURFACE SCIENCE LABORATORY, jointly established on the basis of an official agreement by the Department of Physics of the University of Trieste and the Sincrotrone Trieste, hosts researchers and students carrying out experimental activities in the field of Surface Physics, in close collaboration with scientists from the Elettra Laboratory and the Surface Structure and Reactivity group of the IOM-CNR. Since 2000 more than 30 students have carried out experimental work at the Surface Science Laboratory in preparation of their Master's degree thesis in Physics, as well as in the framework of the PhD educational program of the Graduate School of Physics and the Graduate School of Nanotechology of the University of Trieste. In addition the Laboratory hosts the Training Activity of the course Laboratorio di Fisica della Materia for the undergraduate students in Physics at the University of Trieste.


Research Highlights | Publications



Between July 8 and July 13, Elisa attended the 16th International Symposium on Small Clusters and Inorganic Nanoparticles (ISSPIC XVI) in Leuven, Belgium.
The ISSPIC conference, which started in 1976, has evolved into an event of global relevance for the presentation and discussion of the latest scientific developments in the fields of atomic and molecular clusters, nanoparticles and nanostructures. Thefocus of the conference, which this year was held at the Catholic University of Leuven, was the fundamental science of finite size effects, and the possibility of controlling the properties of materials at the nanometer scale.
At the conference, Elisa presented a poster by the title "The interaction of oxygen with Rh nanoclusters supported on epitaxial graphene" 


After a three months period of training, the students of the Condensed Matter Laboratory Course -Master’s Degree Course in Physics of the University of Trieste- have completed the experimental activities in the lab. They performed experiments on the growth of graphene on transition metal surfaces. The two main techniques which were employed for the characterization of the systems were Low Energy Electron Diffraction and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy.  After the training period in the Laboratory, the undergraduates have been involved in a beamtime at the SuperESCA beamline, where the systems under study have been thoroughly investigated by using the synchrotron radiation produced by Elettra.

Watch the video on Students training !!! 


Welcome to the Surface Science Lab

The SURFACE SCIENCE LABORATORY, jointly established on the basis of an official agreement by the Department of Physics of the University of Trieste and the Sincrotrone Trieste, hosts researchers and students carrying out experimental activities in the field of Surface Physics, in close collaboration with scientists from the Elettra Laboratory and the Surface Structure and Reactivity group of the IOM-CNR. Since 2000 more than 30 students have carried out experimental work at the Surface Science Laboratory in preparation of their Master's degree thesis in Physics, as well as in the framework of the PhD educational program of the Graduate School of Physics and the Graduate School of Nanotechology of the University of Trieste. In addition the Laboratory hosts the Training Activity of the course Laboratorio di Fisica della Materia for the undergraduate students in Physics at the University of Trieste.


Research Highlights | Publications




Welcome to the Surface Science Lab

The SURFACE SCIENCE LABORATORY, jointly established on the basis of an official agreement by the Department of Physics of the University of Trieste and the Sincrotrone Trieste, hosts researchers and students carrying out experimental activities in the field of Surface Physics, in close collaboration with scientists from the Elettra Laboratory and the Surface Structure and Reactivity group of the IOM-CNR. Since 2000 more than 30 students have carried out experimental work at the Surface Science Laboratory in preparation of their Master's degree thesis in Physics, as well as in the framework of the PhD educational program of the Graduate School of Physics and the Graduate School of Nanotechology of the University of Trieste. In addition the Laboratory hosts the Training Activity of the course Laboratorio di Fisica della Materia for the undergraduate students in Physics at the University of Trieste.


Research Highlights | Publications




Welcome to the Surface Science Lab

The SURFACE SCIENCE LABORATORY, jointly established on the basis of an official agreement by the Department of Physics of the University of Trieste and the Sincrotrone Trieste, hosts researchers and students carrying out experimental activities in the field of Surface Physics, in close collaboration with scientists from the Elettra Laboratory and the Surface Structure and Reactivity group of the IOM-CNR. Since 2000 more than 30 students have carried out experimental work at the Surface Science Laboratory in preparation of their Master's degree thesis in Physics, as well as in the framework of the PhD educational program of the Graduate School of Physics and the Graduate School of Nanotechology of the University of Trieste. In addition the Laboratory hosts the Training Activity of the course Laboratorio di Fisica della Materia for the undergraduate students in Physics at the University of Trieste.


Research Highlights | Publications



Welcome to the Surface Science Lab

The SURFACE SCIENCE LABORATORY, jointly established on the basis of an official agreement by the Department of Physics of the University of Trieste and the Sincrotrone Trieste, hosts researchers and students carrying out experimental activities in the field of Surface Physics, in close collaboration with scientists from the Elettra Laboratory and the Surface Structure and Reactivity group of the IOM-CNR. Since 2000 more than 30 students have carried out experimental work at the Surface Science Laboratory in preparation of their Master's degree thesis in Physics, as well as in the framework of the PhD educational program of the Graduate School of Physics and the Graduate School of Nanotechology of the University of Trieste. In addition the Laboratory hosts the Training Activity of the course Laboratorio di Fisica della Materia for the undergraduate students in Physics at the University of Trieste.


Research Highlights | Publications

window.addEvent(">Rong Rong Zhan graduated in Physics at the University of Trieste defending a PhD thesis by the title "Structural investigations of complex surface interfaces by means of X-ray Photoelectron Diffraction {multicols}

Welcome to the Surface Science Lab

The SURFACE SCIENCE LABORATORY, jointly established on the basis of an official agreement by the Department of Physics of the University of Trieste and the Sincrotrone Trieste, hosts researchers and students carrying out experimental activities in the field of Surface Physics, in close collaboration with scientists from the Elettra Laboratory and the Surface Structure and Reactivity group of the IOM-CNR. Since 2000 more than 30 students have carried out experimental work at the Surface Science Laboratory in preparation of their Master's degree thesis in Physics, as well as in the framework of the PhD educational program of the Graduate School of Physics and the Graduate School of Nanotechology of the University of Trieste. In addition the Laboratory hosts the Training Activity of the course Laboratorio di Fisica della Materia for the undergraduate students in Physics at the University of Trieste.


Research Highlights | Publications

window.addEvent(">”. In her dissertation, Rong presented the main results achieved in the three years of research activity at the Surface Science Laboratory and at the Elettra synchrotron facility. The experiments she carried out were primarily aimed at the structural determination of low-dimensional atomic systems, including artificially grown surface phases on transition metal substrates. High energy resolution X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and X-ray Photoelectron Diffraction (XPD) were the techniques of choice in great part of the experiments, and they proved to be an excellent approach for the accurate structural determination of solid surfaces and interfaces. A particular focus was on the growth of ultra-thin films on well-oriented metal surfaces, including ultra-thin oxide films,  surfactant metallic ad-layers and adsorbed alkali metal films on epitaxial graphene.



Welcome to the Surface Science Lab

The SURFACE SCIENCE LABORATORY, jointly established on the basis of an official agreement by the Department of Physics of the University of Trieste and the Sincrotrone Trieste, hosts researchers and students carrying out experimental activities in the field of Surface Physics, in close collaboration with scientists from the Elettra Laboratory and the Surface Structure and Reactivity group of the IOM-CNR. Since 2000 more than 30 students have carried out experimental work at the Surface Science Laboratory in preparation of their Master's degree thesis in Physics, as well as in the framework of the PhD educational program of the Graduate School of Physics and the Graduate School of Nanotechology of the University of Trieste. In addition the Laboratory hosts the Training Activity of the course Laboratorio di Fisica della Materia for the undergraduate students in Physics at the University of Trieste.


Research Highlights | Publications

window.addEvent(">Congratulations to Dr. Zhang !!!

Welcome to the Surface Science Lab

The SURFACE SCIENCE LABORATORY, jointly established on the basis of an official agreement by the Department of Physics of the University of Trieste and the Sincrotrone Trieste, hosts researchers and students carrying out experimental activities in the field of Surface Physics, in close collaboration with scientists from the Elettra Laboratory and the Surface Structure and Reactivity group of the IOM-CNR. Since 2000 more than 30 students have carried out experimental work at the Surface Science Laboratory in preparation of their Master's degree thesis in Physics, as well as in the framework of the PhD educational program of the Graduate School of Physics and the Graduate School of Nanotechology of the University of Trieste. In addition the Laboratory hosts the Training Activity of the course Laboratorio di Fisica della Materia for the undergraduate students in Physics at the University of Trieste.


Research Highlights | Publications



On January 18th, at the end of the 3 days Annual Conference of the PhD School of Nanotechnology,  Elisa Miniussi was bestowed the Tommasini Award 2012 for the most comprehensible talk.

The Conference is meant to provide PhD students the opportunity to present and discuss the main results achieved during their last year of scientific activity in their respective fields.The Tommasini Award is issued in honour of Prof. Fernando Tommasini, which is the founder of the Graduate School, and is assigned every year to the student whose talk best meets the criteria of clarity and outreach to a wide audience.





On November 15th Elisa was awarded the Fonda-Fasella 2011 Prize reserved to young researchers who have obtained interesting and innovative results using the Elettra synchrotron light. The award was received during the Workshop "Nanoenergetics: theoretical and experimental approaches"  organized by Sincrotrone Trieste in collaboration with the University of Trieste and SISSA. Elisa has opened the first session by giving a talk entitled "A link between corrugation and thermal stability of epitaxial graphene grown on Re(0001)".

Between July 26th and August 3rd, Rong Rong and Fabrizio have participated  at the summer school “International School of Solid State Physics” held in Erice (Italy) at the Ettore Majorana foundation and centre for scientific culture and organized by CNR-DMD and CNR-NANO. The aim of this school was to review the new developments in the field of quantum phenomena in graphene, topological insulators and condensates of cold atoms in optical lattices and possible applications.  At this school, Fabrizio contributed with a poster entitled "Epitaxial Growth of hexagonal Boron Nitrade on Ir(111)" (download the poster pdf). In its contribution, Fabrizio illustrated recent results concerning the formation of a hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) layer through dissociation of benzene-like borazine molecules on the Ir surface. The epitaxial growth of h-BN was successfully investigated by a combination of different surface science techniques. Rong presented  a poster entitled "Exploiting the structures of ultra-thin films and adsorbates on graphene using x-ray photoelectron diffraction" (download the poster pdf). In this poster, she illustrates some of the fruitful application of the X-ray photoelectron diffraction technique to the structure determination of  assorted low-dimensional atomic systems shows the large potential that such state-of-art technique could have.).


Elisa is now back to Trieste after a 4-months experience (April-July) at the Department of Physical Chemistry of the Technisce Universitat of Munich (TUM), under the supervision of Prof. Ueli Heiz and Dr. Friedrich Esch a former member of the Surface Structure and Reactivity at TASC laboratory.
The  main goal of her activity was to learn the operating principles, the utilization and maintenance procedures of size-selected transition metal (TM) nanocluster sources.
In this respect, Elisa’s activity was primarily aimed at acquiring the technical knowhow required to setup and commission the new size-selected nanocluster source which is currently under construction at the Surface Science Laboratory of the  Elettra synchrotron facility.
As a part of her education activity, Elisa attended a course on TM nanoclusters by the title “Physikalische Chemie von Nanoteilchen und Oberflächen” (Physical Chemistry of nanoparticles and surfaces). She participated in the 4th joint Nanoworkshop organized by TUM in collaboration with TU/e and DTU on the 1st June 2011, where she presented a poster by the title “A size-selected cluster source for the preparation of novel model catalysts” (download the poster pdf).).

After a three months period of training, on June 6th the students of the Laboratorio di Fisica della Materia for the Laurea Magistrale in Physics at the University of Trieste  have completed the experimental activities in the lab and at the SuperESCA beamline. They performed experiments on Pt(100) using low energy electrons (LEED, Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy) and x-ray photons (X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and X-ray Photoelectron Diffraction).

Ultima modifica il Mercoledì, 09 Ottobre 2024 15:55