SISSI-Bio Offline
Welcome to the SISSI-Bio offline LaboratorySISSI-Bio Offline is the infrared vibrational spectroscopy Laboratory at Elettra, that will be jointly operated with the synchrotron radiation on-line facility, SISSI-Bio until the beginning of Elettra dark period. The laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art instruments for infrared spectroscopy, microscopy and imaging based on glow-bar and laser sources, capable to cover the far and mid infrared regimes. Chemical details can be achieved at different scale of spatial resolution, from the macro-scale (FTIR spectroscopy) to the micro (FTIR microscopy), sub-micron (Optical Photothermal Infrared) and the nano-scale (IR nanoscopy) on bulk materials, surfaces and interfaces. The applications of infrared vibrational analysis cover a wide range of research fields, including, among others, Life and Medical Science, Molecular Biology, Biophysics and Biochemistry, Environmental Science and Cultural Heritage. More details on the reserach topics and available instruments may be found at the Research and Lab Description related webpages. |
{ var walkers111 = document.getElements('#fs-sp1-handlers111 span'); var fssp1_id111 = new freeSlide_sp1($('fs-sp1-111'), { size: {width: 600, height: 320} Charge distribution in an oxide heterostructure
We employ infrared spectroscopy to address the electrodynamic properties of the LaNiO3/LaMnO3 superlattice series,an heterostructure based on strongly correlated materials. Our results show that charge redistribution across the interfaces is the key to its unconventional properties. Squeezing THz light into nanovolumes
We show that chains of THz dipole nanoantennas spaced by nanogaps of 20 nm allow retrieving the spectroscopic signature of a monolayer of cadmium selenide quantum dots
Nonequilibrium superconductivity in alkali fullerides
The resonant excitation of the K3C60 fulleride superconductor led to the observation of a transient superconducting-like phase at unprecedented temperatures, far beyond equilibrium Tc
User Area
Proposal SubmissionFrom the second semester 2025, SISSI-Bio offline will be open to users. Access to the laboratory will be granted according to the consolidated peer-review competitive research scheme. We invite users and collaborators to discuss their proposals with the laboratory local contacts well in advance before the submission deadline. This is crucial for improving the proposed experimental plan, both in terms of instrument selection and sample prepration.
Call for proposalsThe deadline for proposal submission for beamtime allocation is to be announced icols}
SISSI-Bio in Antarctica
SISSI-Bio is active in environmental research. We are present in Antarctica with our collaborators of the TIPTOE project (Tracking mIcrofiber Pollution and impacT on Antartic cOstal watErs) in the context of the National Programme for Research in Antarctica, PNRA, funded by the Ministry of University and Research. We are waiting for samples from these remote cols area regions to assess its state of preservation and possible anthropogenic sources of pollution.
CO2 Lovers
SISSI-Bio collaborates to CO2 Lovers project (MeChanisms Of carbonate biomineraLizatiOn driVen by selected unicEllular oRganisms under Stress condtions), coordinated by Prof. Giovanni De Giudici, Università degli studi di Cagliari. The general objective of this project is learning from Nature the molecular mechanisms of carbonatogenesis, impacting on both basic and applied science.
A canvas for vibrations
SISSI-Bio, in collaboration with several reserach Institutes is activelly involved in the development of, an open source project for interactive vibratinal data visualization, processing and chemometrics, in an easy and friendly canvas.Quasar software can be downloaded at and developers can contribute to he repositories of Quasar GitHib organization.