Investigating Plastic Incorporation in Benthic Foraminifera Using FTIR Microscopy
To understand the fate of plastic in oceans and the interaction with marine organisms, we investigated the incorporation of (bio)polymers and microplastics in selected benthic foraminiferal species by applying FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared) microscopy.
G. Birarda et al. Environmental Pollution, 279, 116912 (2021)
crucial marine organisms, potentially compromising their role in marine carbon storage when combined with ocean acidification effects. This research addresses critical knowledge gaps in understanding how marine microorganisms interact with plastic pollution in ocean ecosystems. Retrieve Article
Plastics, (bio)polymers and their apparent biogeochemical cycle: an infrared spectroscopy study on foraminifera;
Last Updated on Monday, 10 February 2025 16:21