BaDElPh News

15.4 Welcome to Giovanni Di Santo

2015-09-01: Welcome to Giovanni Di Santo, who join us as a beamline scientist.

15.3 Congratulations to Alexander Grüneis

2015-03-10: We congratulate Alexander Grüneis, user and collaborator of BaDElPh since 2010, for the ERC Consolidator grant no. 648589 'SUPER-2D'.

15.2 Beamline technician changed

2015-02-02: Diego Lonza, former beamline technician, moved to the Elettra/FERMI control room as machine operator. Thanks Diego for the great job done at BaDElPh and good luck!  Welcome to Luca Sancin, new beamline technician, who will be helped by Eugenio Nicolini for the next three months.

15.1 Welcome to Sangeeta Thakur

2015-01-07: Welcome to Sangeeta Thakur, who join us as a postdoc collaborator.

Last Updated on Monday, 20 January 2025 10:17