BaDElPh News

24.7 Information for BaDElPh Users

2024-11-28: BaDElPh has been moved to the final position in Elettra 2.0 and its new end station is temporarily connected to the VUV-Photoemission beamline.
In the first half of 2025, the photon energy range available at BaDElPh@VUV is from about 20(25) to 750 eV, and with only horizontal linear polarization.
Contact the beamline coordinator for more details.

24.6 Last beam from exit 10.2R & ongoing upgrade of BaDElPh

2024-11-04: All User beamtimes scheduled in this semester were successfully performed and the last beam from exit 10.2R was delivered yersterday. In the next weeks BaDElPh will be moved to the final position in Elettra 2.0 and its new end station will be temporarily connected to the VUV-Photoemission beamline, for the first half of 2025 (last semester of Elettra) and the first half of 2027 (i.e. the first semester with users in Elettra 2.0).

24.5 Information for BaDElPh Users

2024-07-29: In the first half of 2025, the photon energy range available at BaDElPh will be from about 20 to 750 eV, and with only horizontal linear polarization.

24.4 First ARPES experiments with the new MBS A-1 analyzer & ongoing upgrade of BaDElPh

2024-06-18: All User beamtimes scheduled in this first semester were successfully performed using the new MBS A-1 analyzer. During the following Elettra shut down period, commissioning of the FOCUS Ferrum VLEED spin detector will start soon.

24.3 PostDoc Research Associate position

2024-06-01: If interested in a PostDoc position, please feel free to contact the beamline coordinator.

24.2 Ongoing upgrade of BaDElPh

2024-03-26: Within the Elettra 2.0 project, BaDElPh is going to be upgraded with a 4th generation electron hemispherical analyzer (MBS A-1 + Spin Manipulator &  FOCUS Ferrum VLEED) to perform high-resolution spin- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (SARPES) experiments, a motorized six-axis cryo-manipulator (PREVAC), a retractable LEED optics (OCI), and a new mu-metal experimental chamber. The new equipment, except the six-axis cryo-manipulator, has been successfully installed, and the base pressure in the new mu-metal experimental chamber is in the 10-11 mbar range. Commissioning and ARPES tests of the MBS A-1 analyzer will start soon.

24.1 PostDoc Research Associate position

2024-02-24: The BaDElPh beamline at Elettra has an opening for a PostDoc Research Associate position (Ref: DB/24/15). The deadline for the submission of the online application is March 25, 2024. We thank all applicants in advance. CLOSED.


23.4 Ongoing upgrade of BaDElPh

2023-12-15: Within the Elettra 2.0 project, BaDElPh is going to be upgraded with a 4th generation electron hemispherical analyzer (MBS A-1) to perform high-resolution spin- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (SARPES) experiments, a motorized six-axis cryo-manipulator (PREVAC), a retractable LEED optics (OCI), and a new mu-metal experimental chamber. All the new equipment has arrived and the installation phase is in progress... contact the beamline coordinator for more details.

23.3 Greetings to Wenjuan Zhao

2023-10-05: Cheers to Wenjuan Zhao. Thank you for your time here and good luck in your new position at the VUV Photoemission beamline.

23.2 ICBS Frontiers of Science Award

2023-07-16: Our research Prediction and Observation of an Antiferromagnetic Topological insulator, published in Nature 2019, has received the 2023 ICBS Frontiers of Science Award in the Theoretical Physics category, Condensed Matter subcategory, for theoretically predicting and experimentally confirming the first-ever three-dimensional antiferromagnetic topological insulator compound, manganese bismuth telluride. This discovery opens up possibilities for significant advancements in novel electronics. We congratulate Mikhail Otrokov et al. on this achievement. Read about it also in CERIC-ERIC News.

23.1 Suspension of all measures taken to contain the spread of COVID-19

2023-05-30: With reference to the regulatory framework related to the health emergency from the spread of COVID-19, considering the latest Health Minister's Order as well as the recent decision by the World Health Organization (WHO), which officially declared the end of the pandemic state of emergency due to the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, Elettra has decided to suspend the "Corporate regulating protocol to contain the spread of COVID-19" and, at the same time, all the measures consequently adopted, with immediate effect.


22.1 Future upgrade of BaDElPh

2022-01-15: Within the Elettra 2.0 project, BaDElPh will be upgrated with a 4th generation electron hemispherical analyzer to perform high-resolution spin- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (SARPES) experiments, a motorized six-axis cryo-manipulator, a retractable LEED optics, and a new mu-metal experimental chamber. Contact the beamline coordinator for more details. Work in progress...


21.3 Further beamline motorization and remote controlled ARPES data acquisition

2021-08-26: The grating switching, the exit slit aperture, and the refocusing mirror horizontal position have been motorized. They can now be controlled remotely via the BaDElPh extended control software, thus also enabling remote acquisition of photon energy-dependent ARPES data.

21.2 Commissioning of the new ARPES data acquisition control software

2021-01-15: The commissioning of the new ARPES data acquisition control software has begun, together with its integration with the beamline and manipulator control software in order to realize the so-called BaDElPh extended control software. The new LabView-based ARPES software is interfaced with the SpecsLab Prodigy data acquisition and experiment control software package by Specs, and will soon be available to Users.


2021-01-01: Updated info for Users are available at the User Area section, or you can contact the Elettra User Office and/or the relevant beamline coordinator. We recommend users to consult also the beamline Safety section. Thank you for your cooperation.


20.5 Welcome to Wenjuan Zhao

2020-10-20: Welcome to Wenjuan Zhao, who join us as a postdoc collaborator.

20.4 First beamtime in sample mail-in mode

2020-05-11: As a consequence of the restrictions due to COVID-19 pandemia, last week BaDElPh had the first beamtime in sample mail-in mode with the users from Belgium and the USA in remote access & control. Here are some words we received from the PI: What a great beam time! Thanks again for all the work you did, we got a lot of good data. We will continue to propose this mode also for the next beamtimes, when applicable, as an alternative to rescheduling.

20.3 Greetings to Sara Gonzalez

2020-04-15: Cheers to Sara Gonzalez, she moved back to France. Thank you for the period spent here and good luck!


2020-02-24: Updated info for Users are available at the User Area section, or you can contact the Elettra User Office and/or the relevant beamline coordinator. We recommend users to consult also the beamline Safety section. Thank you for your cooperation.

20.1 Open PostDoc Research Associate position

2020-01-16: The BaDElPh beamline at Elettra has an opening for a PostDoc Research Associate position (Ref: DB/20/1). The deadline for the submission of the online application is February 15th, 2020. We thank all applicants in advance. All details here. CLOSED.


19.3 PostDoc Research Associate position available soon

2019-11-21: A PostDoc Research Associate position for the BaDElPh beamline at Elettra will be open soon. Stay tuned!

19.2 IFW2 manipulator not available

2019-05-04: The IFW2 six-axis cryo-manipulator is currently not available. More details on request.

19.1 Congratulations to Claudia Struzzi

2019-03-08: We congratulate Claudia Struzzi, recipient of the 2018 award of applied chemistry of the FRS - FNRS for her PhD thesis Spectromicroscopy investigation of plasma fluorinated carbon nanomaterials for gas sensing application at the University of Mons (Belgium). Several experiments of this thesis work have been performed at the Elettra beamlines, including also BaDElPh.


18.3 Open Research Staff Scientist position

2018-07-23: The BaDElPh beamline at Elettra has an opening for a permanent Research Staff Scientist position.  The deadline for the submission of application is August 24th, 2018. We thank all applicants in advance. More details here. CLOSED.

18.2 Welcome to Sara Gonzalez

2018-04-16: Welcome to Sara Gonzalez, who join us as a postdoc collaborator.

18.1  Fully motorized manipulator & beamline software upgrade

2018-01-15: The custom-made 5-axis sample manipulator has been fully motorized and can now be also remotely controlled. The beamline control software has been completely upgraded. Users can benefit of both these improvements during the beamtimes.


17.6 Open PostDoc Research Associate position

2017-12-27: The BaDElPh beamline at Elettra has an opening for a PostDoc Research Associate position. The deadline for the submission of application is January 31th, 2018. We thank all applicants in advance. More details here. CLOSED.

17.5 PostDoc Research Associate position available soon

2017-12-01: A PostDoc Research Associate position for the BaDElPh beamline at Elettra will be open soon. Stay tuned!

17.4 Greetings to José Márquez Velasco

2017-12-01: Cheers to José Márquez Velasco, he moved back to Greece. Thank you for the period spent here and good luck!

17.3 Commissioning of the fully motorized manipulator & beamline software upgrade

2017-11-06: The commissioning of the fully-motorized remote-controlled custom-made 5-axis manipulator has begun, together with the updating of all beamline and manipulator control software. They will be available to users starting on next January.

17.2 System for the growth of TMDCs (sulphur family)

2017-07-01: Within the activity related to the long-term proposal n. 20170518, submitted by A. Grüneis (Univ. of Cologne), a new system for the growth of TMDCs (sulphur family) will be set up at the BaDElPh beamline within this semester. Then, it will be available to our users up to May 2019. More details on request.

17.1 Welcome to José Márquez Velasco

2017-05-01: Welcome to José Márquez Velasco, who join us as a postdoc collaborator.


16.3 Open PostDoc Research Associate position

2016-12-05: The BaDElPh beamline at Elettra has an opening for a PostDoc Research Associate position.
We thank all applicants in advance. More details here. CLOSED.

16.2 Greetings to Sangeeta Thakur

2016-11-03: Cheers to Sangeeta Thakur, she moved to Sweden. Thank you for the period spent here and good luck!

16.1 VUV source problem

2016-09-05: The VUV source (He) has suffered a crash during the beamtime and it is currently not working. Recovery time: unknown.


15.4 Welcome to Giovanni Di Santo

2015-09-01: Welcome to Giovanni Di Santo, who join us as a beamline scientist.

15.3 Congratulations to Alexander Grüneis

2015-03-10: We congratulate Alexander Grüneis, user and collaborator of BaDElPh since 2010, for the ERC Consolidator grant no. 648589 'SUPER-2D'.

15.2 Beamline technician changed

2015-02-02: Diego Lonza, former beamline technician, moved to the Elettra/FERMI control room as machine operator. Thanks Diego for the great job done at BaDElPh and good luck!  Welcome to Luca Sancin, new beamline technician, who will be helped by Eugenio Nicolini for the next three months.

15.1 Welcome to Sangeeta Thakur

2015-01-07: Welcome to Sangeeta Thakur, who join us as a postdoc collaborator.

14.5 Congratulations to Riccardo Comin

2014-12-10: We congratulate Riccardo Comin, recipient of the 2014 Fonda-Fasella award for his work performed also at the BaDElPh beamline.

14.4 IFW2 manipulator: problem solved

2014-09-22: The leak problem in the IFW2 cryostat has been fixed and the six-axis manipulator is available again for our users. Moreover, thanks to IFW-Dresden, it will remain here for longer. More details on request.

14.3 BaDElPh in CERIC-ERIC

2014-09-01: The BaDElPh beamline at Elettra has been included in the list of facilities accessible through the CERIC-ERIC call proposal. CERIC-ERIC offers access to several complementary facilities through a single proposal and a single access point. Please submit your multifacility proposal through the CERIC-ERIC Virtual Unified Office (VUO).

14.2 Greetings to Aliakbar Ghafari

2014-06-14: Cheers to Aliakbar Ghafari, he moved to the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH (Germany). Thank you for the period spent here and good luck!

14.1 IFW2 manipulator problem

2014-01-10: The IFW2 manipulator has shown a leak problem in the cryostat working at low-temperature and it is currently not available. Recovery time: about 8 months.

13.4 Research Staff Scientist/PostDoc position

2013-11-20: The BaDElPh beamline at Elettra has an opening for a Research Staff Scientist/PostDoc position. CLOSED.

13.3 IFW2 six-axis cryo-manipulator available

2013-09-15: Thanks to the long-term proposal n. 20130485, submitted by M. Knupfer (IFW-Dresden), the IFW2 six-axis cryo-manipulator has been just installed and is available for users for the next four semesters. The IFW2 manipulator is an early prototype of a now commercially sold six-axis manipulator (Cryoax 6, VG-Scienta) and it allows to work in the temperature range 30-400K. The z-axis and the polar and azimuthal axises are motorized. Using this cryo-manipulator, it is not possible to reach the LEED optics. More details on request.

13.2 Greetings to Claudia Struzzi

2013-09-06: Cheers to Claudia Struzzi, she moved to the University of Mons (Belgium). Thank you for the period spent here and good luck!

13.1 Welcome to Aliakbar Ghafari

2013-06-15: Welcome to Aliakbar Ghafari, who join us as a postdoc collaborator.

12.4 Research Associate position

2012-10-29: The BaDElPh beamline at Elettra has an opening for a Research Associate position. CLOSED.

12.3 Motorized 5 degree of freedom sample holder

2012-04-12: A new 5 degree of freedom sample holder with motorized azimuthal angle, based on an attocube rotator, has been successfully assembled in our liquid helium cryostat manipulator and tested. It is now available for Users beamtimes.

12.2 L-He Cryostat: problem solved 

2012-03-26: The liquid-helium cryostat is available again, after the serious crash suffered during a beamtime of last May 2011.

12.1 Welcome to Claudia Struzzi 

2012-03-01: Welcome to Claudia Struzzi, who join us as a pre-doc collaborator.

11.7 L-He Cryostat problem: update 3

2011-11-09: The liquid-helium cryostat is currently not available due to the serious crash suffered during a beamtime of last May 2011. It has been necessary to sent it back to the supplier for repair. Date of dispatch: January 2012. At the moment, measurements can be performed with the sample kept at room temperature (RT) only.

11.6 L-He Cryostat problem: update 2

2011-09-06: The liquid-helium cryostat is currently not available due to the serious crash suffered during a beamtime of last May 2011. It has been necessary to sent it back to the supplier for repair. Expected delivery time: end of 2011. At the moment, measurements can be performed with the sample kept at room temperature (RT) only.

11.5 Phoibos150 2D-CCD detector: problem solved

2011-09-06: New MCPs and Phosphoros screen have been recently installed in the 2D-CCD detector of our SPECS Phoibos 150 electron analyzer in order to solve the shadow problem generated during a beamtime in February 2011.

11.4 L-He Cryostat problem: update 1

2011-07-04: The liquid-helium cryostat is currently not available due to the serious crash suffered during a beamtime of last May 2011. It has been necessary to sent it back to the supplier for repair. Expected delivery time: unknown. At the moment, measurements can be performed with the sample kept at room temperature (RT) only.

11.3 L-He Cryostat problem

2011-05-23: The liquid-helium cryostat has suffered a serious crash and it is currently not available. Recovery time: unknown. Therefore the installation of the new motorized 5 degree of freedom sample holder on the cryostat is postponed to the time the cryostat will be back.

11.2 New motorized 5 degree of freedom sample holder

2011-05-09: A new 5 degree of freeedom sample holder with motorized azimuthal angle (attocube rotator based) has been successfully tested. It is ready to be definitively assembled in our liquid helium cryostat. Work planned in June 2011.

11.1 Phoibos150 2D-CCD detector problem

2011-02-15: The 2D-CCD detector of our SPECS Phoibos 150 electron analyzer has suffered repeated exposures to a huge amount of electron counts and now it presents a shadow problem on the low kinetic energy side of the detector.

Last Updated on Monday, 20 January 2025 10:17