BaDElPh Home
Welcome to the Low Energy-ARPES beamline @ ElettraThe Band Dispersion and Electron-Phonon coupling (BaDElPh) beamline provides photons in the energy range 4.6-40 eV with high flux, high resolving power, and horizontal-vertical linear polarization. The beamline serves an end station to perform primarily high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) experiments in the low photon energy regime. Photon energies lower than 15 eV provide enhanced bulk sensitivity, allow for the highest momentum and energy resolution, and are useful in tuning matrix elements which vary rapidly at low energy. The availability of such low photon energies makes BaDElPh unique among the other ARPES beamlines at Elettra and around the world. |
Research highlights | Publications | Top Stories | Highlights bookletTuning the topological and magnetic properties of TIsWe studied solid solutions with a general formula GexMn1-xBi2Te4 between two TIs, magnetic MnBi2Te4 and nonmagnetic GeBi2Te4. We observed linear x-dependent magnetic properties and topological phase transitions (TPTs) between topologically nontrivial phases and a Dirac semimetal state. ![]() Ferrimagnetism in grapheneWe show the existence of ferrimagnetic (FIM) ordering in n-type doped graphene on Au/Co interface with dislocation loops that are responsible for the uniform magnetizations on graphene sublattices. The synthesized system is promising for the realization of a circular dichroism Hall effect. ![]() Anomalies at the Dirac point in grapheneUsing polarization dependent ARPES and DFT calculations, we show for the first time that the bands are continuous and linearly dispersive across the Dirac point in graphene on SiC. No energy gap is observed even after boron substitutional doping. ![]() CDW and weak Kondo effect in a Dirac semimetalBy combining ARPES and LEED measurements with DFT calculations, we have observed a robust CDW order and weak Kondo effect in a Dirac semimetal CeSbTe. This and related compounds may serve as an interesting material system to realize the long-sought axionic phase. ![]() Antiferromagnetic topological insulatorThe realization of the first antiferromagnetic (AFM) topological insulator (TI) is predicted by theory and confirmed using various experimental techniques in the layered van der Waals compound MnBi2Te4. A large bandgap in the topological surface state of the (0001) surface is observed in high resolution ARPES. ![]() High quality MoS2 monolayers on graphene/Ir(111)High quality MoS2 monolayers were grown by MBE on graphene/Ir(111). ARPES reveals that there is no hybridization between electronic states of graphene and MoS2. The weak MoS2-graphene interaction explains the observed photoluminescence in this system. ![]() Spin-orbit gap in grapheneBy means of ARPES and spin-resolved measurements, we show that intercalation of a Pb monolayer between the graphene sheet and the Pt(111) surface leads to formation of a spin-orbit coupling induced gap of about 200 meV at the Dirac point of graphene. ![]() Rashba coupling amplification by a staggered crystal fieldBy means of ARPES and first-principles calculations, we give evidence of a large Rashba coupling leading to a remarkable band splitting in centrosymmetric BaNiS2. This is explained by a huge staggered crystal field that breaks inversion symmetry at the Ni site. ![]() Electron-phonon coupling and superconductivity in grapheneWe have performed an high-resolution ARPES investigation to try to find an electron donor for graphene that is capable of inducing strong electron–phonon coupling and superconductivity. Calcium is the most promising candidate for realizing superconductivity in graphene. ![]() Surface-enhanced CDW in underdoped Bi(2201)-cupratesUsing ARPES at low photon energy we have discovered a temperature-dependent evolution of the CuO2 plane band dispersion in underdoped Bi2Sr2-xLaxCuO6+δ (Bi2201). This effect is limited to the surface and point to a surface-enhanced CDW instability.
Main News
Info for BaDElPh UsersBaDElPh has been moved to the final position in Elettra 2.0 and its new end station is temporarily connected to the VUV-Photoemission beamline. In the first half of 2025, the photon energy range available at BaDElPh@VUV is from about 20(25) to 750 eV, and with only horizontal linear polarization.Contact the beamline coordinator for more details. |
ICBS Frontiers of Science AwardOur Nature 2019 research has received the 2023 award.BaDElPh in CERIC-ERICBaDElPh is part of the CERIC-ERIC consortium. CERIC-ERIC offers access to different and complementary state-of-the-art techniques with the submission of single- or multi-instrument proposals through a single entry point via the VUO. |
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User Area
Proposal SubmissionWe invite users and collabrators to discuss their proposals with the beamline local contacts well in advance before the submission deadline. This is crucial for a careful assessment of the experiment feasibility and may lead to improvements in the proposed experimental plan. Our website provides a wealth of information on experiment feasibilty and proposal submission. For more info, please visit the user info section. |
Call for proposals
The deadline for offline facilities proposal submission is Mon, 31 Mar 2025 .