BaDElPh News
24.7 Information for BaDElPh Users
2024-11-28: BaDElPh has been moved to the final position in Elettra 2.0 and its new end station is temporarily connected to the VUV-Photoemission beamline.
In the first half of 2025, the photon energy range available at BaDElPh@VUV is from about 20(25) to 750 eV, and with only horizontal linear polarization.
Contact the beamline coordinator for more details.
24.6 Last beam from exit 10.2R & ongoing upgrade of BaDElPh
2024-11-04: All User beamtimes scheduled in this semester were successfully performed and the last beam from exit 10.2R was delivered yersterday. In the next weeks BaDElPh will be moved to the final position in Elettra 2.0 and its new end station will be temporarily connected to the VUV-Photoemission beamline, for the first half of 2025 (last semester of Elettra) and the first half of 2027 (i.e. the first semester with users in Elettra 2.0).
24.5 Information for BaDElPh Users
2024-07-29: In the first half of 2025, the photon energy range available at BaDElPh will be from about 20 to 750 eV, and with only horizontal linear polarization.
24.4 First ARPES experiments with the new MBS A-1 analyzer & ongoing upgrade of BaDElPh
2024-06-18: All User beamtimes scheduled in this first semester were successfully performed using the new MBS A-1 analyzer. During the following Elettra shut down period, commissioning of the FOCUS Ferrum VLEED spin detector will start soon.
24.3 PostDoc Research Associate position
2024-06-01: If interested in a PostDoc position, please feel free to contact the beamline coordinator.
24.2 Ongoing upgrade of BaDElPh
2024-03-26: Within the Elettra 2.0 project, BaDElPh is going to be upgraded with a 4th generation electron hemispherical analyzer (MBS A-1 + Spin Manipulator & FOCUS Ferrum VLEED) to perform high-resolution spin- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (SARPES) experiments, a motorized six-axis cryo-manipulator (PREVAC), a retractable LEED optics (OCI), and a new mu-metal experimental chamber. The new equipment, except the six-axis cryo-manipulator, has been successfully installed, and the base pressure in the new mu-metal experimental chamber is in the 10-11 mbar range. Commissioning and ARPES tests of the MBS A-1 analyzer will start soon.
24.1 PostDoc Research Associate position
2024-02-24: The BaDElPh beamline at Elettra has an opening for a PostDoc Research Associate position (Ref: DB/24/15). The deadline for the submission of the online application is March 25, 2024. We thank all applicants in advance. CLOSED.
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