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More info
Working at the beamlines
Beamlines telephone extensions
Accidents causing personal injury
Alert the Sincrotrone Trieste security guard located at the main entrance which is on duty 24 hours a day (ext.:8333) explaining the nature and place of the emergency and dial 8262/3 to inform the control room operator.
Alert the Sincrotrone Trieste security guard, located at the main entrance which is on duty 24 hours a day (ext.:8333) explaining the nature and place of the emergency and dial 8262/3 to inform the control room operator.
Water system and electrical fault: Alert the Experimental Hall Coordinator or the control room operator (8262/3) explaining the nature and place of the fault.
Useful Numbers
Security Guard (Guardiania ST)
Control Room (Sala Controllo)
8262 - 8263 - 8922
Fire Brigade (Vigili del Fuoco)
0 115
Ambulance (Pronto Soccorso)
0 118
Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 18 Dicembre 2014 11:15