Trieste at a glance
Information about Trieste
Rete Civica Trieste |
Trieste Province |
Trieste Tourism |
Strolling around Trieste |
Congress Centre c/o Stazione Marittima |
Emergency calls
General Emergency | 113 |
Fire Brigade | 115 |
Carabinieri | 112 |
Emergency water, gas and electricity | 800 152 152 |
Emergency aid (ambulances) | 118 |
Medical Service | 118 |
Children's Hospital "Burlo Garofalo" | 040 37 851 |
S.O.S. Highway | 115 |
Banking Services
Local Bank - Basovizza
Banca di Credito Cooperativo del Carso
Local Bank - Opicina
Banca di Credito Cooperativo del Carso |
Post Office
Via Kosovel, 13phone 040 226 876
Office hours: Mon.-Fri.: 8:30 am - 1:45 pm
Saturday from 8:30 to 1:00 pm
Cattinara Hospital |
Maggiore Hospital |
Children Hospital Burlo Garofolo |
Local catholic church
Basovizza - S. Maria Maddalena Tel. 040 226 117 |
German-language catholic church and communityvia Giustinelli,7 |
Church of ChristVia S.Francesco d'Assisi, 16 |
Helvetian-Waldensian Evangelical churchPiazza S.Silvestro,1 |
Lutheran ChurchVia S.Lazzaro, 19 |
Methodist ChurchScala dei Giganti, 1 |
Jehovah's WitnessesVia del Bosco, 4 |
Israeli CommunityVia S.Francesco d'Assisi, 19 |
Greek Orthodox CommunityRiva III novembre, 7 |
Serbo Orthodox CommunityPiazza S.Antonio Nuovo, 7 |
Christian AdventistVia Rigutti, 1 |
Christian Evangelical ChurchLargo Barriera vecchia, 8 |
Research and higher education
Consulates, Foreign Delegations, Consular Agencies
Ultima modifica il Mercoledì, 07 Settembre 2011 12:16