
PADReS activities

R&D activities are fundamental for the operations and results of PADReS. The entire system is made by ad-hoc developed instrumentation, taking into account the peculiarities of the FERMI@Elettra photon beam features. Original and novel solutions have been designed, realized and implemented for optics, mechanics, electronics, and detection.
The experimental results obtained so far can be retrieved following the link at the end of this section.
We always pursue further optimization and better performances of the system, so we encourage external experts/groups to in order to discuss about possible installations and experiments. Compatibly with the calendar and after a proper discussion, we can see how and when to allocate them.


R&D interests

Our Research and Development interests span over different fields related to photon beam detection and characterization: detectors, energy spectrometers, gas-based diagnostics, beam manipulation (split and delay), coherence and wavefront measurements, active optics, etc. Along PADReS different instruments are routinely hosted to accomplish the above-mentioned tasks. Nonetheless, there is room in the experimental hall to allocate "external" experimental setups dedicated to new experiments and measurements.
Several temporary setups have been already installed to characterize and measure parameters like intensity, harmonic content, wavefront, and so on. New one are foreseen for 2012.


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The PADReS group has a strong interest in selected topics in optics, diagnostics, beam manipulation. Several collaborations have been established with different groups to study and characterize instrumentation, materials, designs, etc. The list of active and past collaborations can be found in the contacts section.


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Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 13 Dicembre 2012 10:33