PADReS Results 2015
PADReS, the FERMI Photon Analysis, Delivery and REduction System is fully operative and has supported the activities of both the machine commissioning and the experimental users program. As it determines and monitors several properties of the FEL photon beam, it represents an invaluable and unique resource to optimize the FEL emission and to characterize shot-to-shot the radiation used during the experiments carried out in the endstations.
The Photon Analysis Delivery and REduction System of FERMI (PADReS) has been routinely used during the machine commissioning and operations of FERMI since 2011. It has also served the needs of several user runs at the facility from late 2012. The system is endowed with online and shot-to-shot diagnostics giving information about intensity, spatial-angular distribution, spectral content, as well as other diagnostics to determine coherence, pulse length etc. Moreover, PADReS is capable of manipulating the beam in terms of intensity and optical parameters. Regarding the optics, besides a standard refocusing system based on an ellipsoidal mirror, the Kirkpatrick-Baez active optics systems are key elements and have been used intensively to meet users' requirements. A general description of the system is given, together with some selected results from the commissioning/operations/user beam time.
For further details check the following published paper:
Recent results of PADReS, the Photon Analysis Delivery and REduction System, from the FERMI FEL commissioning and user operations
M. Zangrando, D. Cocco, C. Fava, S. Gerusina, R. Gobessi, N. Mahne, E. Mazzucco, L. Raimondi, L. Rumiz and C. Svetina
J. Synchrotron Rad. (2015). 22, 565-570
Ultima modifica il Sabato, 03 Settembre 2022 16:51