Elettra parameters
Elettra is operated 24 hours/day, 7 days/week for some weeks followed by periods of intermission mostly dedicated to maintenance. These operation periods are called "Runs". Beamtime is allocated in "shifts" of 8 hours which are divided in Morning (M) from 07:00 a.m to 15:00, Late (L) from 15:00 to 23:00 and Night (N) from 23:00 to 07:00. Some beamtime is reserved to Machine Physics studies but most of it is allocated to users for measurements activities at the beamlines.
Elettra is usually operated at two different energies 2 GeV and 2.4 GeV.
Details on:
- beamtime allocation calendar
- current Run schedule
You can check the ring present status at the link machine status and also have a look at its operating parameters and conditions.
ODAC is the acronym of the project: Operations and Development of the Accelerators.Energy range | 0.75 – 2.5 GeV |
Injection Energy | All energies up to 2.5 GeV |
User Operating Energy |
2.0 GeV (75% of user time) 2.4 GeV (25% of user time) 1.0 GeV (SR-FEL) |
Operating mode | Top-up |
Operating current (user request) |
300 mA at 2.0 GeV (lifetime 26 h) 140 mA at 2.4 GeV (lifetime 40 h) |
Top-up injection rate |
1 mA every 6 min at 2.0 GeV 1 mA every 20 min at 2.4 GeV |
Filling pattern | Any (single, few, multi etc.); most requested multibunch filled at 95% of the ring circumference (864 ns) and hybrid ( multibunch with a single bunch in the dark gap ) |
Bucket size (bunch to bunch distance in multi-bunch) | 2 ns |
Dark gap when fill at 95% | 43 ns |
Operating details |
Long Lifetime - Instability Free (multi-bunch and orbit fast Feedbacks and super-conducting 3rd harmonic cavity operating) Id gap/current control to the users |
The latter has been concepually designed to have a low emittance of 4.0 nm and 7.1 nm, at 1.5 and 2.0 GeV respectively. The lattice is of the expanded Chasman-Green type composed of twelve double bend achromats with horizontal and vertical tunes of 14.3 and 8.2. The beta functions are 8.2 m horizontally and 2.6 m vertically in the center of the dispersive free straights, and the maximum dispersion is 0.4 m. Two families of sextupoles have been placed in the dispersive arcs in order to compensate for the large horizontal and vertical horizontal and a vertical natural chromaticities of -43.0 and of -14.0. An additional harmonic sextupole family islocated in the non-dispersive straights, has been optimize to minimize non-linear effects and to enlargen the dynamic aperture.
Insertion devices are accomodated in eleven of the straight sections, where additional quadrupole families are used for linear distorsion compensations.
Elettra Parameters
Beam energy [GeV] | 2 | 2.4 | |
Storage ring circumference [m] | 259.2 | ||
Beam height in experimental area [m] | 1.3 | ||
Number of achromats | 12 | ||
Length of Insertion Device (ID) straight sections [m] | 6(4.8 utilizabile per ID's) | ||
Number of straight sections of use for ID's | 11 | ||
Number of bending magnet source points | 12 | ||
Beam revolution frequency [MHz] | 1.157 | ||
Number of circulating electron bunches | 1 - 432 | ||
Time between bunches [ns] | 864 - 2 | ||
Tunes: horizontal/vertical | 14.3/8.2 | ||
Natural emittance [nm-rad] | 7 | 9.7 | |
Energy lost per turn without ID's [keV] | 255.7 | 533 | |
Maximum energy lost per turn with ID's [keV] (all) | 315 | 618.5 | |
Critical energy [keV] | 3.2 | 5.5 | |
Bending magnet field [T] | 1.2 | 1.45 | |
Geometrical emittance coupling % | £ 1% | ||
Spurious dispersion (at the centre of IDs): horizontal (rms max/min) [cm] | 6/2. | ||
Spurious dispersion (at the centre of IDs): vertical (rms max/min) [cm] | 2/0.5 | ||
Injected current [mA] | 320 | 150 | |
Machine dominated by the Touschek effect | |||
Energy spread (rms) % | 0.08 | 0.12 | |
Lifetime [h] (natural) Lifetime [h] (with 3rd harmonic cavity) |
8.5 27 |
32 32 |
Bunch length (1 σ) [mm]* | 5.4 | 7 | |
Beam dimensions (1 σ)* | |||
ID source point - horizontal/vertical [µm] | 241/15 | 283/16 | |
Bending magnet source point - horizontal/vertical [µm] | 139/28 | 197/30 | |
Beam divergence (1 σ)* | |||
ID source point - horizontal/vertical [µrad] | 29/6. | 35/8. | |
Bending magnet source point - horizontal/vertical [µrad] | 263/9 | 370/13 |
The values shown (taking into account the energy spread) are averages, obtained from a consideration of different angle and position values of the spurious dispersion and can vary by ±10%
Booster Parameters
Magnet lattice | 2 fold symmetry |
Injection/Extraction energy [GeV] | 0.1 - 2.5 |
Repetition frequency [Hz] | 3.125 |
Nominal beam current
4mA/150ns 0.4mA/2ns |
RF frequency operation [MHz] |
499.646 - 499.654 |
Circumference [m] | 118.8 |
Revolution period [ns] | 396 |
Harmonic number | 198 |
Equilibrium emittance @ 2.5GeV
226*10-9 166*10-9 |
r.m.s. energy spread @ 2.5GeV | 7.18*10-4 |
Energy loss per turn @ 2.5GeV | 388keV |
Damping times Tx, Ty, Tz @ 2.5GeV | 5.1, 5.1, 2.6ms |
Betatron tunes Qx, Qy
5.39, 3.42 6.80, 2.85 |
Natural chromaticity Cx, Cy
-6.6, -4.7 -11.1, -5.2 |
Momentum compaction factor
0.0443 0.0308 |
Maximum ßx, ßy, Dx [m]
10.8, 13.8, 1.624 15, 17.2, 1.683 |
Peak effective RF voltage (Tq~60s)
0.84MV 0.73MV |
Ultima modifica il Lunedì, 26 Ottobre 2020 15:24