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XRD2 Specifications
Pagina 2 di 4
X-rays at sample
Energy range |
8-35 keV |
Photon flux |
1.7 x 1012 ph/sec @ 1 Ang, full beam |
Beam size |
280 x 292 um |
Angular divergence |
2.3 x 0.3 mrad |
Insertion Device: Superconducting Wiggler (SCW) |
Section |
11.2 |
Gap |
16.5 mm |
Poles |
49 |
Period |
64 mm |
N. of periods |
24.5 |
B0 |
3.5 T |
Ec |
9.3 (13.4) keV at 2.0 (2.4) GeV |
K |
20.9 |
Source Size FWHM |
0.66 x 0.06 mm |
Angular acceptance |
1 x 0.18 urad |
Power (2 GeV, 400 mA) |
18 kW |

Collimating Mirror |
Cilindrical Mirror with 50 nm Pt-coating
Radius (calculated) = 14 km
Distance from source = 21200 mm
Incidence angle = 3 mrad
Active length = 1200 mm |
Monochromator |
Double Crystal Si111 with LN2 closed loop cooling
Distance from source = 24100 mm
Energy range = 8-35 keV
Energy resolution = 10-4 for routine experiments and MAD experiments |
Focusing mirror |
Toridal Mirros with 50 nm Pt-coating
Tangential radius = 8.9 km
Sagittal radius = 50 mm
Distance from source = 27000 mm
Incidence angle = 3 mrad
Active length = 1200 mm |
Ultima modifica il Venerdì, 31 Gennaio 2025 14:53