XRD2 Specifications

This page is a list of all the important parameters of the beamline and an indication of all the available instrumentation.
In case more details are needed you can contact directly the beamline scientists

Optical Hutch in the construction phase
XRD2 Beamline
ElevenTwo project
Commissioning of the new Pilatus 6M detector
Storage Ring section 11.2
Splitter model
SuperConducting Wiggler installed!
SuperConducting Wiggler upgrade project
Optical Hutch in the construction phase


X-rays at sample

Energy range 8-35 keV
Photon flux 1.7 x 1012 ph/sec @ 1 Ang, full beam
Beam size 280 x 292 um
Angular divergence 2.3 x 0.3 mrad




Insertion Device: Superconducting Wiggler (SCW)
Section 11.2
Gap 16.5 mm
Poles 49
Period 64 mm
N. of periods 24.5
B0 3.5 T
Ec 9.3 (13.4) keV at 2.0 (2.4) GeV
K 20.9
Source Size FWHM   0.66 x 0.06 mm
Angular acceptance 1 x 0.18 urad
Power (2 GeV, 400 mA)   18 kW



Collimating Mirror Cilindrical Mirror with 50 nm Pt-coating
Radius (calculated) = 14 km
Distance from source = 21200 mm
Incidence angle = 3 mrad
Active length = 1200 mm
Monochromator Double Crystal Si111 with LN2 closed loop cooling
Distance from source = 24100 mm
Energy range = 8-35 keV
Energy resolution = 10-4 for routine experiments and MAD experiments
Focusing mirror Toridal Mirros with 50 nm Pt-coating
Tangential radius = 8.9 km
Sagittal radius = 50 mm
Distance from source = 27000 mm
Incidence angle = 3 mrad
Active length = 1200 mm



Diffractometer Type Arinax Microdiffractometer MD2s
Circle Axis Omega - Phi - miniKappa (0-48 deg, for 22 mm sample holder length, Spine standard)
Linear Axis XYZ Alignment stage and XY Centering Table
Sphere of Confusion <2 µm
Sample Visualization On Axis Videomicroscope, with front and backlight
Beam defining aperture Motorized pentaperture: 20, 50, 75, 100, 150 um available
Beam diagnostics Motorized Scintillator/Photodiode at sample position
Additional Notes
Motorized capillary for background reduction Motorized beamstop Smart magnet for SPINE standard base Cryojet translation stage Fluorescence detector (Amptek X123SDD)



Dectris Pilatus 6M

Type CMOS hybrid-pixel technology operating in single-photon-counting mode 5x 12 Modules
Sensor Si 320 µm thick (room temperature; water circuit)
Pixel Size 172 x 172 µm2
Point-spread function 1 pixel
Format 2463 x 2527 = 6,224,001 pixels
Area 423.6 x 434.6 mm2
Distance from sample 146 - 1060 mm
Intermodule gap x: 7 pixels, y: 17 pixels, 8.5% of total area
Dynamic Range 20 bits (1:1,048,576)
Readout time 3.6 ms (frame rate 30 Hz)
Adjustable threshold range 2- 20 keV (energy resolution 500 eV)
Energy range 3 - 30 keV  (quantum efficiency: 3 keV 80%; 8 keV 99%; 15 keV 55%)
Counting rate per pixel > 2 x 106 X-ray/s
Data Formats CBF; TIF


Ultima modifica il Venerdì, 31 Gennaio 2025 14:53