Phase-diverse Fresnel CDI
Phase-diverse Fresnel CDI has been shown to reveal the structure and composition of biological specimens with high sensitivity at nanoscale resolution. However, the method has yet to be applied in the ‘water-window’ that lies between the carbon and oxygen K edges. This is a proof-of-principle application of FCDI in the water-window to dehydrated red blood cells infected with the trophozoite stage of the malaria parasite.M. Jones et al., Optics Express 2013 21, 32151-32159.

This study demonstrates the application of phase-diverse FCDI on both a fabricated test sample and cellular specimens in the water-window.
The general shape of the host red blood cells and parasite can easily be recognised from the X-ray images and correlate well with the information provided by the other imaging modalities. Because of the ability to acquire the X-ray images with relatively low dose, the method can be used as a correlative microscopy tool to inform the interpretation of images obtained using electron and optical methods. In particular, internal features of the whole cell such as the exomembrane system of the parasite, which cannot be resolved at high resolution using light microscopy and which are inaccessible to scanning electron microscopy, can be distinguished in the X-ray images.
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Phase-diverse Fresnel coherent diffractive imaging of malaria parasite-infected red blood cells in the water window |
Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 06 Febbraio 2014 11:31