Special on Covid19
- Maintain a safe distance of at least 1m and minimize contact with other persons.
- Coordinate work in order to reduce contact times. Split the work into shifts or into separate days whenever possible.
- Always carry a surgical-type mask with you and wear it whenever a distance of at least 1m cannot be maintained.
- A maximum number of two persons (including, when authorized, external users) may work at each beamline experimental station and in ventilated rooms (experimental hutches, laboratories) without masks as long as a distance of at least 1m can be maintained. Whenever more than two people are needed to perform an experiment, a preliminary authorization should be obtained from the group coordinators.
Masks must not be shared. Used surgical-type masks must be discarded in the dedicated bins. Information on bin locations can be found here.
- Wash hands with soap regularly following the established rules. In addition, hand sanitizer dispensers can be found on site.
- The equipment shared by multiple persons has to be cleaned with disinfectants before and after each use. Whenever that is not possible, gloves will have to be worn by each researcher.
The beamline personnel is responsible for keeping the work station clean and tidy. The end-station has been equipped with a bottle of Meliseptol disinfectant. A disinfectant (0.1% Sodium hypochlorite solution) will be soon provided by SPP. These products must be used to clean and disinfect the control table, keyboard, mouse, trackball and all other equipment that are frequently used in experiments. Cleaning has to be done before starting a shift as well as when concluding it.
The SPP (Servizio Prevenzione e Protezione) can provide all workers on site with a set of 5 surgical-type masks. Additional information can be found here.
A maximum presence of two people is allowed. The work stations have been marked with tape.
Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 07 Maggio 2020 17:34