Microfluidics - IR
Micro-fluidic is a field of science and technology which deals with small fluid's volumes (< 1 µl) and allows to observe biological samples under mimicked physiological conditions. LILIT is developing in collaboration with SISSI IR beam line a microfluidic set-up in order to perform µ-FTIR on living cells.

Lilit group is developing in a joint collaboration with SISSI’s bio-branch of Elettra methodologies and technologies to transform InfraRed Micro Spectroscopy(IRMS) into a mature technique to observe in real time biological events, and improving its ability to perform in vitro bio-experiments under physiological conditions. By applying micro-fabrication approach, we are developing Microfluidic platforms IR-VIS transparent, by using which is possibile to observe the live response of cells subjected to external stimulation (mechanical/chemical) |
Ultima modifica il Mercoledì, 28 Settembre 2011 16:49