Welcome to LILIT @ Elettra

LILIT (Laboratory for Interdisciplinary LIThography) beamline is devoted to the fabrication, by means of X-ray lithography, of structures at micro and nano resolution level, taking advantage of the high brilliance and wide X-ray domain spectrum of Elettra. The main feature of this beamline is the wide lithographic window achieved by combining high-pass (beryllium window) and low-pass (mirrors at increasing angle of incidence) filters; this allows the continuous change of the spectral range of interest from the soft to hard X-ray region.
The LILIT facility operates for a wide range of lithography research and maintains comprehensive state-of-the-art infrastructure comprising advanced lithography tools (E-beam, photolithography, FIB, nano-imprint etc) and many other pieces of processing and characterization equipment.

Research Highlights

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Focused X-Ray Vortices

We designed and fabricated amplitude DOEs to generate X-ray vortices with high TC and tested them in scanning and full field microscope setup configurations. DOE function is calculated summing a helical wave with a desired TC to a spherical wave. In the scanning setup we used a the DOE as microscope objective and demonstrated the doughnut intensity pattern characteristic to the vortex but we could not characterize the phase distribution.

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Microfluidics - IR

Micro-fluidic is a field of science and technology which deals with small fluid's volumes (< 1 µl) and allows to observe biological samples under mimicked physiological conditions. LILIT is developing in collaboration with SISSI IR beam line a microfluidic set-up in order to perform µ-FTIR on living cells.

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User Area

Proposal Submission

We invite users and collaborators to discuss their proposals with the beamline local contacts well in advance before the submission deadline. This is crucial for a careful assesment of the experiment feasibility and may lead to improvements in the proposed experimental plan.

Call for proposals

The deadline for offline facilities proposal submission is Mon, 31 Mar 2025 .
The  submission of proposals for the Elettra beamlines is suspended until Elettra 2.0 is commissioned.



.On-line submission using the Virtual Users Office at the following URL:


EIPBN 2011

LILIT group presented the activity on "Fabrication of nickel diffractive phase elements for X-ray microscopy at 8 keV photon energy." on 55th EIPBN 31 May  - 1 June 2011 in Las Vegas.

MNE 2011

LILIT group presented at 37th International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering (19 - 23 September 2011, Berlin) activity on:
- Optimization of Microfluidic Systems for IRMS real Time Monitoring of Living Cells
- Negative hybrid sol-gel resist as hard etching mask for pattern transfer with dry etching


LILIT is involved in NaPANIL European-funded Framework 7 Large-Scale Project. NaPANIL is a NMP thematic priority, bringing together 18 partners from: industry, academia, and private institutes, to achieve ambitious goals.
NaPANIL website:


Ultima modifica il Mercoledì, 04 Gennaio 2012 16:24