
BaDElPh@VUV and its Users

BaDElPh@VUV is a temporary joint project of ISM-CNR and Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste, which provides the state-of-the-art instrumentation of the new end station of BaDElPh connected to the VUV-Photoemission beamline for the next period. Since 2025, it has been operating through the joint efforts of the research groups of the former BaDElPh and VUV-Photoemission beamlines.
BaDElPh@VUV operates in time sharing with the Spectromicroscopy beamline, with 50% of time, i.e. around 100 days/year. Of this, 70% of the beamtime is allocated to external users and 30% for in-house research, maintenance, commissioning and tests.
The average duration of a beamtime at BaDElPh@VUV ranges from 5 to 7 days (15-21 shifts).
Users submitting a proposal for the first time are invited to contact the beamline coordinators and to browse the publication lists in order to get a better overview of the BaDElPh@VUV capabilities and typical experiments.


Research fields

Research takes place in fields related to condensed matter, surface physics and chemistry, materials and nano science. The research activity is focused on the electronic and magnetic structure and chemical properties of nanostructured surfaces and interfaces studied by photoemission techniques, like angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), with also spin-resolved mode (Spin-resolved ARPES, under commissioning), high resolution photoemission on core levels (XPS) and valence band (UPS), and photoelectron diffraction (PED).
The main research topics are low dimensional materials (graphene, topological insulators, transition metal dichalcogenides), superconductors and strongly correlated materials, metal / semiconductor surfaces, organics / inorganic films, self-assembled molecular layers, and many other.


Browse the BaDElPh Publications

BaDElPh pubs

Browse the VUV Publications

VUV pubs





Ultima modifica il Mercoledì, 08 Gennaio 2025 16:07