ALOISA Publications
Pagina 24 di 28
G. Stefani, S. Iacobucci, A. Ruocco and R. Gotter,
Electron-electron coincidence spectroscopies at surfaces,
J. Elec. Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 127 (2002) 1. -
F. Bruno, L. Floreano, R. Gotter, A. Morgante, A. Verdini, G. Panaccione, M. Sacchi, F. Sirotti, P. Torelli and G. Rossi,
Surface and bulk contributions in magnetic linear dichroism in the angular dependence from ferromagnetic transition metals
Phys. Rev. B 66 (2002) 024417. -
S. Iacobucci, M. Sacchi, F. Sirotti, R. Gotter, A. Morgante, A. Liscio and G. Stefani,
L2L3V Coster Kronig decay in Fe, Ni and NiO: the near edge region.,
J. Elec. Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 127 (2002) 71. -
G.C. Gazzadi, F. Bruno, R. Capelli, L. Pasquali, S. Nannarone,
Structural transition in Fe ultrathin epitaxial films grown on Ni(111),
Phys. Rev. B 65 (2002) 205417. -
F. Bruno, L. Floreano, A. Verdini, D. Cvetko, R. Gotter, A. Morgante, M. Canepa, S.Terreni,
Study of the isotropic contribution to the analysis of photoelectron diffraction experiments at the ALOISA beamline,
J. Elec. Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 127 (2002) 85, cond-mat/0204404. DOI: 10.1016/S0368-2048(02)00176-7 -
F. Bruno, R. Gotter, G. Panaccione, M. Sacchi, P. Torelli, A. Verdini.
Surface vs. bulk magnetic properties of Co/Fe(0 0 1) and Fe/Co/Fe(0 0 1) as probed by linear magnetic dichroism in photoemission
Physica B, 320 (2002) 210. -
A. Goldoni, C. Cepek, R. Larciprete, L. Sangaletti, S. Pagliara, L. Floreano, R. Gotter, A. Verdini, A. Morgante, Y. Luo, and M. Nyberg,
C70 adsorbed on Cu(111): metallic character and molecular orientation,
J. Chem. Phys. 116 (2002) 7685. -
S. Tacchi, F. Bruno, G. Carlotti, D. Cvetko, L. Floreano, G. Gubbiotti,M. Madami, A. Morgante, and A. Verdini,
Structure and magnetism of Fe/Cu(110) thin films,
Surf. Sci. 507-510 (2002) 324. -
R. Gotter, S. Iacobucci, A. Ruocco, and G. Stefani,
Electron-electron coincidence experiments: from atoms to solids, in Correlations, polarization, and ionization in atomic systems,
ed. by Don H. Madison and Michael Schulz (AIP Conference Proceedings, New York 2002) Vol. 604, p. 52-63. -
F. Bruno, S. Terreni, L. Floreano, A. Cossaro, D. Cvetko, P. Luches, L. Mattera, A. Morgante, R. Moroni, M. Repetto, A. Verdini, and M. Canepa,
From pseudomorphic to orthomorphic growth of Fe films on Cu3Au(001),
Phys. Rev. B 66 (2002) 045402, cond-mat/0103458. -
A. Verdini, L. Floreano, F. Bruno, D. Cvetko, A. Morgante, F. Bisio, S. Terreni, and M. Canepa,
From bi-layer to tri-layer Fe nanoislands on Cu3Au(001),
Phys. Rev. B 65 (2002) 233403, cond-mat/0109436. -
P. Luches, C. Giovanardi, T. Moia, S. Valeri, F. Bruno, L. Floreano, R. Gotter, A. Verdini, A. Morgante, A. Santaniello,
Epitaxy of ultrathin CoO films studied by XPD and GIXRD,
Surf. Rev. Lett. 9 (2002) 937. -
S. D'Addato, P. Luches, R. Gotter, L. Floreano, D. Cvetko, A. Morgante, A. Newton, D. Martin, P. Unsworth, P. Weightman,
Variations in the lifetime of 3d hole states in ultrathin Fe films grown on Cu(100) deduced from the LMM Auger spectra of Fe,
Surf. Rev. Lett. 9 (2002) 709.
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