Welcome to the Advanced Line for Overlayer, Interface and Surface Analysis

In summer 2016, the original wiggler/undulator of ALOISA has been replaced by a new undulator. The new photon energy range is about 130-1500 eV (with the storage ring operated at 2.0 GeV).
X-Ray Diffraction experiments are no longer feasible.

ALOISA is a beamline dedicated to Surface Science. Thanks to its multitechnique end-station, ALOISA allows the Users to investigate both the chemistry and structure of surfaces, adsorbates and ultra-thin films. ALOISA offers the possibility to perform in-situ photoemission and absorption spectroscopy. The end-station is equipped with a combination of electron spectrometers mounted on rotating frames for performing photoelectron diffraction measurements and angle-resolved Auger-photoelectron spectroscopy. The non conventional scattering geometry together with a high level of automation and a dedicated software make Aloisa specially suitable to perform polarization dependent NEXAFS measurements and resonant photoelectron spectroscopy/diffraction.

Research Highlights

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NO at a Surface-Bound Ni Porphyrinoid

A stable NO2 species forms at the Ni sites upon exposure to NO of a Nickel-tetraphenyl porphyrin monolayer grown on Cu(100). The NO uptake was characterized by a quantitative analysis of the NO2 formation rates. We conclude that NO2 origins via a disproportionation mechanism with an atomistic model of the reaction, paving the way towards future investigations on NO disproportionation at biomimetic single-atom sites.
M. Stredansky et al. DOI:10.1002/anie.202201916

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Anchoring geometry on the reactivity of NO2 -functionalized N-heterocyclic carbene

We demonstrated that the chemical reactivity of surface-anchored NO2-functionalized NHCs (NO2–NHCs) can be tuned by modifying the distance between the functional group and the reactive surface, which is governed by the deposition technique.
S. Dery et al., J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 10, 17, 5099
(2019); DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.9b01808

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Metal-porphyrins on ultra-thin transition metal- oxide layer

We focus on the role of an oxidized ultra-thin buffer-layer in passivating a buried metal substrate. Our evidence proves that, within the same molecule family, the topmost layer oxidation effectively decouples the electronic structure of the molecule from the metal substrate and allows one to
tune the assembling properties.
A. Calloni et al. DOI:10.1016/j.apsusc.2019.144213

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Molecular LEGO: surface ligand effect for on-surface 3D self-assembly

We provide evidence for the room temperature construction of an unprecedented out-of-plane self-assembled heterostructure guided by in-vacuum coordination chemistry. The whole structure, albeit ordered and commensurate, is settled on a pure “physical contact interface” ever realized between a molecule and a metallic surface which represents a new concept in the field of interface design and engineering.
A. Orbelli Biroli et al. DOI:10.1002/adfm.202011008

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Tailoring the hydration of melamine by on-surface confinement

Melamine is the building block of polymeric carbon nitrides (p-CNH), that are able to catalyze the water-splitting reaction under visible light irradiation. We reveal that, upon water adsorption, two adjacent melamine molecules concurrently work for stabilizing the H-bonded water-catalyst complex.
V. Lanzilotto et al. DOI:10.1039/D0NA01034K

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Probing photo-induced lattice distortion

We have investigated the photo-induced dynamics of a 2H-MoTe2 crystal. We detect two distinct phenomena: (1) structural deformations in the out-of-plane direction with lifetime in the sub-nanosecond regime and (2) a surface photovoltage shift that persists for microseconds. These results show that high-resolution time-resolved photoemission, combined with theoretical simulations, provides valuable informations not only on electronic and chemical modifications of photoexcited systems, but also on lattice distortions and phase transitions.

R. Costantini et al. DOI:10.1039/D1FD00105A       

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User Area

Proposal Submission

The Users must contact in advance the beamline responsible to evaluate 1) the proposal feasibility and 2) the most appropriate Review Panel. The local contact can also help the Users to single out which alternative beamlines are better suited to their requirements. We invite Users and collaborators to discuss their proposals with the beamline staff before the submission deadline.

Call for proposals

The deadline for offline facilities proposal submission is Mon, 31 Mar 2025 .
The  submission of proposals for the Elettra beamlines is suspended until Elettra 2.0 is commissioned.



For the proposal submission, Users must first register themselves at the Elettra Virtual User Office
at the link

Ultima modifica il Martedì, 02 Gennaio 2024 10:34