ALOISA Publications
Pagina 23 di 28
L. Sangaletti, S. Pagliara, F. Parmigiani, A. Goldoni, A. Morgante, L. Floreano, V. Aguekian,
Giant resonant photoemission at the Mn 2p-3d absorption threshold of Cd1-xMnxTe,
Phys. Rev. B 67 (2003) 233201. -
G. Ciatto, F. D'Acapito, L. Grenouillet, H. Mariette, D. De Salvador, R. Carboni, L. Floreano, R. Gotter, S. Mobilio, and F. Boscherini,
A quantitative determination of short range ordering in InxGa1-xAs1-yNy,
Phys. Rev. B Rapid Comm. 68 (2003) 161201(R). -
R. Lindsay, E. Michelangeli, B.G. Daniels, M. Polcik, A. Verdini, L. Floreano, A. Morgante, J. Muscat, N.M. Harrison, G. Thornton,
Surface to bulk charge transfer at an alkali metal/metal oxide interface,
Surf. Sci. Lett. 547 (2003) L859. -
L. Giovanelli, C. Cepek, L. Floreano, E. Magnano, M. Sancrotti, R. Gotter, A. Morgante, A. Verdini, A. Pesci, L. Ferrari, and M. Pedio,
The molecular orientation of C60 on Pt(111) at room temperature and the high temperature graphitization,
Appl. Surf. Sci. 212-213 (2003) 57. -
T. Pardini, C. Cepek, R. Larciprete, L. Sangaletti, S. Pagliara, L. Floreano, A. Verdini, A. Morgante, F. Parmigiani and A. Goldoni,
Sodium doping of a C70 single layer adsorbed on Cu(111) surface,
Surf. Sci. 532-535 (2003) 892. -
F. Bondino, E. Vesselli, A. Baraldi, G. Comelli, A. Verdini, A. Cossaro, L. Floreano, and A. Morgante,
Molecular orientation of CN adsorbed on Pd(110),
J. Chem. Phys. 118 (2003) 10735. -
F. Bondino, G. Comelli,
Analysis of the angular distribution of soft-X-ray photoelectrons: a tool for surface structure determination,
J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 129 (2003) 171-181. -
L. Floreano, D. Cvetko, F. Bruno, G. Bavdek, A. Cossaro, R. Gotter, A. Verdini, A. Morgante,
Quantum size effects in the low temperature layer-by-layer growth of Pb on Ge(001),
Prog. Surf. Sci. 72 (2003) 135. cond-mat/0211341. -
R. Gotter, A. Ruocco, M.T. Butterfield, S. Iacobucci, G. Stefani, and R.A. Bartynski,
Angle resolved Auger-photoelectron coincidence spectroscopy (AR-APECS) of the Ge(100) surface,
Phys. Rev. B 67 (2003) 033303.
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