Previous workshops
The conference was held in at the Egret Himeji in Himeji, Japan, 15-19 October 2006. The meeting was hosted jointly by the Japan Society of Applied Physics and SPring-8; Prof. Takanori Koshikawa was chair of the conference. The conference was attended by a large audience, more than 120 scientists working in LEEM/PEEM and related fields. The Proceedings of the conference were published in a special issue of Surface Science (Volume: 601, Issue: 20 October 15, 2007).
Distinguished Guest Lectures:
A. Tonomura, Quantum phenomena visualized by electron waves.
M. Aono, Exploring Novel Capabilities of the Scanning Tunnelling Microscope.
H.J. Freund, Model Systems in Heterogeneous Catalysis: An Atomic View.
P. Fisher, Exploring nanomagnetism with Soft X-ray Microscopy.
T. Nakanishi, Highly Spin Polarized Cathode.
H.C. Kapteyn, Application of Coherent High-Order Harmonic Emission in Time Resolved Imaging and Photoemission.
IVth International LEEM/PEEM Conference on LEEM-PEEM
10-13 May 2004, University of Twente, The Netherlands. The meeting was hosted by the Solid State Physics group of Prof. Bene Poelsema and was attended by 63 scientists. The Proceedings of the conference were published in a special issue of the Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter vol.17 (2005).
Distinguished Guest Lectures:
A. Kahn, Electron Energetics of Organic Surfaces and Interfaces.
J.W.M. Frenken, Can SPM Become as Fast as LEEM?
P. Varga, Local Structures on Metal Surfaces Studied on the Atomic Scale by STM.
D. von der Linde, Structural Dynamics probed by Femtosecond Time-Resolved Diffraction.
M. Lenzen, The Use of Aberration Corrected PEEM by means of Moving Focus Method.
LEEM/PEEM 2002 Third LEEM/PEEM Workshop
14-17 May 2002, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. The meeting was organised by Gary Kellogg, Sandia National Laboratories. Over 50 researchers attended the workshop. The proceedings of the third LEEM/PEEM workshop were published in a special issue of the Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B (Vol. 20, No. 6).
Distinguished Guest Lectures:
R. Imbihl, Catalytic Surface Reactions studied with PEEM, SPEM and LEEM.
B.L. Doyle, Ion Induced Electron Emission Microscopy (IEEM).
P.E Batson, New Developments in Electron Optics for Electron Microscopy.
H.P. Oepen, The Scanning Electron Microscopy with Polarisation Analysys (SEMPA).
F.J. Himpsel, Quantum Size Effects.
Click here to visit the third LEEM/PEEM Workshop website.
Second LEEM/PEEM Workshop
The workshop was held in Paris, France on September 26-28, 2000. The meeting was organized by Dr. Hans-Joachim Ernst and Dr. L. Douillard of the Commissariat l'Energie Atomique (CEA) in Saclay, France. The number of participants was 40. The proceedings of the second LEEM/PEEM Workshop were published in a special issue of Surface Science (Vol. 480, No. 3).
Distinguished Guest Lectures:
Y. Homma, Surface Imaging by Ultrahigh Vacuum Scanning electron Microscopy.
M. Horn-von Hoegen, Low Energy Electron Diffraction.
M. Kiskinova, X-ray Scanning Electron Microscopy: Recent Developments and Applications.
J. Osterwalder, Photoelectron Diffraction and Band Structure Mapping.
R. Wiesendanger, Scanning Tunelling Microscopy (STM) and Spin Resolved STM.
K. Yagi, Imaging Surfaces by Reflection Electron Microscopy.
First LEEM workshop
The First LEEM Workshop was held in Tempe, Arizona, USA on April 7-9, 1998. The meeting was organized by Prof. Ernst Bauer and Dr. Anastassia Pavlovska, Arizona State University. It attracted 40 researchers from 8 countries. Twenty invited speakers gave talks. The proceedings of the first LEEM Workshop were published in a special issue of Surface Review and Letters (Vol. 5, No. 6).