List of participants
- Alcock Simon Diamond Light Source Ltd
- Barrett Ray ESRF
- Cautero Marco Sincrotrone Trieste
- Chang Shih-Hung NSRRC
- Chung Shih-Chun NSRRC
- Cocco Daniele Sincrotrone Trieste
- Cudin Ivan Sincrotrone Trieste
- Dent Andrew Diamond light Source
- Flechsig Uwe Paul Scherrer Institut
- Gleeson Anthony STFC Daresbury Laboratory
- Gore David Illinois Institute of Technology
- Hertlein Frank Incoatec GmbH
- Huang Rong IMCA-CAT/CARS
- Idir Mourad Synchrotron SOLEIL
- Kimura Takashi Osaka University
- Polack François Synchrotron SOLEIL
- Quinn Paul Diamond Light Source
- Reininger Ruben Synchrotron Radiation Center
- Rommeveaux Amparo ESRF
- Roper Mark STFC Daresbury Laboratory
- Sawhney Kawal Diamond Light Source Ltd
- Siewert Frank Bessy Gmbh
- Signorato Riccardo ACCEL Instruments GmbH
- Sinn Harald DESY- XFEL
- Sutter John Diamond Light Source
- Thomasset Muriel Synchrotron SOLEIL
- Yamauchi Kazuto Osaka University
- Zangrando Marco Laboratorio TASC INFM-CNR
- Zizak Ivo Bessy GmbH
To enroll for the round table, after your registration to the main workshop please
send us an e-mail at Please add in the Email subject line the sentence “roundtable”
If You have any particular topic to discuss in this round table, please let us know it and come prepared with 1 or 2 slides.
- Ordered list