List of participants
- Alcock Simon Diamond Light Source Ltd
- Atkins Carolyn University College London
- Barrett Ray ESRF
- Braam Bernardus TNO Science and Industry
- Bianco Anna Sincrotrone Trieste
- Bucourt Samuel Imagine optic
- Canestrari Rodolfo INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera
- Cautero Marco Sincrotrone Trieste
- Cerenius Yngve MAX-lab
- Chang Shih-Hung NSRRC
- Chung Shih-Chun NSRRC
- Ciceri Ferdinando Physik Instrumente (PI) S.r.l.
- Cimino Roberto LNF-INFN
- Cocco Daniele Sincrotrone Trieste
- Cudin Ivan Sincrotrone Trieste
- Dent Andrew Diamond light Source
- Feldman Charly University of Leicester
- Fischetti Robert Argonne National Lab.
- Flechsig Uwe Paul Scherrer Institut
- Frassetto Fabio CNR-INFM, LUXOR Lab
- Gleeson Anthony STFC Daresbury Laboratory
- Gore David Illinois Institute of Technology
- Hartmann Bastian Universtität Göttingen
- Hertlein Frank Incoatec GmbH
- Huang Rong IMCA-CAT/CARS
- Idir Mourad Synchrotron SOLEIL
- Jastrow Fini Deutsche Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY)
- Jensen Brian MAX-lab
- Johansson Ulf MAX-lab
- Kalbfleisch Sebastian Universität Göttingen
- Kimura Takashi Osaka University
- Holger Lasser Carl Zeiss Laser Optics
- Martinez Juan Carlos CELLS
- Nicolas Josep CELLS
- O'Dell Stephen NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
- Polack François Synchrotron SOLEIL
- Quinn Paul Diamond Light Source
- Ramsey Brian NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
- Reininger Ruben Synchrotron Radiation Center
- Rommeveaux Amparo ESRF
- Roper Mark STFC Daresbury Laboratory
- Sawhney Kawal Diamond Light Source Ltd
- Sergo Rudi Sincrotrone Trieste
- Siewert Frank Bessy Gmbh
- Signorato Riccardo ACCEL Instruments GmbH
- Sinn Harald DESY- XFEL
- Sostero Giovanni Sincrotrone Trieste
- Spielmann Sibylle Swiss Light Source
- Spiga Daniele INAF/Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera
- Sutter John Diamond Light Source
- Svetina Cristian Sincrotrone Trieste
- Thiess Helge Carl Zeiss Laser Optics
- Thomasset Muriel Synchrotron SOLEIL
- Tiedtke Kai Deutsche Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY)
- Touzet Bruno HORIBA Jobin Yvon
- Vidal Josep CELLS
- Wang Hongchang University College London
- Weffort Ilde Sincrotrone Trieste
- Yamauchi Kazuto Osaka University
- Yashchuk Valeriy Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Zangrando Marco Laboratorio TASC INFM-CNR
- Zizak Ivo Bessy GmbH