Structural Insights on Fusion Mechanisms of Small Extracellular Vesicles with Model Plasma Membranes
Perissinotto F., Rondelli V., Senigagliesi B. , Brocca P., Almasy L., Bottyan L., Merkel D. G., Amenitsch H., Sartori B., Pachler K., Mayr M., Gimona M., Rohde E., Casalis L, Parisse P.,
Nanoscale (2021)
Shedding Plasma Membrane Vesicles Induced by Graphene Oxide Nanoflakes in Brain Cultured Astrocytes
Musto M., Memo C., Pachetti M., Parisse P., Kostarelos K., Casalis. L, Ballerini L.
Carbon 176 (2021) 458
Atomic Force Microscopy Investigation of the Interactions between the MCM Helicase and DNA
Mohammed Khalid, A.A.; Parisse, P.; Medagli, B.; Onesti, S.; Casalis, L.
Materials 14 (2021) 687
Infrared Nanospectroscopy of Individual Extracellular Microvesicles
Polito, R.; Musto, M.; Temperini, M.E.; Ballerini, L.; Ortolani, M.; Baldassarre, L.; Casalis, L.; Giliberti, V.
Molecules 26 (2021) 887
Computational Evolution of Beta-2-Microglobulin Binding Peptides for Nanopatterned Surface Sensors.
Adedeji Olulana, A.F.; Soler, M.A.; Lotteri, M.; Vondracek, H.; Casalis, L.; Marasco, D.; Castronovo, M.; Fortuna, S.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 22 (2021) 812
Multitechnique analysis of extracellular vesicles: not only size matters
F. Perissinotto, B. Senigagliesi, L. Vaccari, M. Pachetti, F. D'Amico, H. Amenitsch, B.Sartori, K. Pachler, M. Mayr, M. Gimona, E. Rohde, F. Caponnetto, D. Cesselli, L. Casalis, P. Parisse
Advanced in Biomembranes and Lipid Self-Assembly 32 (2020) 157
Biologically driven cut-off definition of lymphocyte ratios in metastatic breast cancer and association with exosomal subpopulations and prognosis
L. Gerratana, F. Basile, B. Toffoletto, M. Bulfoni, S. Zago, A. Magini, M. Lera, G. Pelizzari, P. Parisse, L. Casalis, M.G. Vitale, V. Fanotto, M. Bonotto, F. Caponnetto, M. Bartoletti, C. Lisanti, A.M. Minisini, C. Emiliani, C. Di Loreto, G. Fasola, F. Curcio, A. P. Beltrami, D. Cesselli, F. Puglisi
Scientific Reports 10 (2020) 7010
Surface evaluation of the effect of X-rays irradiation on parchment artefacts through AFM and SEM
Monia Vadrucci, Cristina Cicero, Pietro Parisse, Loredana Casalis, Giovanni De Bellis
Applied Surface Science (2020)145881
On the Formation and Stability of Chitosan/Hyaluronan-Based Complex Coacervates
F. Furlani, P. Parisse, P. Sacco
Molecules 25 (2020) , 1071
Iron-Mediated Interaction of Alpha Synuclein with Raft-like model membranes
F. Perissinotto, C. Stani. E. De Cecco, L. Vaccari, V. Rondelli, P. Posocco, D. Scaini, G. Legname, P. Parisse, L. Casalis
Nanoscale (2020)
GM1 Ganglioside role in the interaction of Alpha-synuclein with lipid membranes: Morphology and structure
F. Perissinotto, V. Rondelli, P. Parisse, N. Tormena, A. Zunino, L. Almásy, D.G. Merkel, L. Bottyán, Sz. Sajti, L. Casalis
Biophysical Chemistry (2019)
The High Mobility Group A1 (HMGA1) Chromatin Architectural Factor Modulates Nuclear in Breast Cancer Cells
Senigagliesi, B., Penzo, C., Severino, U. L., Maraspini, R., Petrosino, S., Morales-Navarrete, H., Pobega, E., Ambrosetti, E., Parisse, P., Pegoraro, S., Manfioletti, G., Casalis, L., Sgarra, R.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (2019) 1422-0067
Transparent carbon nanotubes promote the outgrowth of enthorino-dentate projections in lesioned organ slice cultures
Pampaloni, N. P., Rago, I., Calaresu, I., Cozzarini, L., Casalis, L., Goldoni, A., Ballerini, L., Scaini, D.
Developmental Neurobiology (2019)
Carbon Nanotubes, Directly Grown on Supporting Surfaces, Improve Neuronal Activity in Hippocampal Neuronal Networks
Rago, I., Rauti, R., Bevilacqua, M., Calaresu, I., Pozzato, A., Cibinel, M., Dalmiglio, M., Tavagnacco, C., Goldoni, A. Scaini, D.
Advanced Biosystems (2019)
Mixed Fluorinated/Hydrogenated Self-Assembled Monolayer-Protected Gold Nanoparticles: In Silico and In Vitro Behavior
Marson, D., Guida, F., Şologan, M., Boccardo, S., Pengo, P., Perissinotto, F., Iacuzzi, V., Pellizzoni, E., Polizzi, S., Casalis, L., Pasquato, L., Pacor, S., Tossi, A., Posocco, P.
Small (2019)
Functionalizing gold with ssDNA: novel insights into optical properties via combined spectroscopic ellipsometry and nanolithography measurements
Pinto, G., Parisse, P., Solano, I., Canepa, P., Canepa, M., Casalis, L., Cavalleri, O.
Soft Matter 15 (2019) 2463
Extracellular vesicles: How drug and pathology interfere with their biogenesis and function
Cesselli, D., Parisse, P., Aleksova, A., Veneziano, C., Cervellin, C., Zanello, A., Beltrami, A.P.
Frontiers in Physiology(2018) 9, 1394
Sculpting neurotransmission during synaptic development by 2D nanostructured interfaces
Pampaloni, N.P., Scaini, D., Perissinotto, F., Bosi, S., Prato, M., Ballerini, L.
Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine, (2018) 14 , 2521
Vitamin C/Stearic Acid Hybrid Monolayer Adsorption at Air-Water and Air-Solid Interfaces
Ahmed, I, Haque, A, Bhattacharyya, S, Plaisier, JR, Perissinotto, F., Bal, JK
ACS Omega (2018) 3, 15789
Single-stranded DNA oligomer brush structure is dominated by intramolecular interactions mediated by the ion environment
P. S. Gil, D. J. Lacks, P. Parisse, L. Casalis, M. D. Nkoua Ngavouka
Soft Matter, (2018) DOI: 10.1039/c8sm01743c.
Overexpression of the mitochondrial Mg channel MRS2 increases total cellular Mg concentration and influences sensitivity to apoptosis
Merolle, L., Sponder, G., Sargenti, A., Mastrototaro, L., Cappadone, C., Farruggia, G., Procopio, A., Malucelli, E., Parisse, P., Gianoncelli, A., Aschenbach, J.R., Kolisek, M., Iotti, S.
Metallomics, 10, 917-928 (2018)
Formation of highly ordered liquid crystalline coatings
S. Salentinig, M. Zabara, P. Parisse, H. Amenitsch
Phys Chem Chem Phys, 20, 21903 (2018)
Thickness and Beyond. Exploiting Spectroscopic Ellipsometry and Atomic Force Nanolithography for the Investigation of Ultrathin Interfaces of Biologic Interest
Parisse, P., Solano, I., Magnozzi, M., Bisio, F., Casalis, L., Cavalleri, O., Canepa, M.
Springer Series in Surface Sciences, 52, 63-93 (2018)
Exploiting natural polysaccharides to enhance in vitro bio-constructs of primary neurons and progenitor cells
Medelin, M., Porrelli, D., Aurand, E.R., Scaini, D., Travan, A., Borgogna, M.A., Cok, M., Donati, I., Marsich, E., Scopa, C., Scardigli, R., Paoletti, S., Ballerini, L.
Acta Biomaterialia, 73, 285-301 (2018)
Single-layer graphene modulates neuronal communication and augments membrane ion currents
Pampaloni, N.P., Lottner, M., Giugliano, M., Matruglio, A., D’Amico, F., Prato, M., Garrido, J.A., Ballerini, L., Scaini, D.
Nature Nanotechnology, 13, 755-764 (2018)
Spatially resolved peptide-DNA nanoassemblages for biomarker detection: A synergy of DNA-directed immobilization and nanografting
Adedeji, A.F., Ambrosetti, E., Casalis, L., Castronovo, M.
Methods in Molecular Biology, 1811, 151-162 (2018)
Activation of human aortic valve interstitial cells by local stiffness involves YAP-dependent transcriptional signaling
Santoro, R., Scaini, D., Severino, L.U., Amadeo, F., Ferrari, S., Bernava, G., Garoffolo, G., Agrifoglio, M., Casalis, L., Pesce, M
Biomaterials, 181, 268-279 (2018)
Nanomaterials at the neural interface
D. Scaini, L. Ballerini
Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 50 50-55 (2018)
alpha-Synuclein Amyloids Hijack Prion Protein to Gain Cell Entry, Facilitate Cell-to-Cell Spreading and Block Prion Replication
S. Aulic, L. Masperone, J. Narkiewicz, E. Isopi, E. Bistaffa, E. Ambrosetti, B. Pastore, E. De Cecco, D. Scaini, P. Zago, F. Moda, F. Tagliavini, G. Legname
Scientific Reports 7, 10050 (2017)
Successful regrowth of retinal neurons when cultured interfaced to carbon nanotube platforms
Cellot, G., La Monica, S., Scaini, D., Rauti, R., Bosi, S., Prato, M., Gandolfi, S., Ballerini, L.
Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology 13, 559 (2017)
Mechanical cues control mutant p53 stability through a mevalonate-RhoA axis
E. Ingallina, G. Sorrentino, R. Bertolio, K. Lisek, A. Zannini, L. Azzolin, L. Ulloa Severino, D. Scaini, M. Mano, F. Mantovani, A. Rosato, S. Bicciato, S. Piccolo, G. Del Sal
Nature Cell Biology (2017)
The mechanisms of humic substanceses self-assembly with biological molecules: the case study of prion protein
G. Giachin, R. Nepravishta, W. Mandaliti, S. Melino, A. Margon, D. Scaini, P. Mazzei, A. Piccolo, G. Legname, M. Paci, L. Leita
Plos ONE 12, e0188308 (2017)
Quantification of Circulating Cancer Biomarkers via Sensitive Topographic Measurements on Single Binder Nanoarrays
E. Ambrosetti, P. Paoletti, A. Bosco, P. Parisse, D. Scaini, E. Tagliabue, A. de Marco, L. Casalis
ACS Omega 2, 2618 (2017)
Atomic Force Microscopy analysis of Extracellular Vesicles
P. Parisse, I. Rago, L. Ulloa Severino, F. Perissinotto, E. Ambrosetti, P. Paoletti, M. Ricci, A.P. Beltrami, D. Cesselli, L. Casalis
European Biophysical Journal 46, 813 (2017)
Computational design of cyclic peptides for the customized oriented immobilization of globular proteins
M Soler, A Rodriguez, A. Russo, A. F. Adedeij, C. J. Dongmo Foumthuim, C. Cantarutti, E. Ambrosetti, L. Casalis, A. Corazza, G. Scoles, D. Marasco, A. Laio, S. Fortuna
Phys Chem Chem Phys 19, 2740 (2017)
Site accessibility tailors DNA cleavage by restriction enzymes in DNA confined monolayers
C. Rotella, G. Doni, A. Bosco, M. Castronovo, A. De Vita, L. Casalis, G.M. Pavan, P. Parisse
Nanoscale 9, 6399 (2017)
Atomic Force Microscopy and Spectroscopic Ellipsometry combined analysis of Small Ubiquitin-like Modifier adsorption on functional monolayers
I. Solano, P. Parisse, F. Gramazio, L. Ianeselli, B. Medagli, O. Cavalleri, L. Casalis, M. Canepa
Applied Surface Science 421, 722 (2017)
Myoblast adhesion, proloferation and differentiation on human elastin-like polypeptide (HELP) hydrogels
P. D'Andrea, D. Civita, M. Cok, L. Ulloa Severino, F. Vita, D. Scaini, L. Casalis, P. Lorenzon, I. Donati, A. Bandiera
Journal of Applied Biomaterials and Functional Materials (2017)
DNA-conjugated gold nanoparticles based colorimetric assay to assess helicase activity: a novel route to screen potential helicase inhibitors
J. Deha, A. Mojumdar, P. Parisse, S. Onesti, L. Casalis
Scientific reports 7, 44538 (2017)
Sculpting neurotransmission during synaptic development by 2D nanostructured interfaces
Pampaloni, N.P., Scaini, D., Perissinotto, F., Bosi, S., Prato, M., Ballerini, L.
Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine, (2016)
3D meshes of carbon nanotubes guide functional reconnection of segregated spinal explants
Usmani, S., Aurand, E.R., Medelin, M., Fabbro, A., Scaini, D., Laishram, J., Rosselli, F.B., Ansuini, A., Zoccolan, D., Scarselli, M., De Crescenzi, M., Bosi, S., Prato, M., Ballerini, L.
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PEDOT:PSS interfaces support the development of neuronal synaptic networks with reduced neuroglia response in vitro
Cellot, G., Lagonegro, P., Tarabella, G., Scaini, D., Fabbri, F., Iannotta, S., Prato, M., Salviati, G., Ballerini, L.
Frontiers in Neuroscience, 9, 521 (2016)
Cellobiose dehydrogenase functionalized urinary catheter as novel antibiofilm system
Thallinger, B., Brandauer, M., Burger, P., Sygmund, C., Ludwig, R., Ivanova, K., Kun, J., Scaini, D., Burnet, M., Tzanov, T., Nyanhongo, G.S., Guebitz, G.M.
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part B Applied Biomaterials, 104, 1448-1456 (2016)
Graphene-Based interfaces do not alter target nerve cells
Fabbro, A., Scaini, D., León, V., Vázquez, E., Cellot, G., Privitera, G., Lombardi, L., Torrisi, F., Tomarchio, F., Bonaccorso, F., Bosi, S., Ferrari, A.C., Ballerini, L., Prato, M
ACS Nano, 10, 615-623 (2016)
Miniaturized Aptamer-based Assays for Protein Detection
A. Bosco, E. Ambrosetti, J. Mavri, P. Capaldo, L. Casalis
Chemosensors 4, 18 (2016)
Circulating disease biomarkers detection in complex matrices: real-time, in situ measurements of DNA/miRNA hybridization via Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
P. Capaldo, S.R. Alfarano, L. Ianeselli, S. Dalzilio, A. Bosco, P. Parisse and L. Casalis
ACS Sensors 1, 1003-1010 (2016)
Direct formation of gold nanorods on surfaces using polymer-immobilised gold seeds
M. Kazemian, P. Parisse and L. Casalis
Beilstein J. Nanotechnology 7, 809 (2016)
Investigating organic multilayers by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry: Specific and non-specific interactions of hexahistidine with NTA self assembled monolayers
O. Cavalleri,I. Solano, P. Parisse, F. Gramazio, L. Casalis, M. Canepa
Beilstein J. Nanotechnology 7, 544 (2016)
Graphene Oxide Nanosheets reshape Synaptic Function in Cultured Brain Networks
R. Rauti, N. Lozano, V. Leon, D. Scaini, M Musto, I. Rago, F.P. Ulloa Severino, A. Fabbro, L. Casalis, E. Vazquez, K. Kostarelos, M. Prato, and L. Ballerini
ACS Nano 10, 4459 (2016)
Mismatch detection in DNA monolayers by atomic force microscopy and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
M.D. Nkoua Ngavouka, P. Capaldo, E. Ambrosetti, G. Scoles, L. Casalis, P. Parisse
Beilstein J. Nanotechnology 7, 220 (2016)
Experimental setups for FEL-based four-wave mixing experiments at FERMI
F. Bencivenga, M. Zangrando, C. Svetina, A. Abrami, A. Battistoni, R. Borghes, F. Capotondi, R. Cucini, F. Dallari, M. Danailov, A. Demidovich, C. Fava, G. Gaio, S. Gerusina, A. Gessini, F. Giacuzzo, R. Gobessi, R. Godnig, R. Grisonich, M. Kiskinova, G. Kurdi, G. Loda, M. Lonza, N. Mahne, M. Manfredda, R. Mincigrucci, G. Pangon, P. Parisse, R. Passuello, E. Pedersoli, L. Pivetta, M. Prica, E. Principi, I. Rago, L. Raimondi, R. Sauro, M. Scarcia, P. Sigalotti, M. Zaccariaand C. Masciovecchio,
J. Synchrotron Rad. 23 (2016) 132
Easy fabrication of aligned PLLA nanofibers-based 2d scaffolds suitable for cell contact guidance studies
J. Mohanraj, L. Puzzi, E. Capria, S. Corvaglia, L. Casalis, L. Mestroni, O. Sbaizero, A. Fraleoni-Morgera
Mater. Sci. Eng. C , 62, 301 (2016)
Silver nanoparticles on nanopatterned LiF(110) surface studied by extreme ultraviolet light scattering
A. Giglia, P. Parisse, P. Miotti, S. Nannarone
J. Appl. Phys., 118 (2015) 235302
From 2D to 3D: Novel nanostructured scaffolds to investigate signalling in reconstructed neuronal networks
Bosi, S., Rauti, R., Laishram, J., Turco, A., Lonardoni, D., Nieus, T., Prato, M., Scaini, D., Ballerini, L.
Scientific Reports, 5, 9562 (2015)
In vitro myogenesis induced by human recombinant elastin-like proteins
D'Andrea, P., Scaini, D., Severino, L.U., Borelli, V., Passamonti, S., Lorenzon, P., Bandiera, A.
Biomaterials, 67, 240-253 (2015)
Spectroscopic Ellipsometry meets AFM nanolithography: about hydration of bio-inert oligo(ethylene glycol)-terminated Self Assembled Monolayers on gold
I. Solano, P. Parisse, F. Gramazio, O. Cavalleri, G. Bracco, M. Castronovo, L. Casalis, M. Canepa
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. , 17, 28774 (2015)
Four wave mixing experiments with extreme ultraviolet transient gratings
F. Bencivenga,R. Cucini,F. Capotondi,A. Battistoni, R. Mincigrucci,E. Giangrisostomi,A. Gessini, M. Manfredda,I. P. Nikolov,E. Pedersoli,E. Principi,C. Svetina,P. Parisse,F. Casolari, M. B. Danailov,M. Kiskinova & C. Masciovecchio
Nature 520 (2015) 205
Surface Passivation Improves the Synthesis of Highly Stable and Specific DNA-Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles with Variable DNA Density
J. Deka, R. Mech, L. Ianeselli, H. Amenitsch, F. Cacho-Nerin, P. Parisse, and L. Casalis,
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 7, 7033 (2015)
A DNA-based nano-immunoassay for the label-free detection of Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein in multicell lysates
A. Bosco, M. Ganau, A. Palma, S. Corvaglia, P. Parisse, L. Fruk, A.P. Beltrami, D. Cesselli, L. Casalis, G. Scoles
Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine, 11, 293 (2015)
Determination of Average Internucleotide Distance in Variable Density ssDNA Nanobrushes in the Presence of Different Cations Species
M. D. Nkoua Ngavouka, A. Bosco, L. Casalis, P. Parisse
Macromolecules, 47, 8748 (2014)
Atomic force microscopy based nanoassay: a new method to study alpha-Synuclein- dopamine bioaffinity interactions
S. Corvaglia, B. Sanavio, R. P. Hong Henriquez, B. Sorce, A. Bosco, D. Scaini, S. Sabella, P. Pompa, G. Scoles, L. Casalis
Scientific Reports, 4, 5366 (2014)
Defined alpha-synuclein prion-like molecular assemblies spreading in cell culture
S. Aulic, T. T. Nhat Le, F. Moda, S. Abounit, S. Corvaglia, L. Casalis, S. Gustincich, C. Zurzolo, F. Tagliavini, G. Legname
BMC Neuroscience, 15, 69 (2014)
Glioma-Associated Stem Cells: a Novel Class of Tumor-Supporting Cells Able to Predict Prognisis of Human Low-Grade Gliomas
E. Bourkoula, D. Mangoni, T. Ius, A. Pucer, M. Isola, D. Musiello, S. Marzinotto, B. Toffoletto, M. Sorrentino, A. Palma, F. Caponnetto, G. Gregoraci, M. Vindigni, S. Pizzolitto, G. Falconieri, G. De Maglio, V. Pecile, M. Gruaro, G. Gri, P. Parisse, L. Casalis, G. Scoles, M. Skrap, C.A. Beltrami, A.P. Beltrami, D. Cesselli
Stem Cells, 32, 1239 (2014)
doi: 10.1002/stem.1605
Development of Stable and Reproducible Biosensors based on Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy: Three-Electrode versus Two-Electrode Setup
L. Ianeselli, G. Grenci, C. Callegari, M. Tormen and L. Casalis
Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 55, 1 (2014)
doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2013.11.067