NanoInnovationLAB Instrument Description
Currently we have 5 AFMs running in our laboratory:- a NT-MDT Solver Pro (100x100 um2 max scanning area, 0.5-2 nm in lateral resolution in air and in liquid environment).
- an Asylum Research MFP3D (free of charge lease with University of Udine), (100x100 um2 max scanning area, 0.5-2 nm in lateral resolution in air and in liquid environment).
- Two Park Instruments XE-100 (50x50 um2 max scanning area, 2-5nm lateral resolution), mainly devoted to nanolithography.
- a NT-MDT Smena Head (100x100 um2 max scanning area, 0.5-2 nm in lateral resolution in air and in liquid environment) hosted on a Nikon Eclipse Ti Inverted Microscope equipped with 4 magnification lenses (4x, 20x, 50x, 100x), a fluorescence setup (Hg lamp, blue, green and red filters) and a CCD cooled camera (DS- Qi1Mc) to combine optical, fluorescence microscopy with AFM imaging and spectroscopy. In addition we have installed a blue laser (488 nm) for operating in Total Internal Reflectance Fluorescence conditions.

Last Updated on Monday, 12 February 2018 16:03