Info for Users

Proposal submission

We invite users and collaborators to discuss their proposals with the beamline local contacts well in advance of the submission deadline. This is crucial for a careful assessment of the experiment feasibility and may result in an improvement of the proposal.  Please read carefully our guidelines for proposal submission

How to get to the Elettra Laboratory

from Trieste Airport 46 km pdf
from Venice Airport 156 km pdf
from Treviso Airport 165 km pdf
from Ljubljana Airport 112 km pdf
from Trieste, by bus 11 km pdf

Access request

Users and collaborators coming to LDM for experiments are requested to fill the dedicated Access Request Form and complete the applicable safety training. The procedure assumes your personal information to be already in the VUO database. If not, please register in the VUO first.
The Access Request must be submitted in due time. You must receive an approval from the corresponding officer prior to your arrival, otherwise you will not be able to enter the laboratory. Once at Elettra, you will be asked for a valid identification document  so please remeber to bring one with you. If you visit Elettra for the first time, you will have to complete the safety training through the VUO. 

Safety Laser course

Mandatory: All FERMI users must perform an on-line Safety Laser Course before accessing the laboratory irrespective of whether or not their experiment uses the laser.
Instructions: Log into VUO with your ID and password 

- Go to the Section ”Courses”, link “courses list”
- Select the “Fermi Laser Course”
- Open the “Fermi laser.pdf” file and take your time to read the slides very carefully
- After watching the slides, perform the Fermi Laser Verification test (in order to pass, all the answers must be correct).  
If you do not pass the test you can perform it again.

Proposal submission guidelines

Proposal selection

FERMI is open to users intending to publish their scientific results in the literature. After submission, the beamline coordinators evaluate the technical feasibility of the experiment described and the security services evaluate the potential risk involved. Feasible proposals are then evaluated and ranked by an external panel of reviewers, which is composed of experts in various fields of FEL research and applications and its composition is agreed upon with Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste partners.
Last Updated on Thursday, 05 November 2015 15:13