Beamline description
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Optical scheme
The XAFS spectrometer is built in the direction of the tangential fan of the bending magnet 11.1 of the Elettra synchrotron light source.
after the sample operate in optimal conditions of linearity. Two pairs of entrance W alloy slits define the shape of the beam impinging on the monochromator. The monochromator, placed at 21.7 m from the source is a double flat crystal double cam Kohzu apparatus. The energy range 2.4 - 27 keV can be covered using interchangeable under vacuum pairs of Si(111) and Si(311) crystals. Two successive Bragg reflections, with an inherent energy resolution given by the Darwin angular width directs photons of the desired energy parallel to the incoming beam direction, but offset upward by 25 mm. The fixed exit is achieved by the rotation and translation of the first crystal along the two cams. The detuning of the second crystal provides harmonic rejection at working energies below 9 keV. Downstream the monochromator a second set of W alloy slits are used to define the beam on the sample.
Last Updated on Thursday, 28 March 2024 10:28