Information for users

Proposal Submission

Detailed instructions for submission of proposal can be found in the in the user area webpages. Before send your proposal read carefully the information regarding the specifications of XAFS beamline (energy range, spot size, etc) and the sample environments available. Moreover, consider if your samples are suitable for the experiment you intent to perform. This is crucial for a careful assessment of the experiment feasibility and may lead to improvements in the proposed experimental plan. Our website provides a wealth of information on experiment feasibilty and proposal submission. The experimental plan must be realistic and well organized, capable to deliver achievable goals. We invite users and collabrators to discuss their proposals with the beamline local contacts well in advance before the submission deadline.

Call for proposals

The deadline for offline facilities proposal submission is Mon, 31 Mar 2025 .
The  submission of proposals for the Elettra beamlines is suspended until Elettra 2.0 is commissioned.



Proposal Evaluation and Scheduling

After the feasibility of the proposals has been assessed by the beamline coordinators, the proposals are reviewed by an independent Panel (PRP). The PRP is composed of experts in various fields of synchrotron radiation research. The main criteria to be kept in mind in the evaluation process are: expected impact of the experiments, topicality, probability to produce one or more publications on highly cited scientific journals, potential to help solving important technologically or socially relevant problems, possible development of a new application of synchrotron radiation. The beamline coordinator takes care of contacting all of the users whose proposals have been accepted. The assigned dates for the experiments will be displayed at the calendar, following the rank indicated by the Review Panel, and considering experimental requirements and individual needs.

Before arriving

Access Request

Before you begin to work at Elettra an Access Request must be submitted in due time. Timing for the submission of the Access Request varies according to Users Categories: General Users, EU Funded Users, Research Team Members and Collaborators must submit their Access Form at least two weeks before the experiment. Italian Users must submit their Access Request form at least one month before the experiment. You must receive an approval from the corresponding officer prior to your arrival, otherwise you will not be able to enter the laboratory. Once at Elettra, you will be asked for a valid identification document  so please remeber to bring one with you. Instructions for different user categories can be found here.

Sample preparation

At the XAFS beamline, liquid, thin films and bulky samples can be analyzed. However, most of the experiments are conducted on powder samples pressed in the form of pellets; for this reason, a brief overview regarding the calculation of the sample amount, pellets preparation and matrix to be used, is provided below


General information

The user area webpages offer you advice on several topics regarding your staying at Elettra, including accommodation, car rental and how to reach the Elettra site


After your beamtime

Once measurements are finished, users are requested to supply some feedback through the VUO. This is an important step, as all the information provided by you will contribute to improve Elettra’s service to users (BEST form, previous EOSF) and give the Proposal Review Panel a concrete input to integrate the evaluation of your future proposals (Achievements, Experimental Report and Publications).




Last Updated on Monday, 20 July 2020 12:45