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Bridging the material and pressure gaps in synchrotron based photoelectron in situ/operando studies L. Gregoratti et al. ACS 253rd, 2 - 6 April, San Francisco, USA |
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Bridging the material and pressure gaps in synchrotron based photoelectron in situ/operando studies L. Greoratti et al. COEX Combining electrons with X-rays for integrated in-operando experiments, 23-24 September, Trieste, Italy |
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Novel solutions for near ambient pressure in-situ photoelectron spectro-microscopy L. Greoratti et al. ECOSS33, 27 August - 1 September, Szeged, Hungary |
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Scanning photoemission imaging and spectromicroscopy: a powerfull tool to chemically characterize free standing graphene at the micro- and nano-scale M. Amati et al. EGF 2017, 26 - 28 April 2017, Paris, France |
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Spettro-microscopia elettronica di fotoemissione, uno strumento per caratterizzare chimicamente reperti metallici con una risoluzione spaziale submicrometrica M. Amati et al. Giornate Nazioni sulla Corrosione e Protezione 2017 – XII edizione, 28 - 30 Giugno, Milano, Italy |
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Towards ambient pressure in the characterization of materials at the micro- and nano-scale by scanning photoemission imaging and spectromicroscopy M. Amati et al. EUROMAT 2017, September 18 - 22, Thessaloniki, Greece |
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Scanning Photoemission Imaging and Spectromicroscopy, a powerful tool for in situ and in operando characterization of Fuel Cell components M. Amati et al. FisMat 2017, 1 - 5 October, Trieste, Italy |
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Scanning Photoemission Spectro-Microscopy, a powerful tool for chemical characterization of metal artefacts with a sub-micrometric spatial resolution M. Amati et al. MetroArchaeo 2017, 23 - 25 October, Lecce, Italy |
Last Updated on Tuesday, 27 July 2021 16:17