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Photoelectron Spectro-Microscopy at Elettra: recent advances and perspectives M. Amati et al. Hercules European School - 2021, ONLINE |
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Photoelectron spectromicroscopy for in situ/operando studies: new capabilities and future challenges L. Gregoratti et al. workshop: Scientific and Technological Impact of BESSY III, Berlin, German, April 2020 |
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Scanning photoemission imaging and spectromicroscopy: a powerful tool to chemically characterize 1D and 2D carbon based materials at the micro- and nano-scale M. Amati et al. EMN Rome Meeting on Carbon Nanostructures 2019, Roma, Italy, May 14-16 |
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Operando characterization of SOFC components at the submicron scale by scanning photoemission imaging and spectromicroscopy M. Amati et al. Materials for today's energy challenges", Padova, Italy, June 3-4 |
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In situ scanning photoemission imaging and spectromicroscopy at near ambient pressure conditions P. Zeller et al. SRI 2018, Taipei, Taiwan, June 10-15 |
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Bridging the material and pressure gap in synchrotron based photoelectron in situ/operando studies L. Gregoratti et al. 3rd AIC-SILS conference Rome, Italy, June 25-28 |
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Bridging the material and pressure gaps in synchrotron based photoelectron in situ/operando studies of energy related systems L. Gregoratti et al. IWSREM-2018, Hefei, China, Sept.2-5 |
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Novel Solutions for Near Ambient Pressure in-situ and operando photoelectron spectro-microscopy M. Amati et al. EMRS 2019 Fall Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, September 16 – 20 |
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Spatially resolved XPS measurements of the oxidation and reduction dynamics of polycrystalline transition metals P. Zeller et al. 6th Annual APXPS Workshop, Lund, Sweden, December 10-13 |
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Effusive CELLs for near ambient pressure scanning photoemission imaging and spectromicroscopy at the submicron scale (POSTER) M. Amati et al. 6th Annual APXPS Workshop, Lund, Sweden, December 10-13 |
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Photoemission spectroscopies/microscopies and NAPXPS L. Greoratti et al. CHESS – Conventional and high energy spectroscopies surfaces analysis, Florence, Italy December 2019 |
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XPS technique applied to study electrochemical systems and semiconductors behaviour at submicron scale in operative conditions M. Amati wt al. Nanotechnology: From Materials to Science, February 15 – 16, Prague, Czechia |
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Bridging the material and pressure gap in synchrotron based photoelectron in situ/operando studies L. Gregoratti et al. 3rd AIC-SILS conference Rome, Italy, June 25-28 2018 |
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Scanning photoemission imaging and spectro-microscopy: a direct approach to spatially resolved XPS for micro- and nano-materials characterization M. Amati et al. “CCMR 2018”, Incheon/Seoul, South Korea, June 25-29, 2018 |
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Bridging the material and pressure gaps in synchrotron based photoelectron in situ/operando studies of energy related systems L. Gregoratti et al. IWSREM-2018, Hefei, China, Sept.2-5, 2018 |
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Novel solutions for near-ambient pressure in-situ and in-operando photoelectron spectro-microscopy M. Amati et al. 10th ISSE Workshop on Sample Environment, September 2 – 6, Potsdam, Germany |
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Toward Near Ambient Pressure Scanning Photoemission Imaging and Spectro-microscopy for in situ and in operando characterization of Fuel Cell components (POSTER) M. Amati et al. 5th APXPS Workshop, 11-14 December, 2018 |
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Bridging the material and pressure gaps in synchrotron based photoelectron in situ/operando studies L. Gregoratti et al. ACS 253rd, 2 - 6 April, San Francisco, USA |
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Bridging the material and pressure gaps in synchrotron based photoelectron in situ/operando studies L. Greoratti et al. COEX Combining electrons with X-rays for integrated in-operando experiments, 23-24 September, Trieste, Italy |
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Novel solutions for near ambient pressure in-situ photoelectron spectro-microscopy L. Greoratti et al. ECOSS33, 27 August - 1 September, Szeged, Hungary |
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Scanning photoemission imaging and spectromicroscopy: a powerfull tool to chemically characterize free standing graphene at the micro- and nano-scale M. Amati et al. EGF 2017, 26 - 28 April 2017, Paris, France |
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Spettro-microscopia elettronica di fotoemissione, uno strumento per caratterizzare chimicamente reperti metallici con una risoluzione spaziale submicrometrica M. Amati et al. Giornate Nazioni sulla Corrosione e Protezione 2017 – XII edizione, 28 - 30 Giugno, Milano, Italy |
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Towards ambient pressure in the characterization of materials at the micro- and nano-scale by scanning photoemission imaging and spectromicroscopy M. Amati et al. EUROMAT 2017, September 18 - 22, Thessaloniki, Greece |
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Scanning Photoemission Imaging and Spectromicroscopy, a powerful tool for in situ and in operando characterization of Fuel Cell components M. Amati et al. FisMat 2017, 1 - 5 October, Trieste, Italy |
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Scanning Photoemission Spectro-Microscopy, a powerful tool for chemical characterization of metal artefacts with a sub-micrometric spatial resolution M. Amati et al. MetroArchaeo 2017, 23 - 25 October, Lecce, Italy |
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Tecniche di analisi dei materiali con luce di sincrotrone: l’esperienza di Elettra nel campo aerospaziale L. Gregoratti et al. Workshop ASI - Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste: “Opportunità di sviluppo nel campo aerospaziale”, 25 maggio,AREA Science Park, Trieste |
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Science opportunities at DLSR Synchrotron Elettra2.0 L. Gregoratti et al. workshop: "FIFTH DIFFRACTION LIMITED STORAGE RING (DLSR)", 9 - 11 March, DESY, Hamburg, Germany |
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L. Gregoratti et al. (institutional presentation) Joint ICTP-IAEA Advanced Workshop on High Sensitivity 2D & 3D Characterization and Imaging with Ion Beams 26-30 September 2016, Trieste, Italy |
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H. Sezen et al. IVC-20 20th International Vacuum Congress, Busan, South Korea |
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H. Sezen et al. APXPS 2016 - 3rd Annual Workshop on Ambient Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Oxford, UK |
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Scanning Photoemission Imaging and Spectromicroscopy, a powerful tool for in situ and in operando characterization of materials at the micro- and nano-scale M. Amati et al. CARIBMAT_2016, 8 - 11 November, Santo Domingo, Repubblica Dominicana |
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Towards ambient pressure in the micro- and nano-materials characterization by scanning photoemission imaging and spectromicroscopy M. Amati et al. JVC_EVC_2016, 6 - 10 June, Portoroze, Slovenia |
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Scanning Photoemission Imaging and Spectromicroscopy, a powerful tool for in situ and in operando characterization of Fuel Cell components M. Amati et al. WHEC 2016- WORLD HYDROGEN ENERGY CONFERENCE, 13 - 16 June, Saragoza, Spain |
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Scanning Photoemission Imaging and Spectromicroscopy, a powerful tool for in situ and in operando characterization of materials at the micro- and nano-scale M. Amati et al. TAILOR 2016, 29 marzo - 1 April, France. |
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In-situ characterization of Metal-Polypyrrole Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction: new insights into the synthesis and degradation through Syncrotron-based X-ray imaging and microspectroscopy M. Amati et al. E-MRS 2015 SPRING MEETING, 11 – 15 May, Lille, France |
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Towards ambient pressure in the micro- and nano-materials characterization by scanning photoemission imaging and spectromicroscopy M. Amati et al. SRI 2015, 6-10 July, New York City, USA |
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Novel Solutions for Ambient Pressure and In Situ Photoelectron Spectro-Microscopy H. Sezen et al. ECOSS31, 30 August - 4 September, 2015 Barcelona, Spain |
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Spatially resolved photoemission spectromicroscopy: a powerful tool for the characterization of nanostructured novel materials L. Gregoratti at al. XLIV Annual Meeting of the AIC Vercelli, September 14-18 2015 |
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Chemical characterization of surfaces with spatially resolved photoemission spectromicroscopy: fuel cells, nanosensors and novel materials. L. Gregoratti et al. FISMAT 2015, Italian National Conference on Condensed Matter Physics, Palermo September 28 - October 2, 2015 |
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Towards to Ambient Pressure for Spatially resolved photoemission spectromicroscopy H. Sezen et al. The AVS 62nd International Symposium and Exhibition, 18-23 October, 2015 San Jose, California USA |
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Surface analysis at submicron scale: present and future of the Escamicroscopy SPEM at Elettra L. Gregoratti et al. workshop: "SPEM2014", 20 – 21 March, Diamond Light Source, Oxfordshire, UK |
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Pressure limits in the in-situ scanning photoemission imaging and spectromicroscopy characterization of SOFC componenents M. Amati et al. workshop: "SPEM2014", 20 – 21 March, Diamond Light Source, Oxfordshire, UK |
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Recent achievement in the micro- and nano-materials characterization by scanning photoemission imaging and spectromicroscopy M. Amati et al. E-MRS 2014 SPRING MEETING, 26 – 20 May, Lille, France |
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Scanning photoemission imaging and spectromicroscopy with synchrotron radiation, a powerful tool for micro- and nano-material characterization M. Amati et al. workshop: "SOLMAT2014", 17 – 18 June, Vipava, Slovenia |
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The Escamicroscopy Beamline: Unique High Pressure Solutions H. Sezen et al. ECOSS30, 31 August - 5 September, 2014 Antalya, Turkey |
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Characterization of catalytic materials with synchrotron based Spectromicroscopies L. Gregoratti et al. EMCat 2014, 3 September – 9 September, 2014 Seeon, Germany |
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SPEM characterization of one-dimensional nanostructures B. Aleman Lorente et al. E-MRS 2013 SPRING MEETING, Strasbourg (France), 27/5 -31/5 - Oral Presentation |
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Scanning Photoemission Microscopy Applications In Surface Chemistry L. Gregoratti et al. workshop: "Recent Advances in Spectromicroscopy: Experimental and Theoretical Tools", September 4 - 6, University of Mons, Belgium |
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Scanning Photoemission Microscopy Applications In Surface Chemistry L. Gregoratti et al. IVC-19, September 9 - 13, Paris, France |
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Towards Ambient Pressure Scanning Photoemission Imaging and Spectromicroscopy – Feasibility Test and First Results M. Amati et al. FisMat 2013, September 9 - 13, Milan, Italy |
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Towards Ambient Pressure Scanning Photoemission Imaging and Spectromicroscopy – Feasibility Test and First Results M. Amati et al. SIF XCIX Congresso Nazionale, September 23-27, Trieste, Italy |
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Solid oxide fuel cells characterization with photoemission spectromicroscopy L. Gregoratti et al. ECASIA 2013, October 13 - 18, Cagliari, Italy |
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Synchrotron-based in situ characterization of PEMFC and SOFC components M. Amati et al. EFC13, December 11-13, Roma, Italy |
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Scanning photoemission imaging and spectromicroscopy with synchrotron radiation, a powerful tool for micro- and nano-material characterization |
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Recent achievements in micro- and nano-materials characterization by scanning photoemission imaging and spectromicroscopy |
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Scanning photoemission imaging and spectromicroscopy with synchrotron radiation, a powerful tool for micro- and nano-material characterization |
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Imaging Spectroscopy Techniques And Applications In Surface Chemistry |
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Gecko mimetic tape as new joining technology |
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Scanning photoemission spectromicroscopy experiments |
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Scanning photoemission imaging and spectromicroscopy with synchrotron radiation, a powerful tool for micro- and nano-material characterization |
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Scanning photoemission microscope: A powerful tool for studies on Fuel cells and catalysis supporting material |
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Scanning photoemission microscope: A powerful tool to probe novel systems for deep insights on materials for energy |
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Scanning Photoemission Imaging and Spectromicroscopy, a Powerful Tool for Micro- and Nano-Material Characterization |
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Scanning Photoemission Imaging and Spectromicroscopy with Synchrotron Radiation, a Powerful Tool for Micro- and Nano-Material Characterization |
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Damage formation and characterization with scanning photoemission spectromicroscopy |
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Recent achievement in characterization of micro- and nano-materials by scanning photoemission imaging and spectromicroscopy |
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Scanning photoemission imaging and spectromicroscopy, a powerful tool for micro- and nano-material characterization |
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Recent achievement in characterization of micro- and nano-materials by scanning photoemission imaging and spectromicroscopy |
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Chemical imaging of nanodevices with zone plate based scanning photoemission microscopy |
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Recent achievement in characterization of micro-and nano-materials by scanning photoemission imaging and spectromicroscopy |
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Nanotechnologies at Sincrotrone Trieste |
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Chemical imaging of nanodevices with zone plate-based SPEM |
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Zone plate based scanning photoemission imaging and spectromicroscopy at Elettra: recent achievements and future projects in surface and interface studies |
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Chemical characterization at the nanoscale: recent achievements and future projects of the zone plate based scanning photoemission microscope at Elettra |