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Page 11 of 13
Scanning photoemission microscope: A powerful tool for studies on Fuel cells and catalysis supporting material
M.Kazemian Abyaneh et al.
Joint ICTP-IAEA Advanced school on the role of nuclear technology in Hydrogen based energy systems, Trieste (Italy) 13/6-18/6 - Invited
Scanning photoemission microscope: A powerful tool to probe novel systems for deep insights on materials for energy
M. Kazemian Abyaneh et al.
XX A.I.V. Congress on energy and Materials: technologies and perspectives, Padova (Italy) 17/5-19/5 – Oral presentation
Scanning Photoemission Imaging and Spectromicroscopy, a Powerful Tool for Micro- and Nano-Material Characterization
M. Amati et al.
MTTR, Ajdovscina (Slovenia), 4/5-6/5 – Oral presentation
Scanning Photoemission Imaging and Spectromicroscopy with Synchrotron Radiation, a Powerful Tool for Micro- and Nano-Material Characterization
M. Amati et al.
E-MRS 2011 SPRING MEETING, Nice (France), 9/5-13/5 – Oral presentation
Damage formation and characterization with scanning photoemission spectromicroscopy
L. Gregoratti et al.
XDam3 Prague (Czech Rep.) 17/4-20/4 - Invited
Last Updated on Tuesday, 27 July 2021 16:17