
Brightness, coherent flux and harmonics

The brightness and coherent flux of the undulator source at 0.1% of the bandwidth are reported in the following table. One should keep in mind that the transmission of the beamline is of the order of 1% which was also calculated theoretically and confirmed experimentally. The transmission is maximised at around 500eV for the 600l/mm grating and at 700eV for 1200l/mm grating. Relative transmissions at different photon energies are shown in the figure where the 2.0 GeV spectra for different undulator gaps and harmonics and differnt monocromator gratings are plotted.

Wavelength (nm) 3.1 2.1 1.5
Photon energy (eV) 400 600 800
[ph s-1 mm-2 mrad-2(0.1%BW)-1]
4x1018 4x1018 4x1018
Coherent flux [ph s-1 (0.1%BW)-1] 4x1013 2x1013 1.5x1013
Coherent beam (%) 1 0.5 0.3


Last Updated on Monday, 23 March 2020 16:13