CiPo - Contacts

The users are encouraged to get in touch with the local contacts to discuss all issues regarding the experiments, their feasibility. Advice and feedback on both scientific and technical matters will be provided.

Nicola Zema (coordinator)
Tel. +39 040 375 8566/8074 or +39 06 49934141
Web Site:

Stefano Turchini (scientist in charge) 
Tel. +39 040 375 8566/8074 or +39 06 49934160
Web Site:

Daniele Catone (scientist in charge)
Tel. +39 040 375 8566/8074 or +39 06 49934057
Web Site:

Sandro Rinaldi (technician)
Tel. +39 040 375 8566/8074 or +39 06 49934170

Giorgio Contini (collaborator)
Tel. +39 06 49934139
Web Site:


Useful Numbers

Elettra Control Room   User Office  
Line 1: +39 040 375 8262 Michela Bassanese: +39 040 375 8628
Line 2: +39 040 375 8263 Letizia Pierandrei: +39 040 375 8538
    Ornela Zulma De Giacomo: +39 040 375 8534
CiPo Beamline   Entrance Gate  
Line 1: +39 040 375 8566 Line 1: +39 040 375 8247
Line 2: +39 040 375 xxxx    

Shipping Parcels

In the case you need to send equipment or samples to the CiPo beamline, please follow the instructions below. The name of the addressee (yourself or the local contact) should be clearly written on the parcel and on the delivery note accompanying it. It has to be noted that the costs of transportation (including return), insurance, taxes and customs must be paid in advance by the user affiliation. Please, write down the address in the following format.

c/o Elettra
Strada Statale 14, in AREA Science Park
34149 Basovizza, Trieste

Last Updated on Friday, 28 February 2025 14:25