BaDElPh Highlights
- BaDElPh Highlights
- Ferrimagnetism in graphene
- Anomalies at the DP in graphene
- CDW & Kondo effect in a Dirac semimetal
- QWS on bilayer graphene
- Flat band in graphene
- Antiferromagnetic TI
- MoS2 on Gr/Ir(111)
- EAL of low-energy electrons in solids
- SC in few-monolayer MgB2
- SOC induced gap in graphene
- Li-doped black phosphorous
- Rashba coupling amplification in BaNiS2
- High-quality graphene
- EPC and SC in graphene
- Surface-enhanced CDW in UD Bi(2201)
- Origin of electron accumulation in In2O3
- Impurity state in H-Graphene
- Gap and orbital character in Ba(FeCo)2As2
- Surface-umklapp at an organic-metal interface
- Quasiparticles at the Mott transition in V2O3
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High quality MoS2 monolayers on graphene/Ir(111)
Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) reveals no hybridization between electronic states of graphene and MoS2 monolayer grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), through coevaporation of Mo and S from pyrite, on graphene/Ir(111). The valence band (VB) maximum of MoS2 appears at the K-point of the Brillouin zone consistent with monolayer MoS2, while for bilayer MoS2 the VB maximum is at the Γ point. The splitting of the VB at the MoS2 K-point due to spin–orbit interaction is clearly seen in the high resolution scan shown in the inset of the figure. The fit to the energy distribution curve from a cut through the MoS2 K-point reveals a band splitting due to spin–orbit coupling (SOC) of 144 meV. Interestingly, graphene is more hole doped than it was before MoS2 growth, the Dirac-point binding energy ED is evaluated to be at −0.25 eV compared to −0.1 eV in the pristine case. Notably, ARPES does not show any hybridization |
between MoS2 and graphene bands which supports the idea that MoS2 is weakly interacting with graphene. This can explain the observed narrow photoluminescence (PL) and the absence of the expected quenching of the PL intensity on a metallic surface. Retrieve article Narrow photoluminescence and Raman peaks of epitaxial MoS2 on graphene/Ir(111) N. Ehlen, J. Hall, B.V. Senkovskiy, M. Hell, J. Li, A. Hermann, D. Smirnov, A. Fedorov, V.Yu. Voroshnin, G. Di Santo, L. Petaccia, T. Michely, A. Grüneis, 2D Mater. 6, 011006 (2019). doi: 10.1088/2053-1583/aaebd3 This work was selected as an Elettra Top Story. |