BaDElPh Highlights

Flat band in heavily doped graphene


Using chemical doping via deposition of a large amount of Cs on a monolayer of graphene grown on an Ir(111) surface, a flat band right at the Fermi energy has been introduced in large samples with size >1 cm2. ARPES reveals a strong n-type doping of the graphene close to the saddle point instability. Additionally, the graphene bands are zone-folded into a 2x2 superstructure. This is in line with the observed Cs derived partially filled electron-bands, which are also observed in this 2x2 superstructure state. A flat electronic band is visible in the region of reciprocal space where Cs and graphene bands interact. Combining the experimental results with theoretical calculations, it is shown that the interaction of the doped graphene bands with the alkali metal bands from the Cs

on the surface is responsible for the flat band formation. The increased DOS could drive phase transitions and a ferromagnetic instability is predicted for this material.

Retrieve article
Origin of the flat band in heavily Cs-doped graphene
N. Ehlen, M. Hell, G. Marini, E.H. Hasdeo, R. Saito, Y. Falke, M.O. Goerbig, G. Di Santo, L. Petaccia, G. Profeta, A. Grüneis,
ACS Nano 14, 1055 (2020).
doi: 10.1021/acsnano.9b08622

This work was selected as an Elettra Top Story.

Last Updated on Monday, 30 December 2024 19:18