BaDElPh Highlights

Cs quantum wells on bilayer graphene


We have investigated the growth of a few-layer Cs quantum well on top of a bilayer graphene substrate grown on top of an Ir(111). ARPES reveals four new parabolic electronic bands centered at Γ which arise from the growth of Cs quantum wells. The Cs layers grown on the bilayer graphene substrate have an in-plane strain of 11%. Cs grows in this multi-layered way rather than clustering up, because of its low cohesive energy, favoring the adhesion to the graphene surface. Investigating the electronic structure of the resulting material, reveals the Cs quantum wells to be good approximations of 2D free electron gases. In the future, Cs could be used in electronic structure engineering, and could act as a buffer layer to grow other metals on top, establishing a method to form interfaces

between van-der-Waals layered materials and metallic thin sheets.

Retrieve article
Massive and massless charge carriers in an epitaxially strained alkali metal quantum well on graphene
M. Hell, N. Ehlen, G. Marini, Y. Falke, B.V. Senkovskiy, C. Herbig, C. Teichert, W. Jolie, T. Michely, J. Avila, G. Di Santo, D.M. de la Torre, L. Petaccia, G. Profeta, A. Grüneis,
Nat. Commun. 11, 1340 (2020).
doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-15130-1

This work was selected as an Elettra Top Story.

Last Updated on Monday, 30 December 2024 19:18