BaDElPh Highlights
- BaDElPh Highlights
- Ferrimagnetism in graphene
- Anomalies at the DP in graphene
- CDW & Kondo effect in a Dirac semimetal
- QWS on bilayer graphene
- Flat band in graphene
- Antiferromagnetic TI
- MoS2 on Gr/Ir(111)
- EAL of low-energy electrons in solids
- SC in few-monolayer MgB2
- SOC induced gap in graphene
- Li-doped black phosphorous
- Rashba coupling amplification in BaNiS2
- High-quality graphene
- EPC and SC in graphene
- Surface-enhanced CDW in UD Bi(2201)
- Origin of electron accumulation in In2O3
- Impurity state in H-Graphene
- Gap and orbital character in Ba(FeCo)2As2
- Surface-umklapp at an organic-metal interface
- Quasiparticles at the Mott transition in V2O3
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Anomalies at the Dirac point in graphene
We have studied the band structure of epitaxially grown graphene on SiC and its hole-doped compositions by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) and density functional theory (DFT). Linearly s- and p-polarized ARPES reveal the dispersive Dirac bands within the anomalous regime which was hidden due to the finite momentum broadening and the proximity of the bands near the Dirac point. No energy gap is observed at the K point of the Brillouin zone even after boron substitution up to 5% indicating that the gap, if there is any, is below the detection level. The similar scenario near the Dirac point in the doped and undoped cases manifests the robustness of the protection of internal symmetries in the studied doping regime. The band renormalization is found to become more prominent with the increase in hole doping. |
These results suggest graphene on SiC as a platform for a new paradigm where properties (mobility, density, etc.) of the Dirac fermions can be tuned significantly to realize exotic science and advanced technology. Retrieve article Anomalies at the Dirac point in graphene and its hole-doped compositions A. Pramanik, S. Thakur, B. Singh, P. Willke, M. Wenderoth, H. Hofsäss, G. Di Santo, L. Petaccia, K. Maiti, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 166401 (2022). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.166401 This work was selected as an Elettra Top Story. |