NOTE: The information contained in this page is taken from the website: www.wfl.elettra.eu
General Properties | |
Beamline Energy Resolution | 0.006 [eV] @ 44 [eV] 0.35 [eV] @ 1650 [eV] 0.025 [eV] @ 500 [eV] |
Beamline Resolving Power | 6.6 * 103 [E/deltaE] @ 870 [eV] 1.5 * 104 [E/deltaE] @ 530 [eV] 1.2 * 104 [E/deltaE] @ 400 [eV] 1.2 * 104 [E/deltaE] @ 90 [eV] 1.6 * 104 [E/deltaE] @ 50 [eV] 5.5 * 103 [E/deltaE] @ 1650 [eV] |
Beamline Energy Range | 44 - 1650 [eV] |
Max Flux On Sample | 5 * 1012 [ph/s] @ 125 [eV] 2 * 1011 [ph/s] @ 1000 [eV] 6 * 1011 [ph/s] @ 1500 [eV] |
Spot Size On Sample Hor | 250 - 350 [um] |
Spot Size On Sample Vert | 10 - 350 [um] 25 - 350 [um] |
Divergence Hor | 0.5 [urad] |
Divergence Vert | 0.1 [urad] |
Angle Of Incidence Light On Sample Value | 5 - 90 [degrees] |
Control And Data Analysis | |
Control Software Type | Labview (for XAS/XMCD/XES/time resolved XAS) and SES for Scienta3000 (XPS) |
Data Output Type | spectra and images |
Data Output Format | ascii, txt, pxp, bin, Igor format |
Softwares For Data Analysis | in-house developed Igor Pro procedures and in-house developed Labview procedures, KolXPD |
NOTE: the Photon flux is calculated at the maximum resolving power achievable with entrance and exit slit width set to 10 micrometer.
A further grating (SG4) provides 10 times higher flux in the same conditions (but lower resolution).
Since BACH employs two different undulators for different energy ranges, the user must select properly the undulator to work with. Important Note: the two undulators cannot be used simultaneously!!! When one of them is in use (gap below 100 mm) the other must be at the maximum gap (100 mm) and zero phase and zero tapering. If both gaps are below 100 mm a beam dump will occur and all beamlines will loose the beam!
High Energy Undulator
Type | Undulator |
Available Polarization | Linear horizontal, Linear vertical, Elliptical, Circular |
Variable Polarization | Yes |
Source Divergence Sigma | X = 0.5 [urad], Y = 0.1 [urad] |
Source Size Sigma | X = 240 [um], Y = 50 [um] |
Energy Range | 175 - 1650 [eV] |
Number Of Periods | 44 |
Period | 48.36 [mm] |
Low Energy Undulator
Type | Undulator |
Available Polarization | Linear horizontal, Linear vertical, Elliptical, Circular |
Variable Polarization | Yes |
Source Divergence Sigma | X = 0.5 [urad], Y = 0.1 [urad] |
Source Size Sigma | X = 240 [um], Y = 50 [um] |
Energy Range | 22 - 600 [eV] |
Total Power | 200 [W] |
Number Of Periods | 27 |
Period | 77.36 [mm] |
8.1 (High Energy) | From 175 eV-1650 eV |
First harmonic:175 eV-730 eV LH: 177 eV-746 eV (gap19-gap50mm) LV: ~367-780 (gap19-gap50mm) CP: ~290-770 (gap19-gap50mm) |
2.0 GeV |
First harmonic:247 eV-1030 eV LH: ~247 eV-1074 eV (gap19-gap50mm) LV: ~528-1100 eV (gap19-gap40mm) CP: ~418-1119 eV (gap19-gap50mm) |
2.4 GeV | ||
8.2 (Low Energy) | From 35/42 eV to more than 600 eV |
First harmonic (highest flux):35* eV-440 eV *The lower Limit is dependent on the polarization and it is actually limited to 35 eV by the monochromator. LH: 16-20 eV (estimated)-140 eV LV: 43 eV-325 eV Circ: 30 eV-270 eV |
2.0 GeV |
First harmonic (highest flux):42 eV-620 eV *The lower Limit is dependent on the polarization. LH: 30 eV (estimated)-200 eV LV: 61 eV-470 eV Circ: 44 eV-385 eV |
2.4 GeV |
Monochromator BACH
Energy Range | 44 - 1650 [eV] |
Type | VASGM |
Resolving Power | 12000 [E/deltaE] @ 90 [eV] 6600 [E/deltaE] @ 867 [eV] |
Number Of Gratings | 4 |
Grating Type | spherical gratings |
Pre-focusing Mirror Type | plane mirror |
SG1 | 44 eV-349 eV (35 eV-42 eV available under special request) | high resolving power: 20000-6000 | flux>1011 |
SG2 | 158 eV-597 eV | high resolving power: 20000-6000 | flux>1011 |
SG3 | 491 eV-1650 eV | high resolving power: 15000-5000 | flux>1011 |
SG4 | 301 eV-1650 eV | medium resolving power: 10000-2000 |
flux>1012 |
Cryomagnet 6T XMCD
Description | Currently NOT AVAILABLE to users. If interested for a long-term project please contact us. XAS (X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy) in total eletron yield (drain current) and total fluorescence yield (photodiode), XMCD (X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism) and X(M)LD [X-ray (Magnetic) Linear Dichroism] under high magnetic fields (superconducting magnet) and at variable temperature 1.8 K-340 K. Optical ports for laser in-laser out. A surface preparation and sample growth facility is in preparation. UHV environment. |
Spectrometer | Total electron yield drain current -6.5 to +6.5 Tesla superconducting magnet 1.8 K-340 K cryostat |
Base Pressure | 5 * 10-10 [mbar] |
Sample | |
Sample Type | Crystal, Amorphous |
Manipulator or Sample stage | |
Manipulator |
Multispectroscopy XPS/ARPES/XAS/XES
Description | PES (Photoelectron Spectroscopy), automatic ResPES (Resonant Photoemission Spectroscopy), VUV and soft x ray ARPES (Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy), Temperature-programmed PES, XAS (X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy) in total electron yield (both drain current and a channeltron are available), partial electron yield (using the electron analyzer), total fluorescence yield (MCP), partial fluorescence yield (using the fluorescence grating spectrometer), XMCD (X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism) in remanence, X(M)LD [X-ray (Magnetic) Linear Dichroism] in remanence, SXES (Soft X-ray Emission Spectroscopy) and inelastic scattering spectroscopy RXES (Resonant X-ray Emission Spectroscopy), Low Energy Electron diffraction (LEED), Surface preparation and sample growth facilities. Variable sample temperature 120 K - 1300 K (sample temperature down to 50 K possible with LHe cooling). Optical ports for laser in-laser out. UHV environment. Currently used also for pump-probe time resolved XAS in total fluorescence yield. Sample cell for fluoresce yield measurements in liquid environment. | ||||||||
Microscopes | Not available at the beamline. However an ex situ microscope facilities are available upon request. | ||||||||
Spectrometer | 1) Scienta3000 hemispherical electron energy analyzer for angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (energy resolution better that 3 meV and angular resolution better than 0.5°, quick acquisition mode to perform fast photoemission with 300 msec total acquisition time per spectrum. The same instrument can be used to acquire core levels, work function, VUV to soft x ray ARPES, automatic energy dependent ARPES, Partial Yield XAS (secondary or Auger electrons), together with the drain current from the sample (TEY), automatic resonant photoemission and temperature-programmed photoemission 2) ComIXS fluorescence spectrometer with grating for x-ray emission spectroscopy and partial fluorescence yield spectroscopy and medium resolution (~1 eV at 800 eV)- (ask if operative) 3) Channeltron and MCP (ask if available/installed) 4) Keithleys (428 and 6430) for drain current x-ray absorption spectroscopy 5) Ultrafast MCP for total fluorescence yield time-resolved x-ray absorption spectroscopy | ||||||||
Base Pressure | 2 * 10-10 [mbar] | ||||||||
Detectors Available | fast MCP Drain Current | ||||||||
Endstation Operative | Yes | ||||||||
Sample | |||||||||
Sample Type | Crystal, Amorphous | ||||||||
Other Sample Type | liquid (after contacting beamline scientist about feasibility) | ||||||||
Mounting Type | clamps, epoxy glue, silver paint, carbon tape... | ||||||||
Required Sample Size | X = 5000 [um], Y = 2000 [um], Z = 1000 [um] | ||||||||
Techniques usage | |||||||||
Absorption / NEXAFS | TEY (drain current),PEY (secondary electrons measured by the Scienta analyser) , AEY (Auger electrons measured by the Scienta analyser), TFY (photon out measured by the MCP) ,PFY (energy resolved photon out by the ComIXS-currently not available to users) | ||||||||
Absorption / Time-resolved studies | Optical excitation of the sample is done by laser pulses (synchronized to either hybrid or multi bunch SR pulses), and probing is performed by time-delayed synchrotron radiation pulses. | ||||||||
Absorption / XMCD | In Remanenece after in situ magnetization with a permanent magnet of 0.5-1T or a variable magnetic field from 0 to 1 kGauss | ||||||||
Emission or Reflection / X-ray fluorescence (XRF) | ComiX spectromenter http://www.elettra.trieste.it/lightsources/elettra/elettra-beamlines/bach/bach-endstations/page-8.html?showall= | ||||||||
Photoelectron emission / Angular Resolved PES | VUV and SOFT-X RAY ARPES from 44eV to 1650 eV. Energy dependent ARPES with automatic control of the energy in the sequence Energy resolution better that 3 meV and angular resolution better than 0.5°, quick acquisition mode to perform fast photoemission with 300 msec total acquisition time per spectrum http://www.elettra.trieste.it/lightsources/elettra/elettra-beamlines/bach/scienta3000.html | ||||||||
Photoelectron emission / Photoelectron diffraction | Energy dependent PhD with automatic control of the energy in the sequence or Polar angle scans | ||||||||
Photoelectron emission / UPS | Shallow core levels and angle resolved valence band. Energy dependent measurements with automatic control of the energy in the sequence Work function measurements. | ||||||||
Photoelectron emission / XPS | Core levels. Resonant photoemission or energy dependent measurements with automatic control of the energy in the sequence. Temperature-programmed XPS. Quick acquisition mode to perform fast photoemission with 300 msec total acquisition time per spectrum | ||||||||
Scattering / Inelastic scattering | Medium-resolution soft x-ray RIXS. Currently not available to users. | ||||||||
Manipulator or Sample stage | |||||||||
Manipulator |
| ||||||||
Sample Environment | |||||||||
Main XPS Chamber Environment |
| ||||||||
Preparation chamber Environment |
| ||||||||
Sample Holders | |||||||||
Direct current heating sample holder |
| ||||||||
E-Beam sample holder | |||||||||
Omicron-plate compatibe sample holder |
| ||||||||
PBN sample holderXL25HC: Heat and Cool block |
| ||||||||
PBN sample holder XL25VH: very hot block |
| ||||||||
Magnetic Fields |
Preparation Chamber
Description | crystal cleaver Scraper - diamond file / cleaver Ar+/Ne+ ion sputtering system 1 Leak Valve 2-degree-of-freedom (theta, z) manipulator (continuous annealing up to 700 K, flash up to 1400 K) Electro Magnet for in-plane magnetization at room temperature from 0 to 1 kGauss Ports for user evaporators, including a retractable port with gate valve for fast mounting Pressure gauge and Residual Gas Analyser . p<3x10-10 mbar |
Spectrometer | RGA |
Base Pressure | 2 * 10-10 [mbar] |
Endstation Operative | Yes |
Sample | |
Sample Type | Crystal, Amorphous |
Time-resolved XAS
Description | The experimental setup of the BRANCH A can also combine Laser and Synchrotron Radiation (SR) in order to study the dynamics of the photo-induced excited states of electronic and magnetic systems with pump-probe time-resolved x-ray absorption spectroscopy. Elettra Synchrotron radiation source provide radiation pulse widths sufficiently short to investigate dynamic processes in the time between 70 ps up to 0.5 μs. Typically, optical excitation of the sample is done by laser pulses (synchronized to either hybrid or multi bunch SR pulses), and probing is performed by time-delayed synchrotron radiation pulses. |
Spectrometer | Fluorescence yield ultrafast MCP Hamamatsu, response time =100 ps |
Base Pressure | 1 * 10-10 [mbar] |
Detectors Available | ComIXS Fluorescence Spectrometer Scienta3000 Electron Analyser fast MCP Drain Current |
Sample | |
Sample Type | Crystal, Amorphous, Liquid |
ComIXS Fluorescence Spectrometer
Type | Fluorescence CCD spectrometer with grating |
Pixel Size | X = 12.5 [um], Y = 12.5 [um] |
Array Size | X = 2048 [pixel], Y = 2048 [pixel] |
Passive or Active (Electronics) | Active |
Detection | |
Detected Particle | Electron |
Drain Current
Type | Total Electron Yield Drain Current for NEXAFS |
Description | Measurement of the drain current is performed by a 428 Keithley electrometer (from pA to nA) |
Passive or Active (Electronics) | Active |
Detection | |
Detected Particle | Electron |
fast MCP
Type | Fluorescence yield ultrafast response MCP |
Description | Ultrafast MCP-Hamamatsu detector |
Time Resolved | Yes |
Passive or Active (Electronics) | Active |
Detection | |
Detected Particle | Electron |
Scienta3000 Electron Analyser
Type | Electron hemispherical analyser SCIENTA R3000 |
Time Resolved | Yes |
Passive or Active (Electronics) | Active |
Detection | |
Detected Particle | Electron |

1) Transmission or Angle resolved photoemission from 35-44eV to 1650eV with circular, linear horizontal or linear vertical polarization2) Partial/Auger Electron Yield (CFS)
3) Resonant Photoemission (CIS)
4) Series of measurements (i.e. core levels at different photon energies, series of resonant photoemission, temperature programmed XPS) can be run automatically.

Off-Line Tools and Facilities
Tool/Instrument | Specifications | Location |
Hot Plate |
50° C-500° C Max Load 5 kg. Max dim. 200x200 mm. |
On the table between BACH acquisition room and LASER hutch |
Ultrasonic Cleaning Machine | On the table between BACH acquisition room and LASER hutch | |
Electrical conductive UHV compatible silver epoxy, silver paint and insulating glues | BACH chemical cabinet | |
UHV compatible Carbon, Kapton and Copper tape; Several sample Clamps | BACH acquisition room | |
Hot gun | ||
N2 gas line | close to the LASER hutch | |
Water cooling circuits | close to the LASER hutch | |
Electric Drill | Black box in the cabinet between BACH acquisition room and LASER hutch | |
Diamond Files, Sample preparation tools | BACH acquisition room | |
Pyrometer (reads above 300° C ) | Cabinet or Main Chamber area | |
UHV Thickness monitor | Sycon Instruments STM-100/MF | (it can be mounted on the preparation chamber) |
Vacuum sample storage box | Table close to the monochromator | |
Electromagnet (OFFLINE!) | up to ~2 Tesla | |
Magnetic coil in the prep chamber | variable field up to 1 kGauss | inside the preparation UHV chamber |
Evaporators | http://www.elettra.trieste.it/lightsources/elettra/elettra-beamlines/bach/bach-endstations/page-6.html?showall= | |
Sample holders (http://www.elettra.trieste.it/lightsources/elettra/elettra-beamlines/bach/bach-endstations/page-5.html?showall=) |
2 standard VG XL25VH 3 home-made sample carriers for heating by filament (for radiative sample heating up to 500° C or electron bombardment) (1 currently lended)
1 home-made sample carriers for heating by direct current up to 10 A (e.g. Si, Ge, SiC) |
Last Updated on Tuesday, 28 May 2019 17:39