Giovanni Sostero Award in X-ray Metrology and Optics
Established in 2012 by Dr. Sostero's colleagues – Daniele Cocco, Mourad Idir, and Marco Zangrando – the award recognizes the most influential and distinguished scientist in the field of X-ray metrology and optics.
The inaugural presentation took place at the MEADOW workshop in Trieste (2013) and has been supported by Elettra SincrotroneTrieste ever since.
2024 François Polack For his continuous efforts in the innovation and promotion of the x-ray optics field together with his mentoring and support activity. |
2022 Kazuto Yamauchi For outstanding contributions to the science and technology of the production and metrology of ultra-precision x-ray optics. |
2018 Shinan Qian For the original contribution to profilometry, the succeeding improvements implemented in the LTP and the great support given to other laboratories. |
2015 Frank Siewert For having pushed the limit of X-ray metrology to unprecedented level and for his collaborative and constructive support to the international community. |
2013 Peter Z. Takacs For his outstanding and pioneering achievements that have greatly contributed to the formation and development of the community. |
Ultima modifica il Venerdì, 20 Settembre 2024 10:01