In this page, the entire FERMI Users Community, and in particular the potential new users, will find an overview of the FEL machine and beamline developments, oriented towards offering new experimental performances and/or configurations. Some of them are in the early stages, others have come to the desired maturity and reliablility, and all are devoted to enrich the experimental opportunities available at FERMI.
All users are invited to express their interest and to propose new programs exploiting these new features.
Configurations ready to be implemented for the users
Generation and use of ultra-short laser and FEL light pulses with orbital angular momentum
Optical vortices are helically phased light beams with a field dependence of exp(ilφ), where l is the topological charge and φ the azimuthal coordinate in the plane perpendicular to the beam propagation.
Super Radiance
The typical time duration of the light pulses produced at FERMI is in the range 20-90 fs. This property, being derived by an external seed laser, allows FERMI to be easily synchronized with femtosecond accuracy to an external reference and to have a good longitudinal coherence, therefore making this facility a valuable tool for time resolved experiments.
Generation of FEL pulses in the water window and beyond (up to ~800eV)

Although the shortest wavelength actually delivered to user experiments by FERMI operating in High Gain Harmonic Generation mode is about 4 nm, it has been recently demonstrated that pulses with a high degree of longitudinal coherence (first and second order) covering the water window and extending up to 790 eV can be generated ...
Configurations with proven experiments, needing further reliability tests
Spatially Separated crossed polarized FEL pulses

The FERMI team have recently demonstrated the possibility to generate spatially separated light pulses with parallel and crossed linear polarizations (SSPPU and SSXPU) in the extreme ultraviolet range.
Configurations needing further proof-of-principle experiments
Chirped Pulse Amplification

The FERMI team and collaborators have already demonstrated the feasibility of recompressing chirped free-electron (FEL) laser pulses in the extreme ultraviolet range.
In optical conventional lasers, chirped pulse amplification (CPA) became, in the early 80’s, a revolutionary technique, allowing the generation of extremely powerful femtosecond pulses in the infrared and visible spectral ranges.
Ultima modifica il Lunedì, 05 Dicembre 2022 16:18