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Time resolved core resonant magneto-optical polarization spectroscopy
A relatively recent innovation in the field of magneto-X-ray spectroscopies is core resonant magneto-optical polarization spectroscopy, which offers comprehensive information on the full polarization state of light after interacting with a sample. Techniques such as X-ray Faraday effect, X-ray L-MOKE (Longitudinal Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect), and X-ray Voigt effect fall within this category. Unlike conventional absorption or intensity measurements, polarization analysis provides additional insights into the phase of monochromatic light, complementing intensity data.
The Kerr/Faraday effect is observed when linearly polarized light is decomposed into two circularly polarized waves with opposite helicities. As these waves transmit through a magnetized sample, a phase shift occurscausing the polarization plane to rotate (Faraday rotation) and the polarization to become elliptical. A complete polarization analysis determines the polarization ellipse (illustrated at the top), offering a more comprehensive understanding of the light-sample interaction and the underlying material properties.
Yamamoto et al. Phys. Rev, B 89, 064423 (2014)
(a) Element-resolved relative change in sample reflectivity as a function of time delay between the optical pump pulse and the FEL probe pulse, tuned to the Ni M2,3 (67 eV) and Fe M2,3 (55 eV) edges, respectively.
(b) Element-resolved Kerr rotation of light polarization as a function of photon energy (solid lines serve as visual guides).
(c) Demagnetization signals observed at the Ni and Fe M2,3 edges.
(d) Element-resolved unpumped magnetic hysteresis data.
Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 04 Maggio 2023 09:27