Strong-field quantum control in the extreme ultraviolet domain using pulse shaping

The extending spectro-temporal pulse shaping to the short-wavelength regime promises the quantum control of matter on unprecedented short time scales and with chemical sensitivity. In this study, a key step towards this development has been successfully demonstrated. F. Richter et al. Nature, 636, 337 (2024).


The quantum control of strong-field processes
at short wavelengths has not been possible,
so far, because of the lack of pulse-shaping
technologies in the extreme ultraviolet (XUV)
and X-ray domain. Here, exploiting pulse shaping
of the seeded free-electron laser (FEL) FERMI,
we demonstrate the strong-field quantum control
of ultrafast Rabi dynamics in helium atoms
with high fidelity.

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F. Richter, U. Saalmann, E. Allaria, M. Wollenhaupt, B. Ardini, A. Brynes, C. Callegari, G. Cerullo, M. Danailov, A. Demidovich, K. Dulitz, R. Feifel, M. Di Fraia, S. D. Ganeshamandiram, L. Giannessi, N. Gölz, S. Hartweg, B. von Issendorff, T. Laarmann, F. Landmesser, Y. Li, M. Manfredda, C. Manzoni, M. Michelbach, A. Morlok, M. Mudrich, A. Ngai, I. Nikolov, N. Pal, F. Pannek, G. Penco, O. Plekan, K. C. Prince, G. Sansone, A. Simoncig, F. Stienkemeier, R. J. Squibb, P. Susnjar, M. Trovò, D. Uhl, B. Wouterlood, M. Zangrando, L. Bruder.
Nature, 636,   337   (2024) doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-08209-y 
Ultima modifica il Mercoledì, 22 Gennaio 2025 13:53