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XRD2 Info for Users
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Samples for XRD2 experiments
In order to maximize the survival of your samples, please take into account these instructions.
If you are using caps with barcodes, we recommend to use the ones with a white background as they don't rust, last longer and are easier to read (see figure)
Unipucks are compatible with our sample changer.
If you bring ESRF pucks (samples in vials), we will help you transfer your samples into Unipucks. Please let us know in advance so we make sure we have enough unipucks available for you. Our dewar can accommodate 12 pucks at the time. We recommend that you use the barcode (number) to identify your puck which enable us to quickly locate the right one with your samples.
Pin length should be 22 mm total height (from the bottom of the base to the tip of the loop). All the transfer parameters and auto-alignment procedures are set for this length. Having longer or shorter pins might result in your sample being out of the field of view or worse, out of the cryostream.
Pins: our double-gripper perform best with the spine pins.
Even thought we expect most of our experiments to be performed at 100K, we can accommodate capillaries for room temperature measurements. We do not support tray screening yet.



ESRF Spine-Style
(Must be moved to Unipucks on-site)
Form for samples: upload samples list to SynchWeb!
You need to provide us with a form describing your samples and their location in the containers (pucks). This step is done at your home institution via a web interface, SynchWeb
Ultima modifica il Venerdì, 19 Aprile 2024 08:46