Publications from Xpress beamline
Pagina 4 di 10
- Compressibility, Phase Transition, and Argon Insertion in the Siliceous Zeolite Mobil-Twelve at High Pressure
Paliwoda D., Fabbiani M., Gil Alabarse F., Hermet P., Rouquette J., Di Renzo R., Haines J.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 126 - 5, pp. 2877-2884 (2022)
doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.1c10054 (Journal Article) - Differing pressure response of lattice structure in LaTMSb2 (TM = Au or Ag) ternary antimonides.
Lingannan G., Joseph B., Kuo C. N., Lue C. S., Vajeeston P., Sonachalam A.
Bulletin of Materials Science, Vol. 45 - 4, p. 189 (2022)
doi: 10.1007/s12034-022-02778-2 (Journal Article) - Enhanced Stability of the Metal–Organic Framework MIL-101(Cr) by Embedding Pd Nanoparticles for Densification through Compression
Celeste A., Capitani F., Fertey P., Paolone A., Borondics F., Grad O., Blanita G., Zlotea C.
ACS Applied Nano Materials, Vol. 5 - 3, pp. 4196-4203 (2022)
doi: 10.1021/acsanm.2c00136 (Journal Article) - Entanglement between Muon and I > 1/2 Nuclear Spins as a Probe of Charge Environment
Bonfà P., Frassineti J., Wilkinson J.M., Prando G., Isah M. M., Wang C., Spina T., Joseph B., Mitrović V. F., Renzi R., Blundell S. J., Sanna S.
Physical Review Letters, Vol. 129 - 9, p. 097205 (2022)
doi: 10.1103/physrevlett.129.097205 (Journal Article) - Equations of State and Crystal Structures of KCaPO4, KSrPO4, and K2Ce(PO4)2 under High Pressure: Discovery of a New Polymorph of KCaPO4
Errandonea D., Achary S. N., Diaz-Anichtchenko D., Bandiello E., Marqueño T., Shukla R., Tyagi A. K., Popescu C., Gil Alabarse F.
Crystal Growth & Design, Vol. 23 - 4, pp. 2782-2794 (2022)
doi: 10.1021/acs.cgd.2c01547 (Journal Article) - Estrutura eletrônica, transformações estruturais, metaestabilidade e magnetoresistividade linear na série AAl2Si2 (A = Ca, Sr, Ba): a influência da pressão química e hidrostática
Strikos S.
(Thesis) - High-Pressure Synthesis of 1D Low-Bandgap Polymers Embedded in Diamond-like Carbon Nanothreads
Romi S., Fanetti S., Gil Alabarse F., Bini R, Santoro M.
Chemistry of Materials, Vol. 34 - 5, pp. 2422-2428 (2022)
doi: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.1c04453 (Journal Article) - High-Pressure, High-Temperature Synthesis of Nanostructured Polydiphenylbutadiyne Confined in the 1-Dimensional Pores of Single Crystal AlPO4-54
Fabbiani M., Romi S., Gil Alabarse F., Celeste A., Capitani F., Borondics F., Sandt C., Contreras S., Konczewicz L., Rouquette J., Santoro M., Haines J.
CrystEngComm, Vol. 24 - 40, pp. 7109-7117 (2022)
doi: 10.1039/D2CE00938B (Journal Article) - High-pressure and high-temperature structure and equation of state of Na3Ca2La(CO3)5 burbankite
Milani S., Sparta D., Fumagalli P., Joseph B., Borghes R., Chenda V., Maurice J., Bais G., Merlini M.
European Journal of Mineralogy, Vol. 34 - 3, pp. 351-358 (2022)
doi: 10.5194/ejm-34-351-2022 (Journal Article) - Highly active and stable Co (Co3O4)_Sm2O3 nano-crystallites derived from Sm2Co7 and SmCo5 intermetallic compounds in NH3 synthesis and CO2 conversion
Marakatti, V.S., Ronda-Lloret, M., Krajčí, M., Joseph B., Marini C., Delgado, J.J., Devred F., Shiju N.R., Gaigneaux E.M.
Catalysis Science and Technology, Vol. 12 - 2, pp. 686-706 (2022)
doi: 10.1039/D1CY01956B (Journal Article) - Monoclinic-Triclinic Phase Transition Induced by Pressure in Fergusonite-type YbNbO4
Garg A.B., Liang A., Errandonea E., Rodríguez-Hernández P., Muñoz A.
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Vol. 34 - 17, p. 2422 (2022)
doi: 10.1088/1361-648X/ac5202 (Journal Article) - Nanoscale inhomogeneity of charge density waves dynamics in La2−xSrxNiO4
Campi G., Bianconi A., Joseph B., Mishra S.K., Müller L., Zozulya A., Nugroho A.A., Roy S., Sprung M., Ricci A.
Scientific Reports, Vol. 12 - 1, 15964 (2022)
Kannan M.
(Thesis) - Phase Transitions, Local Structure and Anomalous Hall Effect in Ni-Mn-based Magnetic Shape Memory Alloys and Related Systems
Singh A.K.
(Thesis) - Preparation of Confined One-Dimensional Boron Nitride Chains in the 1-D Pores of Siliceous Zeolites under High-Pressure, High-Temperature Conditions
Paliwoda D., Fabbiani M., Wynn M., Gil Alabarse F., Rosenthal A., Crichton W., Konczewicz L., Bockowski M., Maurin D., Michel T., Demirci U. B., Rouquette J., Hermet P., Renzo F., Lee A., Cassabois G., Bernard S., Haines J.
Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 61 - 45, pp. 18059-18066 (2022)
doi: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.2c02430 (Journal Article) - Pressure driven phase transitions in honeycomb Fe4Nb2O9: A possible re-entrant multiferroic behavior
Sahu M., Ghosh B., Jana R., Cheng J., Mukherjee G.D.
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 131 - 8, p. 084101 (2022)
doi: 10.1063/5.0083331 (Journal Article) - Pressure induced Topological and Topological Crystalline Insulators
Vincent R., Manjón F. J., Narayana C.
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Vol. 34 - 42, p. 423001 (2022)
doi: 10.1088/1361-648X/ac8906 (Journal Article) - Pressure induced isostructural phase transition in biskyrmion host hexagonal MnNiGa
Singh A.K., Devi P., Jena A. K., Modanwal U., Lee S-C., Bhattacharjee S., Joseph B., Singh S.
Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters, Vol. 16 - 7, p. 2200057 (2022)
doi: 10.1002/pssr.202200057 (Journal Article) - Pressure response of decylammonium-containing 2D iodide perovskites
Morana M., Chiara R., Joseph B., Shiell T. B., Strobel T. A., Coduri M., Accorsi G., Tuissi A., Simbula A., Pitzalis F., Mura A., Bongiovanni G., Malavasi L.
iScience, Vol. 25 - 4, p. 104057 (2022)
doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2022.104057 (Journal Article) - Pressure-Induced Structural Behavior of Orthorhombic Mn3(VO4)2: Raman Spectroscopic and X-ray Diffraction Investigations
Kesari S., Garg A.B., Clemens O., Joseph B., Rao R.
ACS Omega, Vol. 7 - 3, pp. 3099-3108 (2022)
doi: 10.1021/acsomega.1c06590 (Journal Article) - Pressure-enhanced superconductivity in cage-type quasiskutterudite Sc5Rh6Sn18 single crystal
Lingannan G., Joseph B., Sundaramoorthy M., Kuo C. N., Lue C. S., Arumugam S.
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Vol. 34 - 24, p. 245601 (2022)
doi: 10.1088/1361-648X/ac61b6 (Journal Article) - Pressure-induced emission enhancement and bandgap narrowing: Experimental investigations and first-principles theoretical simulations on the model halide perovskite Cs3Sb2Br9
Samanta D., Chaudhary S. P., Ghosh B., Bhattacharyya S., Shukla G., Mukherjee G.D.
Physical Review B, Vol. 105 - 10, p. 104103 (2022)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.105.104103 (Journal Article) - Recherche et étude de nouveaux supraconducteurs à base de FeSi
Mads M.
(Thesis) - Signature of superconducting onset in presence of large magnetoresistance in type-II Dirac semimetal candidate Ir2In8S
Malavi P., Kumar P., Jakhar N., Singh S., Karmakar S.
New Journal of Physics, Vol. 24 - 10, p. 102002 (2022)
doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/ac9802 (Journal Article) - Spectroscopic and Diffraction Signatures of Quantum Spin Liquids, Skyrmion Lattices and Transition Metal Dichalcogenides at Low Temperatures and High Pressures
Pal S.
(Thesis) - Stability of zeolitic imidazolate frameworks (ZIF-7) under high pressures and its implications on storage applications of ZIFs
Kesavan K., Joseph B., Narayana C.
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, Vol. 309, p. 122973 (2022)
doi: 10.1016/j.jssc.2022.122973 (Journal Article) - Strain-induced structural and electronic phase transitions in ZrSe2: high pressure X-ray diffraction and Raman studies
Ghosh B., Sahu M., Samanta D., Mukherjee G.D.
Bulletin of Materials Science, Vol. 45 - 4, p. 221 (2022)
doi: 10.1007/s12034-022-02821-2 (Journal Article) - Structural Insight of MOFsUnder Combined Mechanical and Adsorption Stimuli
Iacomi P., Gil Alabarse F., Appleyard R., Lemaire T., Thessieu C., Wang S., Serre C., Maurin G., Yot P.G.
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, Vol. 61 - 22, p. e202201924 (2022)
doi: 10.1002/anie.202201924 (Journal Article) - Structural Stability and Phase Transitions in Zeolite A: An In Situ High Pressure–High Temperature Investigation
Kariyattuparamb Abbas I., Sanjay Kumar N. R., Mahima Kumar M., Jena H.
Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 61 - 35, pp. 13792-13801 (2022)
doi: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.2c01626 (Journal Article) - Structural and electronic phase transitions in Zr1.03Se2 at high pressure
Ghosh B., Sahu M., Samanta D., Saha P., Mondal A., Mukherjee G.D.
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Vol. 106 - 10, p. 104102 (2022)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.106.104102 (Journal Article) - Synthèse propriétés hautes pressions et phases métastables des alliages
(Thesis) - Synthesis of Dendronic Raman Markers and Raman Investigations of Polarons in Lead
Halide Perovskites and Host-Guest Interactions in ZIFs
Jain P., Narayana C.
(Thesis) - Thermal expansion and compressibility of alamosite (PbSiO3) determined by in-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction
Rodrigues Da Cunha T. R., Sampaio D. V., Pena R.B., Moulton B. J. A., Lancelotti R. F., Gil Alabarse F., Rodrigues A. D., Pizani P. S.
Ceramics International, Vol. 48 - 23, pp. 34350-34354 (2022)
doi: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2022.08.012 (Journal Article) - Thermoelastic parameters of Mg-sursassite and its relevance as a water carrier in
subducting slabs
Milani S., Patrizia F., Ziberna L., Maurice J., Lotti P., Comboni D., Pagliaro F., Hanfland M., Bais G., Joseph B., Merlini M.
American Mineralogist, Vol. 107 - 9, pp. 1760-1765 (2022)
doi: 10.2138/am-2022-8034 (Journal Article) - Towards Custom Built Double Core Carbon Nanothreads by Stilbene and Pseudo-Stilbene Type Systems
Romi S., Fanetti S., Gil Alabarse F., Mio A.M., Haines J., Bini R.
Nanoscale, Vol. 14 - 12, pp. 4614-4625 (2022)
doi: 10.1039/D1NR08188H (Journal Article) - Tuning Negative Thermal Expansion in AlPO4-17 by Insertion of Guest Molecules
Gil Alabarse F., Baptiste B., Joseph B., Haines J.
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, Vol. 13 - 40, pp. 9390-9395 (2022)
doi: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.2c02718 (Journal Article) - Unusual CO2 Adsorption in ZIF-7: Insight from Raman Spectroscopy and Computational Studies
Kamali K., Prasad S., Sahoo M. K., Behera J. N., Waghmare U. V., Narayana C.
Inorganic chemistry, Vol. 61 - 30, pp. 11571-11580 (2022)
doi: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.2c00913 (Journal Article)
Ultima modifica il Lunedì, 11 Maggio 2020 15:29